
There are 21 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Franco428.

  • Hmmm.....I think you have had such a thread a long time ago. But this one is mine :) - my own ^_^. One to share with you and the public :)

    It's purpose? To hasten the release of something I fear to not see at all.

    Why do I make a thread about it instead of PMing? Cause I feel many other people would like to know the same, feel the same and want the same. So I am taking the liberty of doing this.

    You see OP, its one thing to look at all the good screenshots of your work and all the excellent video captures to make us drool some more :). But life is changing constantly, time is moving faster and we don't know how tomorrow will be.

    I have been with the CF community mostly only on forums for the past 5 years (if I'm not mistaken) and I have always closely observed every post in this forum :). Thus it brought me to this somewhat major request. Make a deadline for 1.8 to finish it and release it. But a deadline that isn't too long ;). There is 6 months of this year left and every month that goes by this same question is asked time and time again but now I understand why :).

    Because of my coming future I don't know if I will even be able to afford a pc let alone a place to live by next year January. And as each passing day goes by where I struggle to get a job, I still find time to relax on the pc or with friends at the comfort of my own room under my parents roof. But it all comes to an end and that is what people fear. That is why people ask if CF 1.8 cant release sooner. Because they know your work is excellent and that your mod will undoubtedly be fun and relaxing for many months or more to come.

    Likewise I think that much can be said about the community. Some communities even feared your work and your mod releasing because they know that its so awesome and that they most probably will be losing players to you, thus they tried to slow you down (I also think every mod has its strengths, I am just posting from their point of view)....they probably succeeded, is my guess. But, months have passed after the release of their mods and CF 1.7 still plays. No CF 1.8 yet ..... (which is why I didn't understand why they continue attacking, they failed to notice that CF1.8 would take a long time to release)

    I guess all I can say is ... look at 3D realms as an example. "it will release when it's done" .... 12 years later they are still trying...and fail to admit they cant finish it.

    I don't want to wait that long (as an example) for cf1.8 :) . Like I said I don't know if I will even live next year. No one knows, thus I ask kindly. Set a release date for before the end of this year (if possible - end of August or October). Cut things that wont make the release date out and put it in 1.9's change log instead. End the torture that I bet most other members are experiencing such as me :). Make this release date be the final and true release date.

    That is all from my side I guess, probably going to be flamed ^_^ also I am going to kick myself in the ass if you actually wanted to surprise release it next month but, by what I'm guessing, it wouldn't even reach that mark, also another reason why I made this.

    Kind Regards

  • Oh, what a useless post, no offense ... Why do you think everybody "fear" that their time of living under parent's money and etc coming to an end is the reason that ppl are asking when CF 1.8 is coming out Oo. Are you a geek so you are so dependent from your parents ?!?
    Your post sounds like "If you release the mod after reading this, you will save the world !!! " ...


  • It is one thing to request something... but another thing to do something to get it realized.
    Fact is CF1.8 will get released when I finished it and not before... its when I feel that it looks and works perfect. It is when I am sure that it is not just another FL mod but something the people can enjoy over a long period of time... something that is able to get old FL players back into the FL community... players of other games finally deciding to join FL... and existing players to get their ass back on the servers.

    I dont know anything about fears... not about the fear that other communities might have nor the fear that the players of this community have... All i know of is the hope to improve the FL quality standards and the positive results for the community.

    Why does it take so long to release this mod?
    Not because modding takes so long... it is because daily business and neccessary improvements on the community take that long. Reason for that are people with too much time but without the will to help. It is because I have to do stuff that easily could be done by the community members.

    And if you have such fears but that much time atm then go and try to invest your time in a constructive way... such as looking for a job so you dont have to worry about the future and the question if you can play the game next year. (just an advice)



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • Quote

    Originally posted by SWAT_OP-R8R
    It is when I am sure that it is not just another FL mod but something the people can enjoy over a long period of time... something that is able to get old FL players back into the FL community... players of other games finally deciding to join FL... and existing players to get their ass back on the servers.


    It's almost as if you were saying that to me...
    Anyway, I don't think anyone should rush their work.
    It just shouldn't be.
    Heck, I haven't even tried to explore the whole of CF 1.7, but I know for sure that when CF 1.8 is complete, I'll definitely come back to Freelancer.

    I've been here since Crossfire 1.5 - 2005.
    Good times.
    Maybe it's time to come back?

  • Funny that i will write here again.

    I really like(d) this mod and especially the people who play it. They were pretty helpful, you could have great fun with them. But as time goes this mod loses players slowly, you are not able to have fun with 2 ppl playing on the server...

    Now the fun fact was when You said that you would release the mod during january the servers became nearly full (30+). That was awesome. But then january arrived then february and nothing. I call this a bs. I understand that You need time I understand that this is your mod I understand that You want to give the best to the people. As I heard before You had about 5 release dates : 2008 summer, 2008 august, 2008 christmas, 2009 january, 2009 summer ( I wont search posts for this so You confute them. ). I am sorry to say this but this is a complete idiocity. Say a date that will be true or dont say anything.

    So this is the reason why I stopped playing.

    I know I will get flamed and such or maybe banned from this forum for saying my opinion but I dont care.

    I hope 1.8 will be fantastic. Now the question is whether old players will come back or not.


  • no you wont get flamed or banned
    but it is not realistic to think that a release date can be done when more and more features get requested... more and more developments in FL happen and when work that has to be done in the FL community and at SWAT have to be done.
    You shouldnt forget that CF1.8 started as a small update to CF1.7 with a few systems and a few ships and developed bit by bit into the biggest FL modding project (so far).

    It is also hard to calculate a release date when people which said they would help can not help because of personal issues or other stuff. As it already has been said... time is changing very fast and I had to react on it... even if that meant to stop working on CF and work on something SWAT related or on something that was for the good of the FL community.

    The difference between CF1.8 and some running gags such as Duke Nukeem forever is that if i want I could release CF1.8 now. You would be able to play it. But you would not be able to fly to all systems, you would not be able to play through the new quests or buy all the new ships which are finished but not included to the stations. It would be a half finished game where most of the work already has been done but you can not access it (reminds me somehow on the release of the original FL). If that is what you want you only need to say it.

    Oh and btw. we still have around 25-30 players on the server.



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • i dont understand people who refuse to play due to alterning release dates ----> thats kinda stupid.

    do you throw your tv out if there is no new available?

  • No hour, I just don't like to play alone. More and more quit IMO (experience). + the game is getting more and more stale for me because of no new content...

    PS: I dont watch TV.

  • Well I cant be here often due to occupational demands. Someone has to help pay the bills.

    Intel 2.8 Quad-Core / 8 gig OCZ gaming 1066 mhz DDR2 / BFG GTX 295 (x2) / 24" LCD 4000:1 Monitor/ Razer Copperhead / Lycera keyboard / M1 NIC , 1 Intel SSD ( OS) & 1 OCZ gaming SSD , 10k rpm Velociraptor.

    Chars: [CFPD]. , [CFPD]G1 , G1.5, G2 , G2.5

    Home System: Tarsus

    Founder of the Crossfire Police Department, ( [CFPD] ) established 2005. The first Police Department established on Crossfire.

  • i hope i understand ur hidden request


    if you


    to help


    and play 1.7


    i appreciate ur sincerity; most ppl of ur age have more or less similar probs, but have not gut to admit

    ps 2

    1.8 or 1.9 nor 2....can't must show some firmness

    @ all older then him...
    some patience can help in any situation...

    send me PM

  • Well in the past I have said that I would love to help out with something that would help the cf community out (such as forum policing or improvements), just never got any replies. And btw I did finally get a job, as stated, once I get the amount of money I want, then I shall donate some to the CF community. This is something I have always wanted to do and something I will do. As stated thought, it would be cool if the mod is released before the end of the year....a Cristmass special if you will ^_^.

    BTW - that so called fact about people leaving causes of new release dates, its all false imo. The only reason I'm not playing it atm is cause I cant get the in game font to work nicely in windows 7 :P.


  • cf1.7 is running and keeping the appetite for challenge going and no doubt a great mod, so patience has been said many times. is it not better to wait as asked and enjoy cf1.8 even better than release cf1.8 to early and you guessed it then have everyone going off about the bugs and problems.
    also some people still have lives to lead too all i can say op must have a thruster installed on him very busy patience is a reward so give it a break and wait

  • Think like this: would you rather have 1.8 sometime soon or never ever? :P
    Like OP said, the release date can't even be determined, let alone announced, And even if a date is announced, how would everyone (you, me, OP) feel, if it would be broken?

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  • eheh, it is so easy to play around with age difference you can make it explain everything but the reality shows that i am right in one way or another, throwing around with release dates is still a big no no... i have patience this is why i didnt start a thread like this one (+i wont ever get my hopes up again if i see a release date...)

    Ps: playing with age difference makes you look like an (o what obscene word should i use to not get banned..) idiot (? is it ok ? please moderate )

    let the flame begin, i was sure that i will get flamed by some of you..

  • Quote

    Originally posted by magnet
    ... let alone announced...

    Then it shouldn't be announced. The next date to finish 1.8 that was announced was the 26th of July. ;)
    Edit: Juli 26th 2009, to be precise.

    Read more about it

    One more edit: you shouldn't be surprised if you get flamed if it's you starting the flame yourself, Keli.

  • I didnt throw out release dates like you said... I have made comments about possible release dates based on the stuff that stood on the to-do list with the assumption that I would be able to work on the mod. That the freelancer community had other plans which required my attention and the changing wishes of the CF community is not calculatable.

    That being said you can not even imagine how much of the original planned features has already been removed to moved to later releases. In the end CF is still going to be 4 times bigger than the original FL and the designers from Digital Anvil had a huge team working on everything while CF is my baby.

    I dont intent to flame anybody... I just tried to explain what happend. I am not working for a gaming companie which can tell me to release my work to a fixed date. I release it when I think that it is finished. If I think that my work needs another 100 ships then ill build them even if it delays the release. That is called quality work. That is why the latest version of the mod is still that popular even 2 years after the release and this is why the Crossfire server is one of the top10 FL servers for almost 4 years meanwhile.



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • Quote

    Originally posted by FL_Freak
    Should I facepalm again :D ? :rolleyes:

    Yes. Epic facepalm :D

    <a href=""><img src="" height=480 /></a>

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