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    Leaders from the Alliance, Empire and Federation have agreed a series of minor treaties at the diplomatic gathering in the Sirius system.
    Vox Galactica featured this report from political correspondent Conrad Sterling:
    "Following days of heated arguments, temperatures in the conference chamber finally cooled enough for all three superpowers to formalise a raft of agreements. These were ratified in person by Chancellor Blaine, President Hudson and Prime Minister Mahon."
    "The most significant of these treaties is the Cornelius-Lasky Convention, named after its two leading proponents. This requires the Alliance, Empire and Federation to share information on any large-scale threats to civilian populations, including environmental, medical and xenological crises."
    "There has been slow progress on other topics, such as military limitation and border control. Many independent ambassadors are

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    Tom Roberts has posted some great photos of a Hellcat he recently 3D printed. The fighter looks fantastic and it even has a slick Confed star base. In the silvery metallic color, it also reminds me very much of the Hellcat statue we see in Wing Commander Academy. I don't own a 3D printer yet, but creations like this are seriously tempting me!

    arclight_model1t.jpgarclight_model2t.jpgThe source files come from Astrofossil's collection. Check out the links to all his WC models below!


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    Not only does Bioforge reuse the shuttle model from Super Wing Commander but the opening shot of their respective intro cutscenes is very similar! Bioforge's art director, Bruce Lemons, had worked on SWC.

    bioforge_shuttle1t.jpgbioforge_shuttle2t.jpgBioForge's Mondite dropship (left) vs. Super Wing Commander's shuttle to the Tiger's Claw (right)! BioForge uses it several times (and you see the interior at one point!) so I really need to go back and get some more reference shots.

    bioforge_shuttle3t.jpgbioforge_shuttle4t.jpgAD noticed that the '05' on the front of the ship appears in a SINGLE FRAME of the Super Wing Commander intro. Neat!


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    Wing Commander emulation continues to make good progress, but one area we haven't looked at in a while is getting the Macintosh version of Super Wing Commander running on modern systems. There's a fairly limited amount of info out there on getting SWC going, and most of it pertains to the 3DO edition. One particularly challenging aspect is that Mac SWC doesn't even run on modern Macs. The game really wants an OS 9 install to fire up.

    Gaijin has been exploring this topic and came across the Columbia emulator that simulates an OS 9 environment. He hasn't gotten it to work on his Apple silicon yet, but it does appear to work well on his Intel-based iMac, which is very promising!


    I was running it on my PowerBook Pismo (which still works great) until the fantastic emulator from Columbia came out. I haven't gotten SWC to work on my M1 MacBook Air 2020 yet, but it runs like a charm on my Sierra iMac! Purrs
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    Last week we saw a nice mix of cutscenes from Super Wing Commander that LOAF has been extracting from the Mac/3DO port. Here's a pair of new ones that show off how the ending can change after you destroy the Star Post. Based on which wingmen die, you'll get a spiritual narration with the deceased characters offering kindly advice or messages to Blair (or Armstrong). Under the 'perfect' conditions Bossman will be the only character to die. Each additional wingman who's lost will add their part - up to an additional 90 seconds of voiceover! Compare to the two versions below:

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    LOAF spotted a neat oddity in the third issue of "3DO Magazine." It features a full spread of different 3DO titles, which includes Super Wing Commander. The screenshot is clearly some kind of prerelease prototype though. It's the Hornet cockpit, but the gun capacitor, fuel display, speed numbers and other minor elements appear slightly tweaked in the final game. Most significantly, it shows a DOS WC1-style Hornet on the targeting VDU. The SWC version of the Hornet is a bit more squashed, and the VDU targeting displays are more bluish in tone. It's an interesting throwback and shows the development team may have been using placeholder assets from the original game! The first image below depicts the preview and second image is the final in-game shot.


    Look closely at the SWC screenshot - WC1 Hornet VDU

    And here's a nice look at the model used for the Hornet in Super Wing Commander:


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    AD came across a neat looking anthology that profiles some of the top games for the Super Nintendo called The SNES Pixel Book. The port of Wing Commander gets a full spread with some nice pictures and commentary. If I got a copy of this, I supposed I'd have to always casually leave it open to just this page, but it does look like there's plenty of other fun stuff in there too. You can see more sample pages and order a copy here.


    Bitmap Books is proud to present The Unofficial SNES Pixel Book. Created in collaboration with German publisher Elektrospieler this lavish, 272-page volume celebrates the golden age of 16-bit gaming on Nintendo’s ultra-popular home console.

    The book, which has been painstakingly translated from the original German text, features in-depth articles exploring the major genres to be found in the SNES’s huge portfolio of games. These are accompanied by tens of thousands of

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