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    Homeworld Remastered Mod

    continues to make great strides as we approach the end of the year. The latest enhancement is a big boost to the space backgrounds.


    is testing out the planetkcapes from WC Saga with some promising success. There are also some very cool atmospheric settings possible. This is a nice graphical boost!


    I'm finalizing a couple of details, but... yeah. I think these screenshots are self-explanatory. Welcome to the Loki system. :) The atmospheric maps have also been integrated, and will potentially be modified to better fit Kilrathi planets in upcoming campaigns and scenario missions.
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    has put together another big batch of pilot cards for his new

    tabletop WC game

    . A handful of samples are below. They're fairly rudimentary, but it's neat that Maverick pulled from a variety of sources such as Claw Marks, WC1/2 and even the Academy cartoon. The simplicity here is also kind of the point. As we've previously reported, the miniature star fighters featured in his game don't require a 3D printer or special artistic skills. Normal printer paper, scrap cardboard and a little time are

    all you need



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    If you're a very last minute shopper, there's still time to gift your friends and family a digital set of Wing Commander gifts! The GOG Winter Sale is in full swing, and this time the WC series clocks in at 75% off. You technically have until January 3 on these, so they make good belated gifts in in a pinch as well. That's $1.49 per game or less than $12 for the series. If the games don't fit your need, there's also plenty of

    ebooks and audio albums

    available too!


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    Federal Shadow President Felicia Winters has appointed Isolde Rochester as the deputy leader of the Federation's Liberal Party.

    The new Shadow Vice President made a statement to the media:

    "After a decade of serving in Congress, supporting both President Halsey and Shadow President Winters, it is an honour to accept this position. Many challenges face the Federation, and the Liberal Party is ready to meet them."

    The former deputy leader, Edgar Santiago, recently made the sudden decision to retire from politics and purchase a private luxury starship, despite not being known for extravagant spending.

    Isolde Rochester is the matriarch of the powerful Rochester family, which includes the CEO of Core Dynamics and two Federal Navy officers. Rumours suggest that she called off the wedding of her son Ambasador Jordan Rochester when suggestions arose of Princess Aisling Duval's infidelity.

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    The Tzenkethi are not known for making idle threats. They promised that they would return with better weapons, and return, they did. The Tzenkethi Red Alert is a space-based 5v5 Red Alert-style queue in the Alpha Quadrant. The Tzenkethi have found a new way to Protomatter-bomb planets and it’s up to you to stop them. The genocidal Tzenkethi will be unleashing a new super weapon at unsuspecting planets while you and 4 allies will have to do everything you can to prevent the catastrophic destruction. If you don’t work together, the deaths of billions will be on your hands. The event is for level 50-60 players of all factions. Like all Red Alerts, this TFO rewards 35 marks, and has no cooldown. It will be available from December 27th at 8am PT to December 31st at 10am PT. Good luck, Captains! It’s all up to you. Ryon “Melange” Levitt Staff Content Designer Cryptic Studios

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    Attention! We’ve doubled our efforts to give Captains the necessary experience to deal with threats to the Galaxy. From Thursday, December 27th at 8AM PT, to Monday, December 31st at 10AM PT, players will be able to enjoy twice the experience! During the event, content that provides skill points and expertise will reward a 100% (2x) Bonus above normal amounts – this bonus will be available for all content that rewards skill points and expertise. .share-footer a { margin: 20px 10px 10px 0; background: url(d7afaaa14e96d0d973f76157ae31ec5b1466398539.png) no-repeat 0 0; opacity: .5; display: inline-block; height: 60px; width: 60px; padding: 0; border: 1px solid transparent; -webkit-transition: opacity .3s; transition: opacity .3s; } .share-footer .TI { background-position: 0 20%; } .share-footer .YT { background-position: 0 40%; } .share-footer .YT {

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    Initiatives to supply Imperial senator Simone Leatrix's festivities have reached a conclusion.

    Mass deliveries of food and jewels took place in the Cemiess system.

    As the campaigns drew to a close, Senator Leatrix made this statement:

    "My gratitude goes to those who helped make this celebration possible. I hope the sight of my glittering mountaintop retreat serves as an inspiration in these times of civil disquiet."

    Traders who supported the initiative can now collect their rewards from Mackenzie Relay in the Cemiess system.

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    , the WC1 modder who added

    Hobbes as your wingman

    , is back with a special treat! He's created a mini Christmas campaign in the Vega Sector. Simply unzip the


    into WC1's gamedat folder to decorate the sets and enjoy a revamped Enyo series. There's a tree in Shotglass' bar, a sack of presents in the barracks and Christmas lights in your Hornet cockpit. Almost as good as


    (a "classy, mythical substance" in the Tri-System) in your stocking!


    The package includes new graphics and four new missions for Enyo System. Missions are optional for install.
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    Some Captains are cut from a different cloth. These players know that to be a respected captain, you can’t just act the part – you have to look it too. This weekend, we’re putting our costume packs on sale for 20% off. From December 27th at 8AM PT to January 1st at 12pm PST, fashionable captains can grab outfits that they’ve had their eye on. Show off your evil counterpart with the Mirror Universe costume pack, trek a familiar path with the Original Series uniform, or prepare for your journey into Delta Rising with the Seven of Nine uniform. There are tons of different appearance options waiting for you this weekend. Grab your costumes today and make your captain look the way you’ve always envisioned. Plus, From December 27th at 8AM PT to January 1st at 12pm PT, we are having a 20% off sale on all boosts listed below. Now is the time to purchase these in the C-Store! Commendation

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    Simguru Pranav Antal, leader of Utopia, has made a statement regarding the new nanomedicines developed by Vitadyne Labs:

    "The nanomedicines that Professor Katrien Rook claims to have created were in fact developed in Utopia, and have been in use for decades."

    "Several months ago, a medical transport disappeared after departing from the Polevnic system. Our assumption is that the ship was attacked and its cargo stolen. Evidently, Professor Rook acquired Utopian technology and is now passing it off as her own creation."

    "These nanomedicines were never intended for use outside of Utopia. Such sophisticated materials can only be controlled by Utopian engineers. We demand that our property be returned to us immediately."

    There has been no response from Vitadyne Labs. The Interstellar Health Organisation has said that it will investigate Pranav Antal's accusation.

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