Fun Rebel Galaxy Easter Egg Spotted

Rebel Galaxy Outlaw is chock full of Wing Commander easter eggs from the "now entering automatic landing zone" comm message near planets to the... entire awesome premise of the game, but Fek'Leyr Targ found a fun one I hadn't seen before. In the attached screenshot, you can make out a "G. Burrows wuz here" scratched into the dust of the local space bar. Grayson Burrows was the conceptual name of the main Brownhair character in Privateer (later confirmed but the Star*Soldier magazine). Good catch!

rebelgalaxy_outlaw15t.jpgLast week we posted a few ships from RGO that fans had faithfully recolored in classic WC textures, and st3lt3k just shared a few more! The first is an RGO Coyote made by Jughead1981 and there's also a Sandhawk by MasterRevan2013. Those grays and greens look really nice.
