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    Today we've got another tiny peek at the incredible Dralthi model under construction in elend's workshop. When we last saw the ship, it was evident how beautiful and faithfully accurate the design was to the original Claw Marks drawing. Now we can get a sense of what the fine panel detail looks like - we can even see within some of the structure down to the plumbing and piping within. I can't wait to see things come together even more!



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    Klavs is back with an absolute feast for the eyes. Here's his latest Dralthi! It's just gorgeous and ready to be your new 4K wallpaper image. If you're a modder or modeler and would like to take the craft even further, it's available on Sketchfab. You can play with and rotate the design there. Klavs is also accepting $10 donations at the site to help with medical issues. I hope someone takes him up on that and builds this beauty into a future fan project!



    Re-worked the old Dralthi model, fewer UV islands, nicer geometry, and threw a new coat of paint on her in Substance. The orange on the underside cat heads is actually the exact color from the WC1 box art! Really fun working with her again! Hope you like it!

    Also, the model is now on Sketchfab! Check her out in all her 3D rotatable glory!

    If you'd like the model for your own use, I'm asking for $10 to help with my family's medical bills of late.

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    Klavs is back with his latest take on the renowned Rapier medium fighter. He's made quite a few variants over the years, but his latest version sticks close to the original WC1 inspiration. Side by side, there are actually quite a few notable differences in the spaceframe from WC1 to WC2, so Klavs has worked out a creative approach to both the original and "G" variant. The 2660s version pictured below is strongly rooted in the 2650s design, and various changes are shown as outgrowths of that. The results are pretty slick!


    Hi everyone, I got to liking the A model rapier so much I started thinking about incremental tech advancements rather than a whole new spaceframe for the C-G models, so I've envisioned that here and I'm really liking the results so far! I think the 'chunkiness' fits the WC-1-2 era much better than the swoopy Rapiers I've done before.
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    FekLeyrTarg was just on a roll this year, so we let him run with yet another cool tech demonstration! He's combined a green screen, the Privateer 3D models archive and some AI-generated scans of his head to create a nifty clip of him flying a Centurion. Not a bad effort at all! There's lots of potential here!

    Produced for the Wing Commander CIC's 24th birthday, this is a proof-of-concept of using an AI-generated depth map on a subject in a 3D-generated environment for extra depth and lighting information. Once again, the models used are from the Privateer 3D Archive.
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    Orion University has been informed that its ownership claim of the Scriveners Clan dredger is placing its population at great risk.
    In the Oochost PC-C c29-0 system, the university's megaship Scientia Aeterna has used override codes to prevent the dredger from departing. But the nomadic tribe's refusal to abandon their home has placed them under great pressure, as observed by freelance reporter Casey Kilpatrick:
    "Dredger-class bulk cruisers are the sharks of space – they must always keep moving, constantly gathering raw materials to synthesize into fuel, air and other resources. The Scriveners Clan remained stationary for months while salvaging the Hesperus, but in this system they are trapped without such vital intakes."
    "Independent observers are now reporting malfunctions in the vessel's power and life support systems. If the Scriveners maintain their siege mentality, further mechanical

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    *Pilots' Federation ALERT*
    The Scriveners Clan dredger has departed from the Oochost PC-C c29-0 system to an unknown destination.
    Freelance reporter Casey Kilpatrick provided a report for Vox Galactica:
    "After a coalition of supporters helped them to bypass Orion University's override codes, the Scriveners Clan has finally resumed their nomadic lifestyle. To its credit, the university has finally taken stock of public opinion and agreed not to pursue its ownership claims over the ancient dredger."
    "Many in the scientific community have pointed out that the contents of the Knowledge Core, around which the Scriveners' entire culture is based, will now remain a mystery. There are rumours that this tribe of academic researchers have acquired data about the Guardians during their decades of wandering, which was perhaps the real prize sought by Orion University."
    "Concerns have also been raised

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    The Artificers Clan dredger has entered the Upaniklis system, where the generation ship Golconda currently resides.
    The Golconda, when it was discovered in 3305, was still inhabited with the descendants of its original crew who left Sol in the 22nd century. They accepted the Federation's help to abandon the ancient generation ship and resettle on the Forester's Choice outpost, where their unique culture would remain undisturbed.
    The Artificers Clan is a nomadic community living aboard a Dredger-class bulk cruiser, an old design that refuels by scooping raw materials and salvage. Little is known about this particular tribe, which rarely enters inhabited systems.
    The dredger's arrival was initially reported by independent pilots. Commander Javi Alvarado gave a statement to Vox Galactica:
    "I regularly make trade runs to Forester's Choice. I've made a few friends there, but the Golcondans are

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    Captains – would you like to join the Fenris Rangers? Or at least…dress like one? Well, we’re happy to oblige. From May 7th at 8am PT to May 11th at 10am PT, we’re offering Seven of Nine’s outfit from Star Trek Picard free to all players. You can pick it up in the promotions tab of the Zen Store, and then feel free to begin being snarky directly at the Borg Queen, with a rifle in each hand. Enjoy! .share-footer a { margin: 20px 10px 10px 0; background: url(d7afaaa14e96d0d973f76157ae31ec5b1466398539.png) no-repeat 0 0; opacity: .5; display: inline-block; height: 60px; width: 60px; padding: 0; border: 1px solid transparent; -webkit-transition: opacity .3s; transition: opacity .3s; } .share-footer .TI { background-position: 0 20%; } .share-footer .YT { background-position: 0 40%; } .share-footer .YT { background-position: 0 40%; } .share-footer .TW {

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    Today we've got a look back at Ascii Sector. The project began in the 2000s as a novel ASCII art take on Wing Commander Privateer. If you've been following us for a long time, you'll recall that the project actually won Fan Project of the Year for 2008. However, a few years later, the project removed "Privateer" from the name and started to change up the internal assets to avoid a sense of direct copyright infringement/overlap. I would have argued that there was no practical concern, since the project was fairly low-key and EA has a long history of not worrying about fan projects and mods, but I get it. And then we lost track of things for the past decade!

    Fast forward today, and I see that development continued into 2016. Unfortunately, the game's website and associated materials appear to have gone offline in 2022, but you can still find a copy and download the latest version via

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    It's been a good week for console ports!

    SNES Drunk

    has posted their review of Wing Commander for the Super Nintendo. There's a lot to like here, and the author enjoys the art style, background setting, branching missions and most aspects of the gameplay. They especially credit the contribution of the wingmen to the story as well as the impact of their permadeath. The complex controls come off as a low point, but the game has a hard task of condensing all the commands from the PC version into the small SNES dog bone. Overall this is a fair introduction to the game for retro connoisseurs - it's got over 24,000 views in less than a week, so hopefully a few of them are inspired to check the game out!

    You must be DRUNK. I'm Shotglass. Welcome aboard the Claw.
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    Technology company Herculean Machines has begun mass production of its new device, the Duradrive personal computer.

    Following the successful performance of its prototype at the Rackham Ultratech Expo, the company has received corporate funding from a range of sources, including Rackham Capital Investments.

    Maddox Hurd, CEO of Herculean Machines, told the media:

    "As I've said before, what people want is a reliable tool that is tough enough to handle anything. I'd like to once again thank the galactic community for providing the commodities that made our success possible."

    There has been no comment from rival CEO Scorpio DeVorrow.

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    Captains! We're happy to announce that you'll be able to enjoy 20% off all Duty Officer Packs, and 20% on everything in the Lobi Store! Captains can select from the following Duty Officer Packs for 20% from Friday, February 1st at 8AM PT to Monday, February 4th at 10am PT. Gamma Quadrant Duty Officer Cadre Reinforcements Duty Officer Pack Fleet Support Duty Officer Pack Romulan Survivor Duty Officer Pack Delta Alliance Duty Officer Pack Delta Pack Federation Pack Klingon Pack Now is a perfect chance to fill your roster and replace those redshirts! .share-footer a { margin: 20px 10px 10px 0; background: url(d7afaaa14e96d0d973f76157ae31ec5b1466398539.png) no-repeat 0 0; opacity: .5; display: inline-block; height: 60px; width: 60px; padding: 0; border: 1px solid transparent; -webkit-transition: opacity .3s; transition: opacity

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