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  • 03


    Here's a fun Origin advertising pamphlet that you might not have seen if you weren't on Origin's mailing list (like Dan Gheesling was). This brochure went out to promote the holiday lineup on CD. Wing Commander 3 gets top billing, of course, with special mention of the Premiere Edition that was only available via direct sale from EA. A lot of collectors picked theirs up on eBay after the fact without realizing these weren't readily available in stores, although a similar boxed film reel edition was sold at Sam's Club. The reverse side is a System Shock sandwich flanked by Wings of Glory and Bioforge. This sheet represents a magical time in Origin history. The company was no longer held back by the limitations of floppy disks, and they were taking full advantage of the new disc format!

    Origin's Holiday CD Line Up is a folded mailer which was sent to registered customers to promote the companys
  • 07


    The ever-creative Tarsus has created another fun Wing Commander distraction to bring you some holiday cheer. With resources from the new Head Museum, he's created an automatic advent calendar with your favorite original WC characters as the daily reveal. It's a simple concept, but I can't wait to see who's queued up for tomorrow! Check it out for yourself here.


    I've taken the liberty of making an advent calendar out of your heads.
  • 15


  • 05


    General: The Renegade’s Regret: Rewards for Week 2 and Week 3 of “Renegade’s Regrets” have been updated. Week 2 will now reward the Trait Unlocks previously listed as the Week 3 reward. Week 3 will now reward a new “Ceremonial Polearm” The Draconian Sword is no longer a reward option. Players can no longer sit in the chair which the DS9 Security officer is sitting in. Neth Parr’s mouth now moves when speaking. Removed the random food players would receive when playing the episode. Resolved an issue where changing auto-attack settings would reset upon moving to another map. T5 Temporal ships will no longer have access to the T6 hulls if the player owns another T5 temporal ship or shuttle. Known Issues: The mission "The New Link" is currently cannot be completed. It's recommended that players skip it.

  • 08


  • 06


    Today a larger than normal percentage of Wing Commander fans are outside lighting off explosives and various rocketry. If you're among them, please stay safe! Might want to keep a Super Soaker handy... or leave the pyrotechnics to the professionals. It's also Origin founder Richard Garriott's 57th birthday - Happy Birthday!


  • 07


  • 06


  • 24


    Attention Captains, the Elachi are pouring into the Alpha Quadrant from previously undiscovered Iconian space gates in order to abduct helpless people! The Elachi have been doing with their captives, we need every Captain at the ready to help stop their forces. For a limited time only, the Elachi Alert queued event will return to Star Trek Online. From Thursday, July 25th at 8AM PT til Monday, July 29th at 10AM PT, close these doors to subspace and receive bonus mark rewards. A joint fleet has gathered here to stop them. The fleet consists of science ships that have disabled their weaponry in order to divert all available resources to disabling the gate. We’ll need to protect them from the Elachi until they finish their work. Remember that the science vessels efficiency will drop as they lose crew members to the Elachi. Defend the joint fleet from the Elachi in order to ensure their success. Be

  • 29


    Temporal Anomalies have opened a hole to an alternate universe, one with a fantastic sale, Captains. But this Flash Sale will only be available for a limited time – from 12pm 1/29 today – 12pm 1/30 PT, on all three platforms. Hurry and grab yourself some items at a one of our largest discounts ever, before the portal shuts and it’s all lost. Today’s Flash Sale is: $100 OFF A LIFETIME SUBSCRIPTION ON PC (Get it here), AND 33% OFF A LIFETIME SUBSCRIPTION ON CONSOLE (in the C-store)! Don’t wait! The Flash Sale Anomaly can be gone before you know it! .share-footer a { margin: 20px 10px 10px 0; background: url(d7afaaa14e96d0d973f76157ae31ec5b1466398539.png) no-repeat 0 0; opacity: .5; display: inline-block; height: 60px; width: 60px; padding: 0; border: 1px solid transparent; -webkit-transition: opacity .3s; transition: opacity .3s; } .share-footer .TI

  • 01


  • 10


    We most recently saw


    work on a large upscaled

    Tallahassee cruiser

    , but now he's gone in the opposite direction. His latest creations are a pair of tabletop gaming miniatures. They look very crisp and detailed, so it's hard to believe these are just cardboard layers with ship art printed on them. It's pretty amazing what people can do - even without a 3D printer!


    I'm slowly getting back into my various projects. One thing I have done is built several game piece mock ups so I can at least do some play testing and development. They're fairly simple builds, just strategically shaped layers of cardboard glued together.
  • 24


    The Star Trek Online team got a chance to catch up with Jeffrey Combs, who plays Weyoun and Brunt in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and our upcoming PC expansion, Victory is Life. During this time, we fired off some questions from our community that were gathered from Facebook, Twitter and the forums. Read on to gain intel on what it was like to be on the set of Deep Space Nine. “First off, welcome home! How does it feel to be back, and how was it slipping back into everyone’s favourite Vorta after all these years?” –Adam C. (Facebook) Thank you for your kind words. It is a thrill for me to revisit one of the most exciting periods in my career. I cherished my time on Deep Space Nine playing Weyoun and Brunt. It’s a big honor for me to be asked to revisit. It’s kind of like going home a little bit. I’m really happy about it. “Which Weyoun clone was your favorite?” @RealDawason1945

  • 07


  • 28


    wcafun05at.jpgWe've got a new poll up now, and this time we're asking about the worst places to need to eject. The options in this survey are bit deeper lore than we usually include, so here's a fuller rundown of the choices available:

    • Planet Pisces is the place where Krulan nar Ragitagha is stalked by the infamous Arthrosquids
    • Angel is forced to eject after taking out the skipper missile bearing down on the Claw
    • Minx is in an escape pod poisoned by radiation after the destruction of Ayer's Rock
    • Vagabond loses a fight against a wing of Darket in the Kilrah System on the Temblor Run
    • This is the pilot that Seether executes if you stay aboard the Lexington
    • Hawk reveals to Casey that Iceman saved him in B'shriss, but he was found and captured by the Kilrathi - the remains in the pod retrieved by Blair weren't pretty
    • I can only imagine what new challenges Arena's Nephilim fluid-space presented to ejected pilots
    • The pilot of
  • 23


    Here's kind of a bizarre little video. Nacho Rolon is a Youtube account dedicated to posting short clips comprised of photos of printed work. It's mostly things like posters, but there's an odd book here and there. Somehow, the account has more than 3000 subscribers and 1.5 million views. Wing Commander 3: The Heart of the Tiger was recently added, but I'm not quite sure why. It's certainly a slideshow of photographs of the WC3 novelization!

  • 15


    There's been a lot in the news lately about the Hong Kong protests and how various companies are reacting to those that support them, so it was only a matter of time until this story intersected with Wing Commander. Blizzard has been under fire this past week for their punishment of a Hearthstone player who spoke out in support of Hong Kong. The accusation is that they were overly harsh in their response in order to placate China. That whole discussion is far beyond where we're going to go, but the details surrounding Blizzard's response caught our eye. The president of Blizzard is none other than J. Allen Brack, of Wing Commander fame. He was hired in 1994 to help with quality assurance on Wing Commander 3 and continued on through WC4, Privateer 2, Prophecy and Secret Ops. The TCS Brack was one of the first Confed ships to encounter the Nephilim as told in the ICIS Manual. We've followed Mr.