Welcome to the funny farm (Do wszystkich Polaków / To All POLES!)

There are 147 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by SWAT_OP-R8R.

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    Please understand that any form of "tags" must be used on all that pilots ships and if a member of a clan every ship/char owned by that pilot must use same tags as clan.

    i said that we ARE VOTING about this all. ITS NOTHING FOR SURE! EVEN CLANTAG!!!! So we will not use any unstable things! Even name is not sure. We are Brainstorming.... and this topic is only news about "The Poles are forming clan - soon more info"


    country tags are not allowed.

    so if our name will be Polish Legion so we will not able to use tag PL?


    Do NOT take pilots from other clans without the permission of the clan leader.

    When God created human from ash He gave him a free will. And that what you are saing is slavery.... ergo the Clan Members are Slaves of Clan Leader?

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    Originally posted by Gunny
    That being said, understand that every member of Crossfire has earned their place here, most are respected for contributing to Crossfire and above all we do not tolerate anyone here demanding we give them respect due to their country.

    I was talking about respect to the Nation. Not to me. To MY NATION.


    We all welcome you here and we will all help you get started, but you will have to earn your respect as a member of Crossfire, just like we all have.

    as i said you dont need to have respect for me. But THOU must have for entire NATION


    I would suggest getting to know the players here and ask questions about our rp and server. Get to know the players and their clans, develop friendship and good relations and more importantly, play fair and nicely.

    ^^ i know that mon

  • 1: I am just informing you of important rules (thats my job as a ServerPolice)

    2:If you are a clan you can use a clan tag such as PL

    3:Respect to your clan and Respect to others is important .So You dont just leave and join another,without a word.(Ive never met any clan member who was a slave,they joined of their own free will!)
    Oh yes Respect again ,funny it keeps turning up ,You want to take another clans members?
    Be polite and ask their leader ,also the pilot who wishes to leave should do so as well.
    No slavery just ... dare i say it RESPECT for others :)

    ps no need to shout :)



    This is an international community where everyone is equal and so everyone will be treated in an equal way.

    I dont care where you come from ,what language you speak,what colour you are ,who won the eurovision song contest.
    We all play Crossfire the Best FL Mod

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    Originally posted by Wavey
    1: I am just informing you of important rules (thats my job as a ServerPolice)

    thanks for that but really i am not new here....


    .So You dont just leave and join another,without a word.

    i havent said that without word but what when clan leader will not allow it aganist Pilots will?


    Oh yes Respect again ,funny it keeps turning up ,You want to take another clans members?

    i am not taking they if they want will join btw clan only stricle for Poles
    ( mean those who understand our language - even by translator)

  • Please use the full quote


    Oh yes Respect again ,funny it keeps turning up ,You want to take another clans members?
    Be polite and ask their leader ,also the pilot who wishes to leave should do so as well.

    It makes the convo completly different

  • If u try to take other clan members, well u r goint straigh to the disrespect.

    U decide. IF u BRING Pole players to the server, and create clan with them, then its ok. But i`m not sure who of the leaders here will give u his member, just cuz some1 decided to create a clan of his nation. If i want to create a clan of Bulgarians, then i should ask 40 % of IOC to leave it, also with them, hipogriff, pcforce, SHS, God of war. Thats damage to 4 clans. Better think twise before u act.

    And Gunny...good post mate.

    Proud member of the Independent Operators' Consortium ever since day 1 in Crossfire. :herz:
    In-game characters: (IOC)Tyrael, (IOC)HimejiFortress

    “The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.” Sun Tzu

  • Quote

    Originally posted by Wavey
    Please use the full quote

    It makes the convo completly different

    there are few Poles on server and everyone are making from this a big halo and Grand Thief of Members Crossfire Clans

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    U decide. IF u BRING Pole players to the server, and create clan with them, then its ok. But i`m not sure who of the leaders here will give u his member, just cuz some1 decided to create a clan of his nation. If i want to create a clan of Bulgarians, then i should ask 40 % of IOC to leave it, also with them, hipogriff, pcforce, SHS, God of war. Thats damage to 4 clans. Better think twise before u act.

    this will be open to all clan but you will need to understand Polish.... because almost everyone will speak this language... like
    btw HAYATE, AMRAAM, OSA and Hawkman are not in alny clan curently (exept me bu I asked Huor about that cause)

  • I already saw clan members nicknames in ur posts.

    Proud member of the Independent Operators' Consortium ever since day 1 in Crossfire. :herz:
    In-game characters: (IOC)Tyrael, (IOC)HimejiFortress

    “The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.” Sun Tzu

  • Well Magnet I am impressed you said it very well :D

  • Quote

    Originally posted by Tyrael
    I already saw clan members nicknames in ur posts.

    All that members are in TRF and they all are my others chars...
    And others Poles is mentioned Miko_Pl and i remember Hussar (but i don't know that he is still playing)

  • Quote

    Originally posted by BratJan

    All that members are in TRF and they all are my others chars...

    Didn't get that one

    @ Wavey : Where is Dave with his axe in such a moments ? :D

    Proud member of the Independent Operators' Consortium ever since day 1 in Crossfire. :herz:
    In-game characters: (IOC)Tyrael, (IOC)HimejiFortress

    “The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.” Sun Tzu

  • Stick to the points posted and I wish you well

  • Hey,

    hello there, it´s me Kermit the Frog and i am Green. My nation oh sry, Nation has nothing to do with this Game while i am playing here. My skin colour is still the most interesting one i guess - but!

    I can catch flies with my tongue (as long as my tongue isn´t tighten on a table from a nail file).

    If you are able to translate it - you know partial whats ongoing. You are on your way of entering a great community, which probably is one of the best decisions you ever made, with some guys spending their sparetime to make this best Mod even better.

    You heard it, Respect is what you have to earn - Rules are made by the community to protect the community. So first make your experiences and if you don´t have fun or find something strange you should start discussing.

    You seems to be a lover of math. Devide 20 by the numbers of your members.

    And now:

    Welcome to the Crossfire Community! Hope we meet in Space soon - if you need any help fell free to ask every Player, they will help ;).

    Btw. you ever thought about growing TRF with your Collegs? Huor is a great Leader and you would have many advantages with TRF in your background (Just a suggestion).

    Click the image above to visit us.
    "Sir, we are surrounded!"
    "Excellent, now we can attack in any direction."

  • thanks Kermit...
    Divide? This will kill us anyway :P

    and again - was talking about big "P" in"Poles" not about respect to me but to my Nation that have earned a respect long time ago...

    Yeah but Poles and Germans just don't love each other....
    as i said to Huor - new clan will consider the TRF as greatest ally

    And i am not new here <--- that is too all

  • that's only four, but we will let that pass^^
    You should have added a -=[T-R-F]=- to all those nicks, btw. so he's not very new on the server, as you can see.

    And possibly you should go ahead not in public, but the way i suggested to you in the game earlier today.

    As for that new clan and TRF being best allies: i would think that will depend heavily on your chosen roleplay, but then again, i'm merely a humble member of one of the clans in question :D

    And here, just as a little divertion, THE DANCING BANANAS, with a special hello to OP: [1655]

  • uff

    if i am considering right - some one just announced that they maybe think about to open a clan full with polish people

    he mentioned that they wont force anyone to leave other clans...
    and he only has this TRF chars what he posted already...

    and he sometimes makes some jokes that you all should not take too serious (like this one with the big letter and the respect ;)

    and good post Kermit - our beloved frog (don't throw him at the wall - there is no prince hidden :)

  • i tried to Luc i realy tried to but hen suddenly new clan have been commited a Thievery Company...

  • Excuse me, but I am about to pee myself from laughing about demanding respect for someone's nation.

    As I see it, even a country has to earn respect, you dont demand it.

    Other than your ongoing demand for respect for your country, I look forward to killing you in TRF...... see you out there!!! :D

    Intel 2.8 Quad-Core / 8 gig OCZ gaming 1066 mhz DDR2 / BFG GTX 295 (x2) / 24" LCD 4000:1 Monitor/ Razer Copperhead / Lycera keyboard / M1 NIC , 1 Intel SSD ( OS) & 1 OCZ gaming SSD , 10k rpm Velociraptor.

    Chars: [CFPD]. , [CFPD]G1 , G1.5, G2 , G2.5

    Home System: Tarsus

    Founder of the Crossfire Police Department, ( [CFPD] ) established 2005. The first Police Department established on Crossfire.