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    Today we've got a pair of compilation videos by Michael Jean that showcase the European boxes of the Wing Commander series. It's pretty simple, but it's a nice change of pace if you're used to boxes from other regions. I do appreciate the charm of just recording a parade of Wing Commander like this. It's a nice and thorough rundown too with games like Academy, Armada and Privateer 2!

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    *Pilots' Federation ALERT*
    An improved xeno scanner has been released to assist combat vessels engaged in anti-xeno operations.
    Following increased calls from AX pilots that the existing xeno scanner's limited range was a hindrance, Professor Palin's team at Arque Laboratory delivered a redesign to manufacturers that extends the scanner's upper range to two kilometres.
    Industrial complexes have worked overtime to distribute the latest model of xeno scanner. It is now available from military, high-tech and industrial planetary bases, as well as rescue megaships.

  • 27


    On the left we have a pre-release Privateer 2 screenshot published in the December 1996 issue of PC Review, seemingly from a review build. On the right, the same wingman listing for Delphinius from the finished game.

    p2_delphinius1t.jpgp2_delphinius2t.jpgWhat does this tell us? Someone very, very late in the process decided to remove a SPACE FIGHTER PILOT PORPOISE from the game's lore. The final version is such a weird joke, too... it almost feels like it was written to cover up a bug but... Delphinius is just a normal wingman?

    p2_delphinius3t.jpgOf course, we all know the Wing Commander universe has always been very, very careful to avoid borrowing anything from Larry Niven's Known Space.

    p2_delphinius4t.jpgI wanted to make sure I was right about Delphinius being a normally skilled wingman, so I hired him and there we go, he's happily battling a pirate.


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    Here's a throwback to a classic issue of Nintendo Power magazine. It comes from Issue 60 in May of 1994. I used to absolutely love the Classified Information section with things like cheat codes and passwords. This one is specifically for The Secret Missions. Press the Left and Right bumpers, plus Select and Start, on the second controller while on the title screen. Then press start on the first controller, and you'll go to the debug menu. This lets you pick what mission you want to play, turn on invincibility or play with the game sounds. You can do the same thing with the original SNES Wing Commander by typing "B, A, B, Y, B, Y, L, A, R, A" at the title screen and then pressing start.

    nintendo_power_60_classified_informationt.jpgI've previously expressed mixed feelings about mag scans going into YouTube videos, but I happened to see this one through a Video Games Magazine clip, which is pretty neat!

  • 24


    Today we've got a glorious (4K!) wallpaper by Mac, of recent fan project fame. It's lit by an enormous explosion that highlights some immaculate texturing. Mac reveals that the reason we're looking at this particular view is because the underside isn't complete yet, but we'll take it!


    Nothing makes for prettier fireworks then an exploding Kilrathi naval starbase as Admiral Tolwyn & Chris Blair will attest to. Good god, look at how pretty Hangar_B's Concordia is by the light of thousands of burning Kilrathi.
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  • 23


    We've been collecting votes for the last several weeks, and the winners of our annual Fan Project of the Year contest have become pretty clear!

    fanprojectoftheyear_winner_2022.gifIt may come as little surprise, but we have a quite definitive first place choice for 2022. With a commanding lead in our polling, the WC4 Remastered project wins as our Fan Project of the Year! Congratulations to the team! If you haven't given it a spin year, you can still try out the playable demo. The project has generated quite a bit of excitement lately, and we can't wait to see what's in store for 2023!

    fanprojectoftheyear_runnerup_2022.gifAs wonderful as our winner is, we had a whole slate of creative endeavors to choose from. Each one earned votes based on their own merits, and all are deserving of high praise thanks to their efforts to keep the WC community engaged and vibrant for another year. Two options bubbled up to the top and rank as our co-runners up this year.

    The first is

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    We see a lot of reviews of Wing Commander games, the movie and even the TV show, but there is not a lot of discussion online about the books. What little there is focuses on the novels, but there's a whole universe of content packed into the various Wing Commander strategy guides. Sticks, Stories and Scotch recently took a look at one of them, the relatively unique Ultimate Strategy Guide to WC1&2. This one differs from most of the other WC guides because it's told in narrative form. It gives the protagonist a name, Carl LaFong, and follows the adventures of the the first few games in the series. You can read their review here. It's so good that it got the author hooked before they even actually played Wing Commander for the first time!


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    Last year ZOmegaZ produced a pretty nifty Vega Campaign style collectible in the form of a two inch decorative coin. Now he's running a survey to see which challenge coin options would be popular enough to bring back in a second print run. Omega commissions small fan batches of these art pieces, and the results are pretty slick for about $13. If you missed out the first time around and would like to signal your interest in another set, you can find in the Google doc here. Hopefully there's enough interest to bring these back!


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    Prolific YouTuber Zaranyzerek has posted an in-depth “Closer Look” video at the Wing Commander Academy series on DVD. He shares with viewers a nice overview of what the show was about, the voice actors and how it fits into the Wing Commander universe. This actually isn’t the first time Zarany’s done a video on WCA. You can find the first in our archives back in 2014. As he’s mentioned before, not enough people know about Academy, so we love to see it get the extra visibility! Here we also get a nice and detailed tear down of the box and its contents from slip cover to disc art. Check the video out below and be sure to grab a copy of the season on DVD for just $8. You can also stream it on Peacock.

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    Yesterday was all about the Sabre, and today we've got a new wallpaper featuring the Broadsword. This one is Klavs' model once again, but it's been posed into an in-your-face perspective by Mac. This was actually made to complement the Broadsword lore video that he made for New Year's. You can imagine this might be the last thing a Ralatha sees before it goes boom!


    Big Broadswords Bomb Battleships By Blackmane Base.
  • 17


    For the 20th anniversary of Freelancer there are multiple activities and events planned between 24th February and 4th March.

    Below you can find a short overview on planned livestreams done during that time.

    24.02.2023Showcase, Perhaps Server EventNew UniverseDRCTakashi (Twitch)19:00 CEST
    25.02.2023Showcase StreamLibrelancerCallum7.30pm ACDT (10:00 CEST)
    26.02.2023Play together & Q&AFreelancer:Sirius RevivalDeDarkstar (Twitch)17:00 CEST / 16:00 CET
    27.02.2023Showcase / Server EventNew UniverseDRCTakashi (Twitch)19:00 CEST
    28.02.2023Race EventFreelancer:Sirius RevivalDeDarkstar (Twitch)17:00 CEST / 16:00 CET
    01.03.2023Play togetherNightstalker UniverseDeDarkstar (Twitch)20:00 CEST / 19:00 CET
    02.03.2023All about Genesis + Q&AGenesisGibbon - Wargibbon (Twitch)15:00pm GMT (17:00 CEST)
    03.03.2023Showcase New Content /

    Modding Tutorial Q&A
    Freelancer Universe/ModdingDragonFire15:00 UTC (17:00 CEST)
    04.03.2023Developer Round Table + GameplayVanilla (Zoner Universe)DragonFire15:00 UTC (17:00 CEST)
    05.03.2023Play together & dev talk with Q&AHD EditionDeDarkstar (Twitch)17:00 CEST / 16:00 CET


    For Crossfire we are going to have multiple server side events during the entire weekend 3rd March - 5th March and a "development meeting" in which future updates, planned changes, progress information and wishes can be discussed.

    More information about all of this will be announced mid February.

  • 17


    Klavs has a few new updates to his impressive Sabre design. The center aft fuselage has been streamlined with sleeker curves for a sharper look. The results speak for themselves! It's really nice to have a high quality model like this where even the turret guns and exquisitely modeled.


    I purposefully made the turret smaller/remote operated, but it's still there. The Sabre just seems like such a hotrod to me, it's a waste to haul around all that badonkadonk. Second pilot operating the turret remotely makes more sense, or even the primary pilot while the secondary pilot handles the torpedo lock.

    Still, it's big enough back there you could imagine a gunner being back there if you really wanted to!