High Quality Wing Commander 4 Trailer Found (with Bonus Hellcats!)

wc4_originaltrailer_hellcatst.jpgAll the talk about enhanced videos this week reminded me of a very cool high quality trailer for Wing Commander 4 that we unearthed a while ago. This is a slick version of the Original Trailer that was produced for glorious 35 mm presentations. It's a real beauty that I wish I could have seen in theaters back in the day! We have long carried a copy of the clip here in the CIC Holovids archive, but it's quite a bit blurrier with high compression. It does have music in the first minute or so that's missing from this new HQ encode though. Both include a CGI scene of a Hellcat taking off from a planet that doesn't appear in the final game, so it's nice to finally get a clearer shot of that here too!

This is a recently uncovered version of this trailer that features higher quality visuals but is missing some of the music in the first minute of the clip. This trailer is also notable for featuring at least one brief clip of a scene not found in the game itself.