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    Ensign Sylvia Tilly is the heart and soul of Star Trek: Discovery. Even in the darkest days of the Federation, or in the most twisted versions of the Star Trek Universe, she’s a bright spot of light that’s always ready to warm the room with a smile. We here at Star Trek Online feel like that’s the very essence of Star Trek – being a light in the darkness. That’s why we’re #Silly4Tilly, and that’s why we want to reward the Tilly in your life. For the next week, until October 9th with the launch of Age of Discovery, we want you to nominate a Tilly in your life. What makes them your shining light that brings out hope in the world? This could be a family member, a friend, a fleetmate, or anyone else who makes your life brighter by being a bouncing ball of joy. Post a short video nominating your friend and describing why they should win to social media with the hashtags #Silly4Tilly and #AgeofDiscovery,

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    Earth, Vulcan, Andoria, and Tellar formed the Coalition of Planets. At this time, Earth still was not using stardates, though most other Coalition members were. By local reckoning, it was the middle of the 22nd century, and it would take humanity nearly another decade before they started to use the Stardate system.” Professor Stevens took a moment to let that sink in to the minds of her class. Not everyone in the hall was from Earth, and the concept of the Julian calendar, let alone the split between BC and AD, took a little getting used to for the extraterrestrial students. “Now, who can tell me what the stardate of midnight on September 14, 2572 will be?” The professor looked over her class. The same few hands rose right away as many others set upon their PADDs to assist with their math. She took her time, hoping to give a non-Vulcan a chance to answer. Stevens smiled as the hand of her

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    The efforts of the Alliance have made a difference in the galaxy. The constant incursions by the Borg and others have been beaten back, thanks to a herculean effort of thousands of Starfleet, KDF, Romulan Republic and Jem’Hadar Captains working in concert. We can’t guarantee that these forces will never return, but all four quadrants are a little safer today. Excellent work, Captains. Starting this weekend, Red Alerts are moving from being always available to being special weekend events, with improved rewards! When these Red Alerts are live, you’ll be able to earn 35 Marks of your choice every time you play, with no cooldowns to prevent you from getting back into the action. These Task Force Operations will return to the galaxy regularly, as the groups of invaders do their best to take control of the four quadrants of the galaxy. This weekend, we’ll start with a social triple Red Alert

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    Mould Federal Mining Incorporated has confirmed that its appeal for commodities to supply an Oktoberfest celebration in the Bhagui system has been enthusiastically received by the galactic community.

    Hundreds of pilots supported the campaign by delivering commodities to Leavitt Port, and by protecting traders in the Bhagui system.

    A spokesperson for Mould Federal Mining Incorporated issued the following statement:

    "Thanks to so many generous pilots, Bhagui Oktoberfest will now go ahead. Revellers will be able to put aside their differences, forget their troubles and celebrate life."

    Pilots who contributed to the initiative can now collect their rewards from Leavitt Port in the Bhagui system.

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    Media organisation Broadcast Cobra has announced its intention to build a megaship in the HIP 16038 system. The organisation, which specialises in politics and current events, aims to reach a much wider audience with the construction of this mobile studio.

    Alessandra Koa of Broadcast Cobra issued the following statement:

    "As a broadcaster, we like the idea of a ship that can carry our signal to the farthest reaches of the galaxy. A megaship will allow us to transmit to systems that other broadcasters can only dream of reaching."

    To facilitate construction of the megaship, Broadcast Cobra has placed an open order for thorium, indium and superconductors, and has promised to reward pilots who deliver these commodities to Sopwith Dock in the HIP 16038 system. The organisation has also placed a kill order on all ships on its wanted list, to ensure that those contributing material can do so safely.

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    J’Ula beheld the odd, vicious human blade in her hands for a moment before setting it upon the desk in her quarters. It was a prize, presented to her by the leader of her personal guard, taken from the hand of a dead Starfleet security officer. Kukri, the humans called the blade. It was truly a warrior’s weapon. The officer who once wielded it killed eight Klingons in close combat before finally succumbing to his wounds. But he was a fool, this human. He fought alone against overwhelming odds, trapped in the belly of his ship after all of his comrades had died or surrendered. He fought in a burning house, she mused. He suffered the fate of all fools. Her vessel streaked through space at high warp. Valuable information was gleaned from Starfleet prisoners, and from captured data files taken from the “burning house” so bravely defended by the human with the vicious blade. She’d learned of a

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    Starfleet Executing Crash Mobilization Program for Walker-Class Starships Earth, June 15 2256 Jayce’s Interstellar Editorial Staff After the outbreak of what many pundits are already calling “Burnham’s War,” Starfleet Command has directed the superintendents of Yards 4, 32 and 39 to begin emergency evaluation and rehabilitation of mothballed Walker-class starships. The U.S.S. Walker (NCC-1202) entered service in 2221. Rapid innovation in both propulsion and duotronics led to the original design of the class becoming obsolete quickly, and given the difficulties involved in a full refit, Starfleet planners originally had decided to sunset the class in favor of new construction instead of investing in a modernization program. Before the war began, a small number of Walker-class starships were still in active service, but the majority of them had already been decommissioned. Now, with

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    Technology journalist Harlow Nassry has published a full account of the Rackham Ultratech Expo, which took place on Wednesday 3rd October.

    "All eyes were on Herculean Machines and Supratech, whose competing designs for personal computers have created a real buzz. Following lavish presentations from rival CEOs Maddox Hurd and Scorpio DeVorrow, prototypes of the Duradrive and Torc were given to attendees."

    "Unfortunately for Supratech, the Torc's holographic systems did not work as planned. Most users were surrounded by an incomprehensible aura of colours and images that, in some cases, brought on nausea. The Duradrive, by contrast, functioned perfectly."

    "The highlight of the expo came when Zachary Rackham tested a Duradrive by jumping on it, before using it to contact his chief accountant and authorise preliminary funding for the device. He told the crowd, 'I could have done with one of these

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