cant connect

There are 8 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by DC_Hägar.

  • hi guys

    starting FLAM (successfull)

    selecting the char i wanna play with (successfull)

    starting FL-CF via FLAM (successfull)

    downloading the files (successfull)

    starting the Game by clicking 'Multiplayer'

    selecting the option (multiplayer -> internet) (successfull)

    it shows up the server online, also the number of players, playing currently on the server

    by trying to join the server the same message appears, as the server would be down.

    no connection could be established, either network-problems, or the server did go offline.

    does anyone have any suggestions to solve the problem?
    or is just a part of the internet-connection to the host, not reachable at the time?

    this problem is there since today (in the morning)

    and it doesnt show the players online, at the swat-portal-page either. i can see ppl online, but not who is there playing currently


  • I had this thing some weeks ago too. Sometimes the version No. was appearing red in the server select table (where i didn´t changed anything).

    After a computer restart the problems was gone.

    I don´t have this problem anymore, maybe it´s a corrupt account - sry no more ideas than this atm.

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    "Sir, we are surrounded!"
    "Excellent, now we can attack in any direction."

  • i tried to restart the comp several times already..

    did close all unnecessary programs.

    but nothing seems to help.

    i still cant connect to the server
    neither can i see the players online on the

    it just shows me the number of players above the list, where the names of the currently playing ppl are supposed to appear. everything looks like the server is down.

    ' 0 players online, updated 10/07/2008-16:43:44 - Generated by Server Administration'

    but it defenitly isnt, cause there are some players online.

    yesterday everything did work out fine. just today in the morning it was messed up in that way, like it is right now .. :(

    any other suggestions?

  • If you have a corrupted account, this can happen; as when you have overloaded a "store" character with too much cash, unmounted weapons, etc. This happened to me for the firt time last week, when I disregarded my own misgivings about the size of the inventory in my secondary store. It wound up with too much $ in unmounted weapons, and had to be removed from the account, to save the rest of the ships on that account... ;(

    My rig: i3-4130 Core Duo (3.4Ghz), Gigabit GA-B85-HD3 mobo, 8Gb PC1600ram, Samsung 2x 80Gb SATA RAID, Intel Integrated graphics, 3 optical drives, 23" Asus HD monitor + peripherals

    Character names: Centaurian_Alpha & CA derivatives
    Founder: Independent Operators' Consortium (established 2006)

  • atm 9 players online
    it might be possible that a tool error (which i have fixed meanwhile) has caused a problem with the dynamic update
    like i said... possible... dunno
    if its not working tomorrow then you have to worry



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    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • well

    half of the problem is gone now.

    i can see WHO is playing online, at the webpage.

    but i still cant connect to the server. it shows up the same message.


    an overloaded char, can not be, cause my chars are mostly empty :(
    too much money?.. im not vyssotzky, am i?
    the highest ammount of money i have is about 900million.

    i still hope this problem will get fixed soon.
    cause my internetconnection works without any problems, and so does my whole computer (no spyware, viruses, or something similar)


  • i got it..

    it was a little application called 'nielson/net rating'

    whoever is in the situation, to have or to get this software on the computer, dont install it, or remove it imediatly (unless you dont want to play online)

    damn little bitches.. no information about blocking some other programs or something else.


    this topic can be closed


  • im trying to make a server shortcut with my FL.exe shortcut but i need the server IP and the port #, k thanks

    [SIZE=2]Kill 1 - you`re a killer
    Kill 100 - you`re a mass murderer
    Kill 1000 - Level Up!

  • u need to use the CF Launcher to enter the server, command line options wont work.

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    Lenin: To be is to do!
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