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    Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval has expressed satisfaction with the Empire's military and scientific progress since the Battle of HIP 22460.
    She delivered the public address following a recent tour of a Gutamaya shipyard:
    "The Imperial Navy is entering a period of revitalisation, with advances being made in multiple areas. We have been freed from the burden of external mismanagement, which hindered our military potential and diluted our naval strength."
    "The Senate has worked tirelessly to generate funding and opportunities for this renewed focus. New ships and crews have replaced recent losses, making our naval fleets more powerful than ever. And many loyal corporations have replaced inferior imports from foreign worlds with the high-quality workmanship of Imperial artisans."
    "Alongside increased military and commercial might, the Imperial Science Academy leads the way on xenological research

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    SciFi at War

    is an interesting mod for Star Wars: Empire at War that we recently stumbled upon. It mashes up different franchises, such as Star Wars, Star Trek and Battlestar Galactica, into one mega game. The video below shows various Halo ships fighting craft from Wing Commander. It doesn't seem like the WC fleet is fully fleshed out, and I can't quite tell if the


    is still active, but it's a pretty cool concept! You can grab it at the

    Steam Workshop

    . If this just makes you want to play a WC RTS game, you can check out the

    WC Invasion

    mod, which is also for Empire at War.

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    Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval has made a public announcement for the first time since the Battle of HIP 22460.
    In an address before the Senate, which was broadcast on all Imperial networks, she stated:
    "Our endeavour in the HIP 22460 system was a noble one, born from our duty to defend Imperial citizens against the Thargoid threat. We honour the crews of the INV Audacious Dream, INV Illustrious Fortune and INV Paramount, as well as other auxiliaries and volunteers who fought against overwhelming odds. Their names will be remembered."
    "The disastrous outcome from the so-called coalition provides direction for our future. It is clear to me that the Empire must learn to trust its own military strength once again. Joint operations with the Alliance and Federation, and our reliance upon Salvation's superweapon, were strategic errors that we cannot afford to repeat."
    "Henceforth, all inter-superpower

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    The iPhone/iPad app iDOS 2 has been in the news this week since it was announced that the program will be coming down soon per Apple's app store guidelines. The company has always been very leery of emulators and programs that can run other code or operating systems (like Windows 3.1!), and it's honestly surprising that the program has been allowed to exist on the platform for this long as it is. While it's still available at the time of this writing, it might not be around much longer. Nevertheless, there's been a surge of downloads, and people have been posting about different games that they've gotten to work. Here's a picture that Steve Makofsky took playing Wing Commander 1 on his iPad, which is pretty darn cool!


    Kinda shocked it worked so easily - iDOS2 running vintage Wing Commander.

    This is by no means the first app to enable this kind of activity, but most have been relatively short lived.

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