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    Greg14 has uncovered another great vintage publication dating back to the golden era of Wing Commander's FMV production. This comes from the July 1995 issue of Joystick magazine in France. It's got lots of gorgeous set photographs, including some new ones to us. The article itself covers a range of topics such as the production values, extensive story, Chris Roberts as a director and more. Check it out below!


    The filming of the cinematic scenes of Wing Commander 4 in Hollywood studios. French magazine "Joystick" July 1995.
  • 17


    It's been getting teased for months, and now Mac's lore video about the TCS Johnny Greene is here! Mac does an excellent job building up the ship and detailing its heroic efforts as detailed in the End Run substory, Milk Run. Along the way, we're treated to scene after gorgeous scene of Klavs' models in action. The narration is spot on, but all of the snazzy artwork would make this a dazzling video even with the sound off!

    A battered old corvette gets called to perform a "Milk Run" recon job on a planet. What they find are suicidal odds against their survival and the means to turn the Kilrathi War around for Humanity.

    Thanks to Heart of the Tiger for the tip!

  • 16


    A special tribunal of the Federal Navy Criminal Court has deliberated the case of former admiral Aden Tanner and made a final decision.
    The following press release was released to all Federal newsfeeds:
    "This tribunal has scrutinised the latest evidence supplied by the Federal Attorney's Office. We find that the analysis of Salvation's superweapons does indeed substantiate Mr Tanner's allegation that they were designed to provoke a hostile response from the Thargoids. Azimuth Biotech has been unable to verify that its claimed 'anti-xeno detection network' exists, explaining that most of Salvation's advanced designs were not widely shared within the corporation."
    "Nevertheless, regardless of motive or moral justification, Mr Tanner directly disobeyed orders when the Musashi staged an assault on Hind Mine in the T Tauri system. It is therefore our judgement that the court martial verdict on the

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  • 15


    Here's another Spanish retro review from Maxi de Sokar. We've seen several of these articles recently, but this time OKPC really liked Wing Commander Armada! It earned a whopping 93% to beat out other top scorers like WC2 and Privateer each at 90%. The game got a four page spread littered with screenshots. They credit Armada's replayability, option to play as the Kilrathi and the multiplayer - including split screen mode. These are all things I love about Armada, but I don't often see reviews agree so enthusiastically. "Excitement will be served!"


  • 14


    The xeno-peace movement, which calls for communication with the Thargoids, has sought to rationalise the latest incursions.
    Despite ongoing conflicts in the 42 n Persei, Chun Pindit and Tekkeitjal systems, Thargoid aggression has been attributed to defensive measures. Reports by journalists in those systems, which have focused on the increasingly aggressive Thargoid craft, have been labelled 'propaganda' endorsed by major media corporations.
    The 'Thargoid Advocacy Project' - a label which many supporters of the movement use in calls to action - believes that the authorities must commit to establishing a dialogue with the aliens. Timothy Culver, a prominent activist for the xeno-peace cause, provided a statement to The Sovereign:
    "The Thargoids did not invade our space. We invaded theirs. Entire nebulas and other regions have been inhabited by them for over a million years, but our leaders

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    I'm just loving how Symphonic Remakes is starting to make their way through Privateer, which is chock full of moody and edgy music that really takes me back to the Gemini Sector. Their latest reorchestration tackles the game's initial spaceflight and combat music. Listening to this really conveys the sense of launching in your Tarsus or Centurion, heading out into the unknown and encountering some dangerous foes.

    If that's got you wanting more, here are a couple of their earlier Privateer tracks!

  • 13


    Greg14 found a really cool video from the inaugural issue of the French gaming mag PC Fun. In November 1994 this would have been one of the first magazines to include CD-ROMs that packed in "multimedia" enhancements like recorded interviews. Chris Roberts and Mark Hamill are included together here, and their responses are all in English with French translations on the screen.

    There are some lovely vintage touches to see. The footage is a "postage stamp" - taking up just a quarter of the screen in what's already a classically low res interface. Each answer is prompted by clicking a giant red button with the question on it. And just listen to Chris Roberts talk about how the game will run at 8-10 frames per second in SVGA on a 486/33 - those were the days!


  • 12


    The Federal Intelligence Agency has warned of heightened interest in the Far God cult and groups considered sympathetic to the Thargoids.
    Deputy Director Bethany Blake, who runs the Proactive Detection Bureau, delivered a public statement:
    "We have confirmed a significant increase in communications between local chapters of the Far God religious order, which includes the sharing of unverified xenological data. The Thargoids' victory in HIP 22460 seems to have caused unprecedented excitement among the cultists. At present, there is no evidence that they pose any danger to the public. However, we are concerned by a recent increase in citizens abandoning their conventional lifestyles to join the cult."
    "We have also noted the rising popularity of a civil movement that advocates diplomatic relations with the Thargoids. This rhetoric is being promoted by several high-profile media figures. There is

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    BastichB 64K has posted a new video in his DOS Days series. This episode focuses on Wing Commander 2, and it's been a long time coming since his WC1 profile originally dropped way back in March 2020. This isn't a particularly long clip, but it's nice how the narrator tries to set the stage and describe the early '90s pop culture context. WC2 gets a lot of credit for its new gameplay mechanics, narrative-driven story, interesting characters and engrossing expansions. Check it out below!

    A look back at Wing Commander 2 a classic sequel to the much beloved original space opera by Origin Systems.
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    CustomGameCovers has a cool product for Wingnuts who own Prophecy for the Game Boy Advance. Since the game comes on a cartridge, it's very popular on the resale market - although it's commonly without a box. This solution fills that need with a reusable DS-style container that has a slip cover based on the game's original cardboard box. It's not really a collectible piece itself, but it could be a nice complement to the Prophecy Advance in your collection! You can order them for about $10 on eBay. There's also a deal where you can buy two and get one free.


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  • 09


    If you caught Mac's short video last week, you got a taste of what he's up to with Klavs' amazing Rapier models. His last scene went heavy on the red tones while this one emphasizes more of the blue notes. You can now pick whichever is your favorite as a glorious 4K wallpaper!


    So yeah, I'm doing a #wingcommander thing. A small thing mind you, based on a story about a little Corvette that could. Somehow I seem to be having difficulty getting back into the ~*Youtuber Grindset*~, so I figure a small warmup project is just what's needed.
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  • 08


    Today we've got two pairs of scans from Maxi de Sokar. They once again come from the Spanish language OKPC magazine circa 1994. The first is a review of Privateer and Righteous Fire from issue 21. It talks about the challenge of starting out fresh and building your ship but then says that unraveling the game's mysteries is rewarding. Issue 28 has a preview of Wing Commander 3. As expected, they focus on the game's amazing evolution with SVGA graphics and live actors. It also features the cringeworthy doctored Spanish WC3 art that we've seen before. Weird!


  • 07


    Prime Minister Edmund Mahon has spoken out against Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval's decree to suspend inter-superpower cooperation.
    At a meeting of the Alliance Assembly, Mahon said:
    "This hasty decision from Emperor Arissa will have dangerous repercussions for the core systems as a whole, not just those within the Empire. Now that the Thargoids have become more hostile than ever before, humanity should be uniting against this common enemy."
    "Let us not forget: the coalition of anti-xeno taskforces in HIP 22460 performed their duties admirably, despite the tragic conclusion. That degree of military coordination could and should be sustained, to a far broader scale."
    "The Sirius Treaty, which I proposed at the Galactic Summit in 3307, would have established anti-xeno operations as a cross-superpower priority. I can only imagine how much better prepared we would now be to combat the Thargoids. But

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