Super Wing Commander Ad Uses Original Hornet Art

LOAF spotted a neat oddity in the third issue of "3DO Magazine." It features a full spread of different 3DO titles, which includes Super Wing Commander. The screenshot is clearly some kind of prerelease prototype though. It's the Hornet cockpit, but the gun capacitor, fuel display, speed numbers and other minor elements appear slightly tweaked in the final game. Most significantly, it shows a DOS WC1-style Hornet on the targeting VDU. The SWC version of the Hornet is a bit more squashed, and the VDU targeting displays are more bluish in tone. It's an interesting throwback and shows the development team may have been using placeholder assets from the original game! The first image below depicts the preview and second image is the final in-game shot.


Look closely at the SWC screenshot - WC1 Hornet VDU

And here's a nice look at the model used for the Hornet in Super Wing Commander:
