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    eddieb is back with an all new Flight Commander! The original was a very popular Wing Commander-themed modding engine that formed the core of multiple fan projects about a decade ago. It ran its course with the technology available at the time, but now Flight Commander 2 is here and ready to give budding modders a brand new platform to launch from! It features advanced support for shipboard sequences and a slick recreation of the Vision Engine. It even runs in a web browser! It's still in the basic stages, but you can walk around, jump in a fighter and take pot shots in space. Jump straight in via the weblink here. Currently, you must use Firefox for the web demo to work. You can also download a Windows standalone version from the CIC forums here.

    Flight Commander 2 is in the works. It's still very early, but here is the first demo. You can walk around on foot on your carrier. Fire guns,
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    DefianceIndustries has another great model to share. This one is the UBW assault shuttle flown by Colonel Dekker. The ship is a huge contrast to the boxy Confed shuttle.It doesn't get an enormous amount of screen time in WC4, but it's a very neat design. Despite being a transport craft, I feel like there's an aggressive killer bee aspect to it, and the pair of turrets helps drive that sense home. Even without textures, the powerful little craft already looks super solid! We're looking forward to seeing it eventually make an appearance in the WC4 Fan Remake.


    Minor update from the art department - The UBW Hermes is now meshed and art department approved. There will be two versions, one that is rigged with landing gear and doors for FMV work, and an in-game model without the extra rigging and triangles. Additionally, the turrets will be rigged so they won't be as toothless as before. :)
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    Hornet model

    is ready for combat! He's mocked up some prototype laser cannons, and the results are pretty sweet. They're a real cherry on top of the overall design. The results are visible below, and soon they'll be

    available to download

    for prospective builders out there!


    The laser cannons are installed! The AUW is 593 g (20.92 oz). Here are some pictures of the parts. The finished laser cannons resemble the tournament lance of a medieval knight! The plan for the laser cannons follows!
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    Tonight we have a serene Hornet flyby arranged and rendered by Mac. The fighter models themselves were originally designed by Klavs. I like this scene for today's news because the color palette seems to match the common tones of Star Trek Discovery, which will be flying off into the bluish purple sunset late tonight. Stop by the CIC Discord with us if you're planning to watch the finale too (we'll be up for the live stream)!


    It's a #WingCommander kind of night.
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    has moved over to Kilrathi ships as he fills out his WC1 fleet, and the first two fliers are the Dralthi and Salthi. We've seen a hundred Dralthi variants over the years, and they just never get old. This one is as gorgeous as we've ever seen, so it's just a treat. The Salthi is also a lot of fun, and I especially love the light shining on its side. This greenish hue gives it a soft throwback to the Jalthi from SNES Secret Missions, which was essentially a

    green Salthi

    . Very cool!

    You fly like the apes that you are...


    Or my all time favorite: "Hmm, that ape squealed when it popped!"


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    The News Collections section is where we package up sets of news updates that follow a specific theme for easier consumption. Here are a few we've just added:

    Previous collections include our memorials for developers and artists that have passed away, an overview of our anniversary updates and the April Fools slates.

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    We recently spent some time dissecting and analyzing the Wing Commander preview for the Amiga. Now we've followed that up with the same treatment for the Wing Commander II rolling demo! The Wing Commander II demo was put together by Origin for Winter CES 1991 and was first shown on January 10 of that year. It was the first Wing Commander to include speech (featuring voices recorded by the developers) and remains the release with the most time between the demo and the final product (roughly eight months). It's most famous for some of the wonderful extra graphics it contains, including an alternate model for the Bloodfang, a closeup of a Kilrathi guardsman and an animated scene in which Prince Thkrahath enters the Emperor's throne room. We've collected videos, assets, history and even hehind the scenes stories from the development team!


    There's even a new patch available for download for the community,

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    The world has seen a lot of a particular funeral today, but have they seen enough Wing Commander funerals? Decidedly not. LOAF is here to fix that with a handful of screenshots!

    We’ve talked about how Wing Commander doesn’t have many queens… but it has PLENTY of funerals!


    One of the craziest things about the movie is that it /doesn’t/ have a space funeral.
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    sticks-stories-scotcht.jpgSticks, Stories and Scotch is a simple concept that brings together great flight sims, good stories and a solid dose of adult beverage. It sounds like a good time to me! Aaron just finished a thorough replay of Wing Commander 1 and has distilled his final thoughts on the run. He's also kicked off the Secret Missions campaign, so the adventure continues! Follow along here.

    First, for a game that’s going to celebrate its 30th anniversary next year, Wing Commander holds up surprisingly well. A lot of that can be attributed to the branching campaign structure which provides a lot more flexibility and replay value than might otherwise be in a game like this. There were a few losing path missions which I don’t know that I ever saw prior to this playthrough.

    Despite the technical challenges, I feel that the game is still very much worth playing. For me, personally, I played through the original campaign

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    It's not every day that we get to directly follow up on a twenty-two year old news post, but back in 1999, AD reported that the June issue of Film Score Monthly would have a review of the Wing Commander Movie Soundtrack. We're a little bit late, but here's that article! They give it three stars, which isn't bad for people whose job it is to professionally critique movie film scores.

    filmscoremonthly_1999june1t.jpgfilmscoremonthly_1999june2t.jpgWe've previously reported on a neat development diary interview that they posted with George Oldziey in the January 1999 issue. And can we take a moment to appreciate the amazing gem that is? They don't seem to have changed their website format and layout much since February of 2001, yet they still make regular updates to this day. It's web design after our own heart. You can find decades of their back issues meticulously maintained here.

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    A campaign to deliver food commodities to the Chamas system has been declared a success by its organisers.

    The Fortunes Corsairs efforts to acquire various foods for a glamorous reception were well received. The event, attended by various system officials, appears to have achieved its aim.

    Silas James of the Chamash Foods conglomerate released the following statement:

    "Due to the overwhelming support from Fortunes Corsairs and other independent traders, the delicious feast helped make our fundraiser a tremendous success. Construction of the new asteroid base will begin immediately."

    Contributors to the initiative can now collect their rewards from Denton Dock in the Chamas system.

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    Since the beginning of March, we’ve been working with the folks at For Fans By Fans to produce official, Star Trek merchandise, designed by you! You sent in some amazing entries, and our judges had an incredibly difficult decision ahead of them, but we are now proud to announce the winners! Chrissy Cheung Joarth72: Glebben: Senordoom: Congratulations, you all will be receiving a Discovery Operations Pack, and the “Fanatic” in game title! You can purchase all of the winning designs, and many more besides, right here. .share-footer a { margin: 20px 10px 10px 0; background: url(