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    has made a fun new Wing Commander overview video. For starters, it's all in Italian, and we love to see fans spread the word in different languages to reach as many people as possible. On top of that, he's gone through and added extensive subtitles so English speakers won't be left out. He's also upped the production values a notch here by dressing up as a WC1 pilot and inserting himself into various scenes via green screen! That's dedication! Let him know what you think at the

    CIC Forums


    Hi there! I just made a retrospective video about the first Wing Commander. Is in Italian, but I added English subtitles. I would appreciate your help about this, since my English is veeeery rusty :p


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    Cryptic Studios is proud to announce our Extra Life Charity Gaming Event for 2018! On December 8th and 9th, from 10am to 10pm Pacific Time, Cryptic Developers will be playing video, tabletop and board games live and raising money to support UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospitals. You can tune in, win amazing prizes, and donate to help children in need – it’s a win/win situation for everybody! You’ll be able to watch the whole thing on Cryptic’s Twitch Channel or on the Facebook pages for Star Trek Online, Neverwinter, and Champions Online! Take a look at our schedule, and see below for more details on the events and the prizes! You don't have to wait for the event to donate. Click here, and you can do that right now! PRIZES But that’s not all! Just by tuning in, being your wonderful selves, and getting the chance to donate to a great cause, you can win some incredible prizes from

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    Aegis has stationed a security force in the Meene system to protect the engineer Ram Tah.

    An announcement was made by Professor Alba Tesreau:

    "Ram Tah's research has been enormously beneficial to our understanding of the Thargoids, and resulted in developments that aid us in the conflict. We therefore have a vested interest in protecting his work."

    "We have deployed a security force that will provide continual support while allowing Ram Tah's operation to remain completely independent. Hopefully this will prevent any further disruption."

    There has been no response from the Sirius Corporation, which recently arrested a cabal of junior officers from its private fleet for launching an incursion into Meene. Li Yong-Rui, the CEO of Sirius Corp, has allegedly withdrawn his offer to work with Ram Tah on Guardian-human technology.

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    2018 Mod of the Year Awards

    The search for the 2018 Mod of the Year has begun on ModDB, a voting booth for your fans has been added to your mod profile on the site. Rally your community, make some noise and lets celebrate mods!

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    Lost Fleet update in Q1 2019

    Lost Fleet is going to continue the Crossfire bonus missions and will open a new world for the players to explore. Main focus will be the Sol sector and its past secrets. With this new update we will introduce new systems (additional to Epsilon Eridani and Tau Ceti), new natural solar objects, new stations, new ships, new equipment and even (a) new faction(s) aswell as new story content related to it.

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    Several Imperial senators have spoken in support of isolationist group Nova Imperium.

    Senator Pal Vespasian made the following statement:

    "Many of us see Nova Imperium not as extremists, but as realists. The citizenry is afraid of both Thargoid invasion and of being weakened by collaboration with foreign systems. They look to the Emperor for salvation…and she offers them none."

    "We intend to invite Imperator Mordanticus to address the Senate and detail his policies. This is a historic opportunity to restore the Empire's honour and integrity."

    "Furthermore, Nova Imperium's proposal to install a new Emperor has my full backing."

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    Here's a real cool find from LOAF's recent treasure hunting. This disc contains several Origin demos in one collection courtesy of EA in Australia. The star here is the

    WC4 demo

    . It's quite a prize for WC collectors who are into finding all the demo discs that come with magazines and the like!


    Saturday morning treasure: a demo CD from Electronic Arts Australia! EA did several of these ‘CD Shortplay’ discs for different studios. Wing Commander IV and other great games! And also Cybermage.
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    From December 4th to January 3rd, we are running a promotion that will provide an additional bonus when opening a Research and Development Pack. When you purchase a Research and Development Pack from the C-Store and open it, you will receive either 10 Lobi Crystals or a Special Requisition Choice Pack - Tier 6 Promotional Ship Choice Pack in addition to the Research and Development Pack. We are excited to announce a new addition to this Promotional Ship Pack: The Vaadwaur Miracle Worker Juggernaut [T6]! While smaller Vaadwaur ships were easy to operate and acquire, the Juggernaut has been more difficult in both areas. They were salvaged at a much lower frequency than other Vaadwaur ships, and their power usage led to frequent complaints from engineers - some systems simply consumed more power to run once than any reasonable ship would generate in a year. However, continuous work on reverse

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    is back with a big update on his papercraft Wing Commander fighters. He

    recently shared

    some of his templates and techniques on how to make these awesome little fighters with a home printer and scrap cardboard. Now the ships have been put to good use as part of a new tabletop game that Maverick is putting together. He's spent quite a bit of time playtesting with a friend, and the shots below show off some of their space combat in action. Looks like fun! You can find an elaborate breakdown of the rules and help discuss future refinements at the CIC Forums




    So been a little while since I posted on this project, but wow what an update I have for it.

    First off, a friend and I got in basically a whole day of playtesting using some of the rules. And pretty much decided the rules needed to change.I'm just using little cardboard models I've assembled for game tokens at this point. Nothing

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