Hobbes Betrayal Crosses Over Language Barriers

Most people are familiar with the infamous video cuts that were made to fit all of the video on the Wing Commander 3 discs. Helpful sequences such as the TCN news bursts and Hobbes explanation were omitted due to space constraints. Fortunately, these are now

available here

at the CIC, but for a long time, the main way players could watch the Hobbes scene was to track down a copy of WC3 on the Playstation or 3DO. But how many people have watched this clip in German?! It's a cool recording, since the German voice actor behind Hobbes is nearly as good as the




has posted it to YouTube so you can see it now!

In dieser Szene, die wahrscheinlich aus Platzgründen nicht in der PC-Version aber dafür in der Playstation- und 3DO-Version sowie in der Romanfassung von "Wing Commander III: Heart of the Tiger" enthalten ist, entdeck Colonel Christopher "Maverick" Blair (Mark Hamill/Frank Röth) eine Videobotschaft von Ralgha "Hobbes" nar Hhallas (John Schuck/Thomas Rauscher), in dem er die Umstände seines Verrats an der Terranischen Konföderation und an seinen besten Freund erklärt.

Vielen Dank an Wingcenter.net, wo diese und andere Szenen aus der Playstation-Version auf Englisch und auf Deutsch zur Verfügung gestellt worden sind.