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    The gang at Roberts Space Industries is holding their annual Star Citizen convention this weekend, and they're wrapping events up with a big announcement: the campaign-driven game announced in 2012, Squadron 42, is now "feature complete." This means the core items are in place, and they are entering a new phase of polishing. This is expected to still take a significant amount of time, so the team is not putting a release date out there yet. They have, however, published a very cool new video that highlights the latest in the game's cinematics and spaceflight. The clip even begins with familiar nods to things like their iteration of the Hornet fighter and the Vega System. Chris Roberts says, "We want to make sure that Squadron 42 delivers on the promise of being this generation's Wing Commander," and it does indeed seem like this generation may get to experience it!

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    We've got a really cool crossover to share today. Tomorrow, Bonkus_Maximus' Twitch stream will be broadcasting a retro playthrough of Wing Commander Privateer. But it's not just any Priv livestream! He'll be playing the game as an in-universe tie-in to the events that have recently occurred in the Gemini Sector RPG. That's some awesome collaboration and sounds like a lot of fun! You can watch the action starting at 5pm US Pacific / 8 PM Eastern time on Tuesday evening, January 5, over on Twitch. You can also read up on some of the recent RPG logs that set the stage for tomorrow's event.


    Hey all! The ever entertaining Bonkus Maximus will be hosting the greatest crossover in the history of mankind. Mark your calendars, January 5th, assuming we survive this year, will feature Bonkus in Palan, avenging the losses that the team of the TCS Majestic took 10 years earlier in the Gemini Sector RPG. Let's
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    Rear Admiral Tarsus has posted a handful of really neat YouTube clips to share the latest goings on with the Gemini Sector WC RPG. The gang is having tons of fun role playing on Discord, and they're welcoming new players now! One unique aspect of the Gemini RPG is that they try to blend in clever artistic elements to spice up the game. While the action predominantly plays out over text chat, they've animated these briefing sequences to provide a compelling visual. You can check out the whole playlist here! Also don't miss their website for more background on the game or their Discord to meet the group.

    Hey all, I just finished hosting the Xytani module of the Discord based Wing Commander RPG. The group was great, it was missing a certain player... the one reading this message at the moment. Hope to have you on our six. Heaven knows my character needs all the help she can get. ;)
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    Today we'd like to share a couple of the newest mission briefings that Rear Admiral Tarsus has put together for the Gemini Sector RPG. These folks have come a very long way since the MUD/MUSH era! Cool animations like this help spice up the live Discord role play sessions that they hold most weekends. Visit their site or hop on the Discord if you'd like to learn more and jump in yourself. If you're read all this and are still interested, check out some of EmuMusicFan's fiction inspired by the RPG. The team is also crowdsourcing NPC character creation to further round out the universe.

    I finished the briefing for the next mission in the rpg. Mark your calendars.
    The pilots will attempt a daring rescue of two destroyers and the true aces of the majestic. Will things go according to plan, or will a sneaky enemy ace ruin their day?
    The intrepid team of pilots will go on an intell mission to find out
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    album_rundown21t.jpgEver on the search for a new way to listen to Wing Commander, LOAF has found yet another album with a Wing Commander track! Back in 2017 we were pleasantly surprised to see the Overture from the Wing Commander Movie performed by the Massed Bands of Her Majesty’s Royal Marines. It was possible to buy a video of that concert at the time, but apparently the track was also released on the Beating Retreat 2018 compilation! You can give it a listen below - it's an absolutely wonderful feast for the ears. It's also available on services like Amazon Music or iHeart Radio, and you can even pick up a hard copy here. Learn about a couple dozen other ways to pick up Wing Commander on CD here.

    Fellow obsessive collectors of CDs with Wing Commander music on them: I have discovered this one which includes the Royal Marines playing the movie overture.
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    The Bands of Her Majesty's Royal Marines has just released a thrilling clip of their massed band conducting a field performance of the Wing Commander Theme. It's possible that this is a recording of the same Beating Retreat performance that was released on their 2018 album, but the video was not widely available until this week. This is just a treat - don't miss it!

    The TV theme Wing Commander composed by Kevin Kiner & David Arnold, arranged by WO1 Ivan Hutchinson RM and performed at Beating Retreat at Horse Guards Parade.
    The UK has it right, we should dedicate less of our military spending to endless foreign wars and more of it to fantastic performances of the Wing Commander movie score.
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    The details of the negotiation that created the Alliance between the Federation, Klingon Empire, and Romulan Republic are slowly coming to life, years after the signing of the document. One very important, timed clause has no come to fruition, and the Romulan Republic will gain access to Federation and Klingon technology! As part of the constant evolving nature of Star Trek Online, we’ve decided to make a change to what ships Romulan Captains can access. Previously, Romulans could only fly Romulan ships, no matter who they were allied with. When Victory is Life launches, Romulan Captains will be able to fly the ships of their chosen allied faction! Take to the stars in the Defiant or a Bird of Prey, while still defending the honor of the Romulan Republic. This includes all allied ships except: Chimera/Manticore Heavy Destroyer (All variants) Peghqu'/Duvqu' Heavy Destroyer (All

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    Long-time veteran players of Star Trek Online may well remember the team events of Gorn Minefield and Federation Minefield – queued activities in which your team tries to free captive freighters from clusters of mines, then drives off enemy ships in order to retake asteroid mining facilities, all capped with a battle at the end against a powerful enemy flagship. The Minefield events are some of the earliest queued content that players will see, as even low-level captains can play them. Of course, the Minefield queued events come from the earliest days of Star Trek Online, and so it’s about time we put a little bit of polish on them! As part of the release of our new landing page, designed to help players find interesting things to do, we’ve updated the Minefield queued events and turned them into a new, slightly different story: The Romulan Imperial war machine, always hungry for raw materials,

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    The Gemini Sector RPG has had a fun summer adventuring through the Nitir Sector. We've previously highlighted their exciting space battles and ground combat. Rear Admiral Tarsus has done an excellent job spicing things up with things like ship animations and mission briefings to add a visual component to the RPG action. Check a few of them out below! You can find out more and join the fun at their website or Discord too.

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