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    Found an ancient bug in Armada! The source for the credits reads "Music & Digital FX" but the actual game doesn't display the ampersand. (But I think we can give the team that was QAing this and Wing Commander III at the same time a pass...)

    armada_credits1t.jpgAlso never noticed this cool footer on the credits! JEMM was the DOS extender and RealSpace was the 3D engine, both first developed for Strike Commander.


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    Dalton Chase, the Federal governor of Andavandul 1, is campaigning to become a member of Congress with support from the Thargoid Advocacy Project.
    A profile of Governor Chase was published in The Federal Times by political journalist Sofia Trevino:
    "Despite only being in his mid-thirties with a short political career, Dalton Chase has made a habit of beating the odds. He achieved a very strong following within his home system of Andavandul, eclipsing more experienced rivals to become a planetary governor."
    "This is largely due to his willingness to reach beyond the mainstream. Many politicians claim the kind of exuberance and natural charisma that Chase possesses, but few would risk talking about the Thargoids using pointed phrases such as 'communication not extermination'. Younger voters are drawn to his boldness, as are the ICE-casters who routinely invite him onto their platforms."

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    Here's an interesting four page preview of Wing Commander II from the November-December 1991 issue of Game Player's PC Strategy Guide (Vol. 4, No. 7), the magazine which eventually became PC Gamer. Much of the information about the game's early story elements and updates from Wing Commander I might seem commonplace today but in late 1991 it would've been mana from heaven!


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    Pekka Leppaluoto has put together a wonderful treat for Wing Commander Privateer fans. He's recorded the Priv soundtrack with his SCC-1 card and posted the results to YouTube in a convenient chaptered format. The SCC-1 is a variant of the Roland SC-55, which was one of the fanciest sound cards of the early '90s. The first few Wing Commander games sound just wonderful on the Roland hardware of the era. The YouTube clip below makes for easy convenient listening, but you can also download the tracks from our archives here.

    Wing Commander: Privateer (the original floppy disk version) Complete Soundtrack on a Roland SCC-1 sound card. All files played back using AIL Sound System's XPLAY.EXE with static content extracted from the game. As I was preparing another Origin Systems game soundtrack, I discovered that the same extraction tools work with Privateer so I was able to easily produce this one.
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    Today marks a full ten years since Star Citizen and Squadron 42 were first unveiled at GDC Austin in 2012. It's been quite an epoch for Chris Roberts and team. In comparison, the span of time from the launch of WC1, all of the subsequent DOS/Windows WC games and finally release of the WC Movie covered about nine years. Nevertheless, vast numbers of fans were enthralled by the virtual CitizenCon held on Saturday. As is tradition, Cloud Imperium continues to sprinkle Wing Commander easter eggs in from time to time. "Christopher Blair" makes a brief appearance in the introduction of the new MOBIGLAS interface. It's always nice to see them remembering their roots! You can see that reveal below starting at about the 1:20 minute mark. Thanks to Whistler and Dennis Mull for the tip!


    Look at these babies!


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    Here's a fun little teaser of the next's Mac's Lore video. It features a vast Confed fleet inspired by the massive task force assembled at Vukar Tag in End Run. Everything is anchored around Klavs' massive Confederation class dreadnought model, but there are plenty of gorgeous ships flanking it as well. We can't wait to see the finished product!

    "We have spent half a year planning this campaign, making sure every piece was in place. Here...we have assembled the largest task force in over a decade. Four major carriers, and over seventy other ships."
    - Admiral Wayne Banbridge#wingcommander

    — Mac's Lore (@MacsLore) September 11, 2022
  • 09


    We've got good news to report today for Wing Commander Arena fans! Back in August, people started to notice that the Xbox achievement records for certain games were no longer showing properly. This was distressing to us, since Arena was one of the games that appeared to be suffering from this predicament. Players' total point score seemed unaffected, and the achievements still appeared to show up at third party websites that had access to the source data, so we were hoping that this was just some kind of technical glitch. Additionally, other classic Xbox Live Aracade games like EA's Boom Boom Rocket were still appearing normally. Fortunately, we noticed this week that the game was one again showing up properly in Xbox gamertag profiles. You can now see all 12 Wing Commander achievements on your console, the web or mobile app. Check out how your score stacks up here (may need to log in to an

  • 09


    ODVS has a nice treat for German Wing Commander fans (of which there are many!). With the help of Bernd Vollbrecht and Dr. Gerd Naumann, he's redone the audio for the WC4 Remastered trailer. It's a wonderful video, and now more people can listen to it in their native language! You can download the playable demo for the WC4 Fan Remake yourself here (900 meg exe).

    Here's a little something for German-speaking Wingnuts, courtesy of MrCoffeeee:
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    Today we've got another amazing Wing Commander ship recreated in the modding workshop game Space Engineers. It's got a lot of wonderful touches designed by Aubi-Nation. The spaceframe shape is pretty solid with all of the recognizable pieces in place. I really like the running lights on the landing deck, and there are some nice moving doors and motion activated components as well. The interior of the ship has also been modeled as well, although it's a bit less complete. It's not the first Space Engineers Claw we've seen this year. You can also find NakaKen's here!

    #ThisDadPlays Space Engineers! I take one of my favourite ships from Wing Commander and I recreate it in Space Engineers! Here is the rediscovered version of the Tiger's Claw!