Digital Anvil Annex

Following our Wing Commander references in StarLancer we thought it would be a good idea to archive the other major Wing Commander reference in a Digital Anvil game: this loading screen from Conquest: Frontier Wars which claims the game is "Loading Pegasus NavCom AI". This references the Confederation space station that appears at the start of the movie (and it's related MacGuffin, the NavCom AI device that will allow the Kilrathi to reach Earth). Conquest, a real time strategy game set in space, was the second Digital Anvil game released, published by Ubisoft in 2001. The NavCom message is one of several that flip by while any of the game's maps are loading. It's currently available on GOG for anyone interested in trying it themselves (though we'll warn you the 'Pegasus' loading message now passes too quickly to be seen with the naked eye!).


We've also learned that a higher quality version of the StarLancer introduction referenced in the previous update is currently available on YouTube posted by the game's talented composer Ian Livingstone! He notes that it is sourced from the "uncompressed original source movie (5gb)". Pretty neat! We've put a backup copy in our archive here (28 mb).