The Making of Victory's Gunnery Control

Super cool! Anatoly Shashkin recently posted this awesome September 1994 recruitment ad for Origin Systems. The background is the gunnery control virtual set built for Wing Commander by Mark Vearrier (who went on to art direct Prophecy!).

victory_gunnery_control1t.jpgWant to watch it come together? Sketches and the initial wireframe:

victory_gunnery_control2t.jpgvictory_gunnery_control3t.jpgvictory_gunnery_control4t.jpgvictory_gunnery_control5t.jpgTaking shape:

victory_gunnery_control6t.jpgvictory_gunnery_control7t.jpgvictory_gunnery_control8t.jpgvictory_gunnery_control9t.jpg… and finally!
