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  • 08


    LOAF recently found a nifty marketing prerelease snap of the Wing Commander 4 box. As the story


    , the stark geometric pattern of the main box eventually gave way to a slipcase sleeve with a more action-oriented center. You can see in the shot below that this bears a fairly strong resemblance to the final design. The core art and even font are in place, but the lettering was repositioned a bunch before production. Note that it just says "Wing IV" on the side though!


  • 24


    General: Lifetime Subscription updates: The following unlocks have been added to the Lifetime Subscription perks for Jem’Hadar characters: Veteran uniform options. A Veteran ship material option for Jem’Hadar Starships. The Jem’Hadar Vanguard Heavy Destroyer [T6] and Fleet Jem’Hadar Vanguard Heavy Destroyer [T6]. Note that your character will have to complete the tutorial mission before these perks will become available to your character. For more details, visit the, “Jem'Hadar Veteran Rewards!” blog at: Jem'Hadar Veteran Rewards! | Star Trek Online The ability to buyout the previous Coupon Progress Token Event, which is now called Event Campaign, has been added. Players can access the buyout in the Reputation UI where the old campaign progress is located. Any previous progress while playing Operation Riposte, Crystalline Cataclysm, and The Arena of Sompek

  • 19


    From Thursday, September 19th at 8am PT until Monday, September 23rd at 10AM PT, we are having a 20% off sale on the services listed below. Now is the time to purchase these in the C-Store! Character Slots (4) Account Shared Bank Slots (10) Bank Slots (12) Bridge Officer Slots (2) Captain Rename Token Captain Retrain Token Character Slots (2) Duty Officer Roster Slots (100) (limit 4) Duty Officer Roster Slots (25) Inventory Slots (12) Outfit Slots (2) Ship Loadout Slots (10) Ship Slots (2) Dry Dock Slots (5) .share-footer a { margin: 20px 10px 10px 0; background: url(d7afaaa14e96d0d973f76157ae31ec5b1466398539.png) no-repeat 0 0; opacity: .5; display: inline-block; height: 60px; width: 60px; padding: 0; border: 1px solid transparent; -webkit-transition: opacity .3s; transition: opacity .3s; } .share-footer .TI { background-position: 0

  • 29


    Archambault Terminal in the Chun Tstar system remains under threat of nuclear destruction by the Children of Tothos.

    Senior Agent Rochelle Karim updated the media:

    "Despite the best efforts of our negotiators, the cultists remain in control of the starport and still intend to detonate the Lucifer Device. This 300 megaton weapon is capable of wiping out Archambault Terminal, along with the starport's entire population."

    "Their leader, Barnabas Cole, has transmitted messages via the starport's comms array, repeating claims of 'preparing to bring Tothos's light to us all'. There is no mention of a deity named Tothos in historical or mythical records, which suggests the faith was recently founded by Cole."

    "Despite this, several civilian ships arrived in the Chun Tstar system over the past few days, attracted by Cole's sermons and seeking to join the cult. The FIA is monitoring the situation

  • 27


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    has released some new samples from his WC-inspired space combat game,

    Project Aries

    . The first of the two animated gifs below show off the classic interior cockpit options that you can select during flight. Then there is a demonstration of WC1/2 style flak cannons in action. Finally, there's a clip of a Salthi and Dralthi lookalike escorting a transport. It's nice to see there's still progress being made!


    It's been (almost) two years, while development has been on and off (mostly off), work continues.
  • 05


    Technology journalist Harlow Nassry has published a full account of the Rackham Ultratech Expo, which took place on Wednesday 3rd October.

    "All eyes were on Herculean Machines and Supratech, whose competing designs for personal computers have created a real buzz. Following lavish presentations from rival CEOs Maddox Hurd and Scorpio DeVorrow, prototypes of the Duradrive and Torc were given to attendees."

    "Unfortunately for Supratech, the Torc's holographic systems did not work as planned. Most users were surrounded by an incomprehensible aura of colours and images that, in some cases, brought on nausea. The Duradrive, by contrast, functioned perfectly."

    "The highlight of the expo came when Zachary Rackham tested a Duradrive by jumping on it, before using it to contact his chief accountant and authorise preliminary funding for the device. He told the crowd, 'I could have done with one of these

  • 03


  • 31


    The Autocracy of T'iensei has announced that its campaign to clear the T'iensei system of agitators has been a success. Hundreds of pilots responded to the appeal, taking to their ships to eliminate the criminals operating in the system.

    Authorities in T'iensei have extended their gratitude to those who participated in the operation.

    Pilots who contributed to the initiative can now collect their rewards from Dzhanibekov Port in the T'iensei system.

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  • 02


    Crossfire re-release and future updates
    It is safe to say that 2020 was a very turbulent year, sometimes with some unpleasant surprises waiting around the corner.We are living in a difficult time and adapting to new situations sometimes can be challenging.The plans we had for Crossfire in 2020 were thrown overboard and got replaced by necessary structural changes that helped us to create a future proof foundation for Crossfire.

  • 07


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  • 09


    General: Updated Memorial plaque to include the following people: Paul Winfield. William Marshall. Percy Rodriguez. Madge Sinclair. Ray Walston. The Platinum Discovery Era Sniper Rifle from the Cryptic 20th Anniversary Pack can now be reclaimed on all characters. Resolved an issue that was causing weapons to be on cooldown for up to 50 minutes when equipping them from the inventory. Resolved an issue during the Episode “Khitomer Discord” that prevented credit from being given for saving all 15 civilians. Resolved an issue during the Episode “Downfall” that was causing enemies to be more difficult than intended at lower levels. All missions in the journal for all factions involving queueing up and playing a TFO have been removed. Removed “Vigilance” story arc from Delta Recruit requirements. Resolved an issue that was causing “The Centre Cannot Hold” and

  • 10


    albumkickstarter_goodies24t.jpgThere's good news for fan's of Origin composer George Oldziey's music. He'll be back in Austin shortly to perform on the piano this Saturday at Chez Zee. It looks like a fun place! Although this isn't a Wing Commander event, George has a fun distinctive style that is sure to lighten the mood. He'll also probably autograph your WC album!

    Greetings my Austin friends! I'm in town for a few days and am making a rare appearance (sure makes it sound like I'm a big shot :) playing solo piano at Chez Zee on Balcones Dr this Saturday evening, January 11th. I start twinkling the ivories at 6:30 PM and play until 10 PM. If you're in the "hood" stop by, grab a drink or dinner and say hi!

    Unfortunately, we missed his anniversary greeting for Wing Commander 3's 25th anniversary last month, so here it is - better late than never!

    Wow, time sure flies when you are having fun! And I think that was one of the most fun