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    Aegis has announced that it will allow technology brokers to reduce their requirements for producing items, in order to increase overall combat effectiveness against the Thargoids.

    Henrik de Lacerda, a senior engineer at Aegis Research, clarified this development:

    "Aegis is aware that the galactic community has worked incredibly hard to oppose the Thargoids in the core systems. To show our appreciation, we are making it easier for independent pilots to obtain advanced weaponry and hardware."

    "We have contacted all registered technology brokers and supplied them with additional funding, resources and manufacturing equipment. As a result, they now need fewer commodities and materials from those purchasing their designs."

    "Our hope is that by helping pilots to upgrade their ships, we can enhance their survivability and encourage more Commanders to join the fight against the Thargoids."

  • 06


    Some Captains are cut from a different cloth. These players know that to be a respected captain, you can’t just act the part – you have to look it too. This weekend, we’re putting our costume packs on sale for 20% off. from Thursday, September 6th at 8AM PT to Monday, September 10th at 10am PT, fashionable captains can grab outfits that they’ve had their eye on. There are tons of different appearance options waiting for you this weekend. Grab your costumes today and make your captain look the way you’ve always envisioned. .share-footer a { margin: 20px 10px 10px 0; background: url(d7afaaa14e96d0d973f76157ae31ec5b1466398539.png) no-repeat 0 0; opacity: .5; display: inline-block; height: 60px; width: 60px; padding: 0; border: 1px solid transparent; -webkit-transition: opacity .3s; transition: opacity .3s; } .share-footer .TI { background-position: 0

  • 17


    Temporal Anomalies have opened a hole to an alternate universe, one with a fantastic sale, Captains. But this Flash Sale will only be available for a limited time – from 11am 5/17 -11am 5/18 PST, on all three platforms. Hurry and grab yourself some items at a one of our largest discounts ever, before the portal shuts and it’s all lost. Today’s Flash Sale is: Save 15% on Keys! Keyring Bundle! Get your hands on this special bundle of twenty master keys, and an Ultimate Tech Upgrade! Don’t wait! The Flash Sale Anomaly can be gone before you know it! .share-footer a { margin: 20px 10px 10px 0; background: url(d7afaaa14e96d0d973f76157ae31ec5b1466398539.png) no-repeat 0 0; opacity: .5; display: inline-block; height: 60px; width: 60px; padding: 0; border: 1px solid transparent; -webkit-transition: opacity .3s; transition: opacity .3s; } .share-footer .TI {

  • 02


    The Distant Worlds II expedition has reached its final destination on the far side of the galaxy: the Beagle Point system.

    Science correspondent Leon Banerjee reported for Vox Galactica:

    "The Distant Worlds exploratory fleet, comprising thousands of independent pilots, set out from the Pallaeni system on 13th January 3305. Over three months later, after travelling more than 73,000 light years, ships have begun arriving at Beagle Point."

    "Included among the expedition's achievements is the construction of the scientific research station Explorer's Anchorage. This now serves as a permanent waypoint for travellers to the galactic core, as well as facilitating detailed observation of the supermassive black hole Sagittarius A*."

    "While Distant Worlds II is coming to a close, its participants will now plot their own routes through unexplored space back towards the core systems."

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  • 01


    2012 was a very weird year.

    The world did not end, eventhough mass effect 3 was a catastrophy.

    Looking back at the year which is almost over I unfortunately have many negative impressions in mind... more negative than positive actually.

    Community members which prefer to argue than to work together, the loss of a clan, conflicts between communities, players which complain about every shit instead of making use of what they got and not fulfilled objectives for the year.

    Most of the above mentioned stuff had negative impact on the portal.

    The lack of help and support aswell all the troubles generated by the players have thrown back the development of CF2.0 by many months. Even worse, it nearly killed the motivation of the team.

    I remember 3 times when Huor requested help and got not even a reply.... and I know that people had the knowledge and ability to help. Probably its best if I dont mention how many times I requested help and got no reply during the past year.

    It saddens me that

  • 05


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    Over the past 3 weeks ive done dozens of updates on the SWAT Portal and its associated websites.
    The updates reach from minor correction, security fixes, new features and some restructuring.

    Most noticable today certainly is that our fellow bot ran amok.
    I completely replaced it with a new better working version which had to catch up some work.
    Its running smooth now and will support us here in a much better way than the old bot.

    One of the big changes concerns mostly the players that are part of our STO Fleets. Here the member management has been completely recreated in order to do updates of the rank system on the fly and link everything directly with the SWAT community framework.
    I'll explain the details to the STO fleets later.

    A new and certainly very interesting feature for all out members might be our new "Competition" system which allows us to run multiple leages here at the Portal.
    I think Freelancer Event Managers will find good use for such a feature.

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    I wish you a great Christmas time with your friends and families and of course a Happy New Year 2016.

    Special thanks go to all little helpersCuriousMinionIcon2.pngwhich supported us, helped to keep everything running and worked on the Crossfire Mod and our game sections.

    Have a great time!