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    Prime Minister Edmund Mahon has invited Sirius Corporation to establish a permanent presence within the Alliance.
    The Alliance Tribune's political correspondent Vanya Driscoll reported:
    "Sirius Corporation's new role as a strategic defence partner has expanded swiftly, with a Sirius faction established in the Alioth system to represent the megacorp. In addition, several megaships have arrived in other Allied systems to provide support."
    "The Alliance Defence Force and some government departments now have official advisors from Sirius Corporation on their staff. Prime Minister Mahon announced that these developments will streamline joint operations with the Sirius Navy, and in turn provide effective countermeasures against Thargoid aggression."
    "But Councillor Nakato Kaine claims that the presence of Sirius Gov is illegal as it was not ratified by the Assembly. She has pointed out that since

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    The Sirius Corporation has responded to the revelation that members of its private fleet coordinated a mercenary raid on the Meene system.

    Li Yong-Rui, CEO of Sirius Corp, told the media:

    "Following a thorough inquiry, we have confirmed that a cabal of junior officers, with the aid of mercenaries, orchestrated an illegal operation to gain access to Phoenix Base. Although their intentions remain unclear, I can confirm they were acting purely in their own interests, and without official knowledge."

    "The rogue officers, including those extradited into our custody by the Meene Defence Force, now face multiple charges, and could be imprisoned for life."

    "I would like to express my sincere regret over this incident, and to personally apologise to Ram Tah. I continue to hope that we can work together on further Guardian-human technology."

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    Today we've got an absolutely phenomenal drawing by EmuMusicFan. It features Prince Thrakhath depicted in the style of The Simpsons. I'll let the image speak for itself at this point, because it's pretty perfect! Emu teases that Maniac is coming soon...


    A Discord discussion a few weeks ago resulted in EmuMusicFan drawing a Simpsons version of Prince Thrakhath and I have to share it because it's just great.
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    DefianceIndustries has taken a break from his recent string of later-era ships to take a stab at the WC Movie's Snakeir. It's not the first take on the design ever, but the film's ships are very underrepresented in fan art, so this is a welcome addition to his fleet. In its untextured form, the render below also allows you to appreciate all the detail of ship. All those heavy turrets are pretty neat too!


    Occasionally I take on a project to model things that I find odd, poorly designed, or just plain ugly. Why? I dunno, I think it's really more to explore the process behind it, sometimes working on a thing that I don't like sometimes leads to a better appreciation of it, or reinforces why I don't like it without being overly judgmental. (Probably a bit too philosophical for a thread entitled "eye candy").

    Anyway I chose to tackle a ship in the category of "Things that get little to no love" in the

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    With nearly a thousand players now on the flight roster, the buzz continues for the WC4 Remastered playable demo. First up, ODVS has made another video that further compares the original music to FilmCompos3r's updated tracks. Give it a listen below:

    Here I present a comparison of the original "Mission 1" music from Wing Commander IV with the reorchestrated version created for us by our resident composer Greg "FilmCompos3r" Nicolett.

    There have also been additional playthroughs by prominent streamers, including Docteur J!

    You can see what all this fuss is about yourself and try the WC4 Fan Remake demo here (900 meg exe).

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    Christian Klein

    marches ever closer to having a complete set of Wing Commander games translated for Spain. This looks like a pretty thorough job with everything from the box to disc to manuals in Spanish, although no in-game audio has been revamped. The front doesn't have the big Midway flap that opens, but the static front and rearranged rear screenshot collage make it its own unique collectible! Compare to the original packaging




    This Wing Commander Prophecy version arrived today, and now my Spanish Wing Commander collection is almost complete. \o/
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    We'll keep this week of video posts going with a new retro review from SideQuest, who has returned to the Wing Commander series with Wing Commander 4. They covered WC3 earlier in the year, and while they could appreciate the earlier game, they came away as big fans of the sequel. I didn't catch exactly what version this was, but I suspect they were playing the GOG edition with DVD quality videos based on comments about the picture quality. The reviewer appreciated the variety of missions, improvements in storytelling and just overall polish and refinement. As for the extra wingmen, those are just tuckerized Origin developers. A handful of larger sequences need more wingmen, and pilots like George "Blade" Oldziey and Anthony "Yaeger" Sommers are there to answer the call!

    Returning to the Wing Commander series now. While I appreciated Wing Commander III Heart of the Tiger a lot, I had heard Wing
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    We got a peek at Klavs' new Rapier last week, and it turns out that the ship is part of a triple pack. To the untrained eye Rapiers might just look like Rapiers, but we've actually seen several different variants over the years. The prototype and early production Y/F-44A we see in Wing Commander 1 has a number of unique elements compared to the later F-44G featured in Wing Commander 2. We see it again in Wing Commander Arena, where it most closely resembles a modified version of the fighter as it appears in Super Wing Commander. It'll be interesting to see how these designs continue to shape up!


    "Starve before doing business with the damned Navy. They don't know what the hell they want and will drive you up a wall before they break either your heart or a more exposed part of your anatomy." - Kelly Johnson, 20th Century Aerospace Engineer
