Eve Online Newbie report

There are 59 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Corynthos.

  • Im Flashy Gordon
    Member of Fallen-Havy-Industrie ;)

    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
    (" )_(" ) signature to help him gain world domination.

  • The Eve universe has welcomed Laser and Flash!!

    I have sort of hooked up with them in space and made my introductions,

    Old friends Minnie Mouse has created a German speaking channel for old mates and I think both Laser and Flash have been made welcome there.

    Some Crossfire denizens may recognise Wie Jetz - who I also saw in the German channel :-)

    My update?


    Despite what Evonians say - I dont think Eve is really a pvp game - why? Cos it is so expensive.

    Imagine taking on those dastardly cops from CFPD - and everytime one of them gets a lucky shot and takes you down - you not only lose your Shroud, but ALL the equipment it contains - how expensive would that be?

    How time consuming would it be to fully refit a new Shroud?

    But apparenly pvp elevates EVE to new levels - but maybe just a playground for Billionaires - maybe one day I will see.

    Play EVE for free

    Yeah we spoke about this before - is it possible? Yes!!!

    I think if you specialise and go down one of the main paths - by 1-3 months - you can produce enough income using your speciality to buy a 30-day gamecard for 180-185 mill - that is how much they go for - just over 6mill per day.

    Your options would be


    On weekends, I was making 10mill in less than 2 hours if I got on just after the restart and hauled stuff around!!

    I plan to do this in Feb - so I will report back my success - or lack of it.

    Pod Killers

    Oh how I hate these Mothers - if you play EVE - this is gonna happen to you - it's just a matter of time.

    These guys not only destroy your ship - but they kill your life pod (which is worthless to them) - cos they are pure and plain EVIL SCUM

    Yes it happen to me !!

    Always make sure your clone is up to date and has more Skill Points than you have - ALWAYS DO THIS!!

    IF YOU DONT - It will be the BIGGEST MISTAKE you ever made in EVE

    Losing a ship and all its equipment is gonna make you mad - but losing a pod that is not cloned is gonna lose you 2-3 months of your time and you will be crying when that happens !!!

    To avoid this - the best you can do is stay out of low sec space - stay in 0.5+ systems -


    Last night I took my first step in proper trading by setting my first buy order.

    This means I have began trading against other players rather than npc trading - it can be risky - but more rewarding.

    Many players just sell stuff as quickly as possible - rather than looking for the best price - proper traders take advantage of this tendancy to make good money - it is the first step to being a Billionaire


  • ive paid up for a month on EVE.
    ingame name "Lord Ozu" :D

    ive got an Iteron mk1 and a Gallente Destroyer. trying to be as patient as i can waiting for the damn skills to be "learned".
    mining Azure Pligioclase to boost my creds as much as pos while the skills are gained.
    hopefully ill see you ingame.

  • all here have a destroyer 8o
    i have a "incursus" frigate , a "catalyst" destroyer and a "thorax" cruiser.
    I like this thorax.
    The thorax has only 5 low 3 med and 5 high slots.
    My weapons are 2x150mm , 1x200mm , 2x250mm railguns and 5 valkiery1 drones.
    With my skills and my upgrates i can open the fire from 45k.
    For long range are my 250mm railguns(fire from 45k)
    For midle range is the 200mm (fire from 30k)
    For low range are my 150mm (fire from 15k)
    So i can fire from 45k-10k but under 10k my weapons dont hit a target good.
    But its no problem.
    I send my drones out and let they attack when the targets are to near on me.
    Ok thats is not the best setup but the best setup what i can do with my skills.
    But i will say to all who are new.
    For Galente are the best weapons hybried turrets and galente is good with armor.
    Do your learnings so.
    And dont forget your learnig skills.
    When you have more and better learning skills then dont need others skills so many time.
    I hope im on the best way^^

    and sry for my bad english

    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
    (" )_(" ) signature to help him gain world domination.

  • I have ships scattered all over the Gallente territory... I`ve got a Catalyst, Atron & Velator in the Sinq Laison region, my Thorax & a Velator in the Placid region, and a Tristan in the Essence region (maybe i`ve sold it - dunno)

    My Thorax`s Layout:
    4 200mm Railgun I
    1 Hydrocarbon Afterburners I
    1 Medium shield booster I
    1 Medium Armor Repairer I
    3 100mm Reinforced Rolled Tungsten plates
    4 Vespa I drones

    Currently training into various skills, such as Salvaging & Energy Capacitor Operation. As soon as i get cash, i`ll pay for the game & start working up to a sturdy Titan, so i can kick some pirate butt in 0.0 systems (accidentally plunged into one 2 days ago, lost my 1st Thorax and got pod-killed... had to buy another ship & i`m still looking for new implants. Did cost me around 20 mil.)

    Assumption is the mother of all fuckups.

    Being a Cynic isn't that bad. Either I'm right or I am pleasantly surprised.

    My Homepage

    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature
    (" )_(" ) to help him multiply, because that's what bunnies do.

  • search to me in game
    i have implantats which i dont use

    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
    (" )_(" ) signature to help him gain world domination.

  • Now the war of my corp do start(in 24h)
    I will see whats come.
    I think i die fast in my first pvp.
    I dont search a fight but whats come do come.^^
    I will report here when i know more and when i do live^^

    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
    (" )_(" ) signature to help him gain world domination.

  • The War is over and i dont die. ;)
    I dont see one fight.
    Thx to our mercs who bring the war to the enemy
    So our enemys has so many trouble that they dont come
    in our homespace.
    No one of our members was death. :D

    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
    (" )_(" ) signature to help him gain world domination.

  • Glad to hear u made it out alive Flash

    My corp is organising a Frig only pvp event over the next few weeks - it should be fun and very educational - some basic rules about the equipment allowed I think - but nothing excessive - ie we wont allow the very very very most experienced players use the very very very best equipment - look forward to a report on this soon.

    re other things going on - I would refer you to this web page on the Eve Forums



    A player created programme that he has now released as Open Source - or whatever that is called.

    It uses exported market files to generate trade routes -

    It is somewhat limited by the games own mechanics - but I have used it for a few days - and it is an excellent piece of software - that runs in ur system tray - but is integrated also into the Eve in-game browser - done in a real nice way.

    For those people that can afford and pilot a hauler (paid accounts) or ships with large cargo space - (maybe trial accounts) it offers a very good way to make cash -

    At this moment - I am not sure if it can sift and make decisions better than a person, but it certainly found me some interesting trade routes that generated handsome amounts of cash -

  • Another update

    Well I bought my first Game Time Code (190mill) - so effectively I am playing this month for free - not bad as I started playing properly in November - my main task now is to make enough in game cash to purchase another GTC for the following month.

    I went on another level 4 mission that effectively cost me 15mil in repairs which major p me off - I will be sticking to level 3 missions now - apparently a few experienced people do this anyway as its quicker to comeplete missions and move on to the next one than with level 4s

    Saw Dop a few times and had a good chit chat with him - Laser has left cos he was only on trial - but I reckon he did an excellent job exploring the various ways that cash can be made.

    I am curerntly in hiding at the moment - in a region called the Citadel. This is because another Corp has declared war on us and like all pirates everywhere (I should know) they only fight people they know they can beat -

    Some of my corpmates got taught all about pvp and lost some serious cash / ships/ equipment.

    Like a coward I stayed out of the fight, but last night I just passed one of our opponents in space for a few secs and flashed him my teeth and did a runner -

    Now due to this war - we are forming an alliance with another corp - this means we may have to move our entire corp ops to a different location - fair enough I suppose - its not too far away

    Looking back - my generous nature - has cost me about 70mill + - I need to stop that and concentrate on myself for a bit -

    In Eve there is no way on knowing the financial merits of anyone else and surely some people lie about their wealth - hoping some poor sap will give them some cash.

    We have a spy in our Corp - we know - and I think he knows we know - otherwise I cant explain why a 4 year old char can ask simple and pathetic questions about skills - and his last question was a complete joke LOL

    "Is 900,000 the same as 9 Billion?"

    My other mission is to look into this quote

    "It is possible to make Billions of ISK in Eve without ever leaving the station"

    Rest assured I wont be telling you about this if my plan works


  • I have now learn all skills for my drones lvl2 .
    I must say,verry nice :D
    I come in a mission,i stay still in space and my
    drones do all the work.
    I dont use my guns and dont need ammo.
    So i make good money with missions. 8)

    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
    (" )_(" ) signature to help him gain world domination.

  • Market PVP

    Well we have spoken about this a few times - there is a current thread on the forums from a guy called Riddic

    Apparently well known - he is trying to make 1 Bill ISK in one month - starting with a new char that has no help

    Is it possible?

    Remember we even discussed before about a new char in their trail period earning enough ISK to play the game for free, by buying Game Time Cards - 30 minths for 190 ISK


    Well some of my thoughts

    1. Most people on Eve like pvp and action - they like to fight with each other or npcs
    2. Charisma - the perdominant attribute for learning trade skills - mostly discouraged on the forums as "not much use"
    3. Traders have Billions - but no one knows their secrets
    4. After a recent mission, I was told by more senior members of my corp to just sell all the loot and split the cash three ways (therefore not getting the best price for items)

    Well the current war going on has allowed me ample time to test some of these theories - and I am beginning to see the possibilities

    A quick calculation on Excel can give you some interesting things

    A 5% per day profit on 100mill invested over 28 days gives you more than 250mill profit
    A 5% per day profit on 150mill invested over 28 days gives you more than 380mill profit
    A 5% per day profit on 200mill invested over 28 days gives you more than 510mill profit
    A 5% per day profit on 250mill invested over 28 days gives you more than 630mill profit

    There is a reason why many of the business community say

    "It takes money to make money"
    "Sell a 90 GTC for ISK and you will never have to pay to suscribe again"

    The question is what to invest in right?

    More info as I get it

  • Ahoy shipmates - how it blows?


    I be taken of my eye patch and wooden leg last few weeks cos the fierce storms be brewing outside and I got miself an abacas from that old trader in Renyn for a packet of herbal tea and some toothpicks.

    I spoke before about trading and making some Mexican gold as I doze off in the star lit nights - no doubt your all thirsty to know how my despicable plans have panned out?

    Our Leader and Chief - Commodore Griff has seen my potential and given mi a new title of "Most handsome Gallante responsible for procurement and highest bean counter" - ah - yes - a great privilege and honour.

    Talent will rise to the surface if its given a chance to flourish!!!

    I even got my tea fetish implemented into our recruitment procedures where new players wishing to join our magnificent corp are given the TTT - True Tea Test -

    First question is "Do you prefer Tea or Coffee?"

    Mwahahahah - some of those Expreso, Capachino, Mocachino, Latte in your face lefty wet liberals fail at this first hurdle - Mwahhaahahh!!!

    Due to some dastardly action from pirates at war - I was destitute for a few days - not knowing where my next coconut milk would come from - I was miserable and cold - begging for halfpennies and forced to sell pieces of my body for research - and once I even sold my entire body to a handsome lady with interesting teeth - well I thought it was a woman - I was legless at the time.

    How goes my nefariasm you ask? How went my assault on the money market armed with a box of Rose Ginger tea, a bean and an abacas?

    Earlier we mention sailing the Eve seas free of tax - was it possible? Complex formulae, algebraic situations, infinity loops and differentions led us to thinking a tally of 7Mill + per day could see of the tax man from cometh.

    Well last few pleasant evenings I be spending on a water bed with Dentists Journal and a packet of tissues - doing this whilst ill gotten gold rolled into my coffers - I have gone from about 50mill to 300 mill in a few weeks -

    I am viable and sustainable - I am looking to invest in new opportunities!!!

    I can easily purchase another game time code for another month now - so this month and next month - I would be playing Eve for free - that was the question - to pay or not to pay - can it be done?


    My aim now is to get to 500mill and then onto my first billion

  • capitalism



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • Ahoy there Saxony of Britanny

    The EVE universe is awash with rumour and inuendo regarding your threat to join our fair seas.

    Already there has been a considerable increase in the price of hard liquor (people buying in panic) and the price of Dancing Girls had quadrupled overnight.

    The Pirates Union has petitioned The Masters of the Universe to trademark and limit the phrase "Mwahahahah!" in the fear you would bring it into disrepute.

    As I am gonna be a Billionaire by the time the full moon appears over our merry seas - if you do appear - give me a buzz on "No Mahdss" so I can upgrade your eyepatch with a cybernetic implant and other loot.

  • ^ And i suppose on EVE you are some kind of trader huh? 8o [11] can you be swayed? are you leaning in my general direction? or did your leg just fall off ;)

    it amazes me that us from CF arent all in the same corporation in EVE.

    Well as been said before, never trust anyone, how do i know you didnt poison the eyepatch implants? 8o

    well, been reading the monster manual, to be honest theres a lot of rules that i dont agree with, and i think a lot of people complaining about nothing. for example, loosing a 15 mil ship when they normally earn 5 mil per hour anyway. i mean why is that such a big deal?

    the bit that i havent come to understand is the reputation thing. when i played it before i wasnt allowed to use my lasers until i completed some sort of task, and when i did do that, i opened fire on the nearest cruiser i saw and was promtly climbing into my choccy egg. well you gotta ask yourself, what was the point of making me gain the level to use my lasers when i'm totally drunk and careless still after the tutorial. I hope the pirate lord keeps me away from firing those guns on the cruisers for everyones sake.

    Another thing that i find quite disturbing is that if i tell somebody to drop their cargo, the cargo belongs to them still, even though its in international waters! so i will get some kind of punishment on my stats for stealing it, but i didnt steal it, i didnt hurt the guy, i worked for it. plz can anyone enlighten me how this works, as i cant find any more info than that, and its pivotal to my career. thanks :)

    hmm, well, im gonna give it a few more days before i try it out, need a time when im not too busy to start up.

    would like to meet you guys n girls on EVE, no doubt so you can show me what goodies i can steal and perhaps give me some tips. If they are good tips i will ensure you never pay tax to me. and rest assured, i will host good parties. ;)

  • 1. Yes

    2. There is a manual?

    3. New players will not be earning 5 mill per hour - not for a few months I reckon - unless they are very enterpring

    3a - Think if you lose a pvp in Crossfire - you lose your ship and its equipment - how much would that be? (Remem the equip is also worth more than ship sometimes)

    3b - Within a few months - u wont be flying around in 15 mill ship - my BS is worth 125mill and double that if you want to add cost of losing equip

    EVE quote 1 - Only fly what you can afford to lose

    4. Each system has a security rating - if you shoot on a ship in hi sec - the cops will come after you

    Try firing on ships in 0.4 space and below

    5. What you can do in hi sec space is ore thievery - take minerals from cans - that is legit - but your victim (and his whole clan) can try and kill you - legally - for the next 10 mins

    In 0.4 sec space and lower = you can do what you want

  • Quote

    Originally posted by Azadur
    5. What you can do in hi sec space is ore thievery [..]

    Good thing i`ve got a lock on my cargo containers ^^

    Assumption is the mother of all fuckups.

    Being a Cynic isn't that bad. Either I'm right or I am pleasantly surprised.

    My Homepage

    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature
    (" )_(" ) to help him multiply, because that's what bunnies do.