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    wc1-mission-treet.jpgWhat the Fox Project has posted a pretty impressive speed run of Wing Commander 1. The game features an extensively branching mission structure, so players can experience vastly different games on multiple playthroughs. As we've previously noted, there's some strategy involved here. One short path through the game is to eject through the Enyo, Gateway, Chengdu and Port Hedland systems, then win in Hubble's Star (or Port Hedland) and Rostov, then eject again through Venice and still rout the Kats from the Vega Sector. This shouldn't be seen as cheating - it's its own type of art form to figure out how to legitimately game the game and still see the winning ending in the shortest possible time. The final score here is 23 minutes and 7 seconds, which is amazing! It's also half the time that speed runners were hitting four or five years ago. Check it out below:

    Well, it's been a year since I've
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    As part of our ongoing attempts to streamline the process of playing events in Star Trek Online, we are going to be making some changes to the Weekend Event Store on PC, and later on Xbox One and Playstation 4, giving you access to everything in the store for the price of one Weekend Event Token each. Like the changes to previously slotted events, these changes are designed to get you access to the items you’ve worked for, while also freeing up inventory space and moving towards how events will be working in the future. Starting on June 13th 2019 on PC, and August 8th 2019 on Xbox One and Playstation 4, every item and reward in the Weekend Event Store will be reduced in cost to a single Weekend Event Token. If you have any tokens remaining in your inventory, you may use them to your hearts’ content to buy whatever items you’d like. After this date, we will no longer be running Weekend Events,

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    Media organisation Broadcast Cobra has announced its intention to build a megaship in the HIP 16038 system. The organisation, which specialises in politics and current events, aims to reach a much wider audience with the construction of this mobile studio.

    Alessandra Koa of Broadcast Cobra issued the following statement:

    "As a broadcaster, we like the idea of a ship that can carry our signal to the farthest reaches of the galaxy. A megaship will allow us to transmit to systems that other broadcasters can only dream of reaching."

    To facilitate construction of the megaship, Broadcast Cobra has placed an open order for thorium, indium and superconductors, and has promised to reward pilots who deliver these commodities to Sopwith Dock in the HIP 16038 system. The organisation has also placed a kill order on all ships on its wanted list, to ensure that those contributing material can do so safely.

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    Christian Klein

    marches ever closer to having a complete set of Wing Commander games translated for Spain. This looks like a pretty thorough job with everything from the box to disc to manuals in Spanish, although no in-game audio has been revamped. The front doesn't have the big Midway flap that opens, but the static front and rearranged rear screenshot collage make it its own unique collectible! Compare to the original packaging




    This Wing Commander Prophecy version arrived today, and now my Spanish Wing Commander collection is almost complete. \o/
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    During Star Trek Online’s 2020 Summer Event, players participating in the festivities available at the Risa resort can earn Daily Event Progress towards an exciting new ship by participating in any of the following activities once per day. As with other recent events, progress towards this ship is account-wide, as is the final reward! Flying High Sun, Sand, and Scavenging Dance Party Horga'hn Hunt Making Waves Risa Biathlon Earning a total of 20 Daily Progress will allow players to claim a Risian Weather Control Vessel [T6]! Once this starship is obtained by any character on your account, all of the characters on your account will be able to claim the Risian Weather Control Vessel [T6] from the Account Claim tab within the Event Store (in the Event Tab of the Mission Journal). You can take a look at our community stream about this ship below! We are also excited to announce

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    Raph Koster

    has posted


    snippets from his upcoming book on video game development,


    . This time he provides a glimpse into the incredibly ambitious economy that Privateer Online was supposed to include. This includes complex guild mechanics, a virtual stock market and an offline web-based interface for certain tasks. Pretty wild for the time! The 700 page paperback publication is still slated for June 26, but ebook editions are starting to trickle out. The

    B&N Nook

    version is already available at just $20.

    Another feature of Privateer Online that arose out of its heavily commerce-oriented gameplay was its in-game stock market... which may not have worked the way you'd expect. Long before Farmville, MMOs were exploring asynchronous play. There were player vendors in UO, of course, but in Privateer Online we planned to extend that to a fully player-driven economy. I mean, we were
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    has previously

    set the record

    for the fastest winning and losing times for Wing Commander on the SNES. Now he's bested his previous run from Enyo through Hell's Kitchen by six seconds to 5:24. That might not seem like something to strive for to some, but finding the very fastest time from start to an endgame is a highly sought after milestone in the speedrunning community. Once you crunch this down smaller and smaller, shaving off seconds gets harder and harder! Check out the evidence here: