News categories list

  • 01


    From Thursday, February 1st at 8AM PT to Monday, February 5th at 10AM PT, we are having a 20% off sale on the services listed below. Now is the time to purchase these in the C-Store! Character Slots (4) Account Shared Bank Slots (10) Bank Slots (12) Bridge Officer Slots (2) Captain Rename Token Captain Retrain Token Character Slots (2) Duty Officer Roster Slots (100) (limit 4) Duty Officer Roster Slots (25) Inventory Slots (12) Outfit Slots (2) Ship Loadout Slots (10) Ship Slots (2) Dry Dock Slots (5) Energy Credit Cap Increase .share-footer a { margin: 20px 10px 10px 0; background: url(http://images-cdn.perfectworld…157ae31ec5b1466398539.png) no-repeat 0 0; opacity: .5; display: inline-block; height: 60px; width: 60px; padding: 0; border: 1px solid transparent; -webkit-transition: opacity .3s; transition: opacity .3s; } .share-footer .TI

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    J’Ula beheld the odd, vicious human blade in her hands for a moment before setting it upon the desk in her quarters. It was a prize, presented to her by the leader of her personal guard, taken from the hand of a dead Starfleet security officer. Kukri, the humans called the blade. It was truly a warrior’s weapon. The officer who once wielded it killed eight Klingons in close combat before finally succumbing to his wounds. But he was a fool, this human. He fought alone against overwhelming odds, trapped in the belly of his ship after all of his comrades had died or surrendered. He fought in a burning house, she mused. He suffered the fate of all fools. Her vessel streaked through space at high warp. Valuable information was gleaned from Starfleet prisoners, and from captured data files taken from the “burning house” so bravely defended by the human with the vicious blade. She’d learned of a

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    This is the Kobayashi Maru... nineteen periods out of Altair Six. We have struck a gravitic mine and have lost all power...our hull is penetrated and we have sustained many casualties. Prepare to face the most infamous Starfleet test! The Kobayashi Maru, the “original no-win scenario,” comes to Star Trek Online as a limited-time challenge for your captains. How long can you hold out against ambushing enemy ships? Can you keep the Kobayashi Maru intact while facing down waves of hostile attackers and space hazards? What would Kirk do? The Kobayashi Maru event will come in two forms: timed and untimed. In each case, you will fight to keep the freighter intact while destroying successive rounds of enemies who will become more and more dangerous as the simulation continues. The longer you last, the greater your rewards! Once everyone on your team is defeated at the same time – or when the timer runs

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    wc_llod68t.jpgThere are new updates for the

    Last Line of Defense



    is working to round out his 'Tolmacs' cruiser with weapons and fighters. The ship's guns are about half added and its launch tubes are also operational. He's mocked up a few videos that show both of these in operation.

    Still not done yet but some armament on the Tolmacs light cruiser done. The underside is missing laser turrets, a side mount is still open and don't know if I will give it missile turrets or even capship missiles.

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  • 02


    Fellow Freelancers,

    once every year you have the opportunity to show your dedication and support towards Freelancer and your favorite mods. It is a chance to put a spotlight on the game again and bring players back into action.

    With the Blackstar Update on the horizon it would be great if you could support Crossfire this year. Every vote matters and helps us to continue our work.

    You can vote for Crossfire at Crossfire 2.0 mod for Freelancer - Mod DB.

    Remember this is first stage of the voting. Once nominated for the Top100 you can vote again.

    Thank you, pilot.

  • 16


    The Now Playing Podcast's latest episode is all about Wing Commander. They are obviously a movie show, but this installment actually approaches the subject from a comprehensive Wing Commander franchise angle. At least one of the commentators has a long history with the series including the games, knowledge of the TV show and the back story of the WC Movie itself. They poke fun at some of the sillier elements of the film, but they credit things like its pioneering first use of time slice "bullet time," which is cool. They spend a full 90 minutes hashing everything out, so they cover quite a bit of ground. Check it out for yourself



    Game developer Chris Roberts was on course to deliver the first major science fiction film of 1999 when he personally piloted his massively popular flight simulator Wing CommanderPhantom Menace and The Matrix. Do fighter pilots Freddie Prinze Jr. and Matthew
  • 27


    Is your happiest moment of the day when you see your favorite starship? Us too, Captains. That’s why we were so excited when we announced our partnership with Hero Collector, the creators of the Official Star Trek Starships Collection. We announced last year that they would be producing a line of models based on the ships of Star Trek Online, and if you’ve been paying attention, you may know what some of those ships are already. But just in case you’ve missed it in all the other Star Trek news this year, here’s the ships Eaglemoss has confirmed so far: The Enterprise F The Gagarin Miracle Worker Battlecruiser The Chimera Heavy Destroyer The Andromeda Exploration Cruiser The Bortasqu War Cruiser The Vastam Tactical Command Warbird The Pathfinder Long Range Science Vessel And we can now confirm that the first two ships in that line, the Gagarin and the Chimera, are available to pre-order

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    From Thursday, August 16th at 8AM PT to Monday, August 20th at 10AM PT, we are having a 20% off sale on the services listed below. Now is the time to purchase these in the C-Store! Character Slots (4) Account Shared Bank Slots (10) Bank Slots (12) Bridge Officer Slots (2) Captain Rename Token Captain Retrain Token Character Slots (2) Duty Officer Roster Slots (100) (limit 4) Duty Officer Roster Slots (25) Inventory Slots (12) Outfit Slots (2) Ship Loadout Slots (10) Ship Slots (2) Dry Dock Slots (5) Energy Credit Cap Increase .share-footer a { margin: 20px 10px 10px 0; background: url(d7afaaa14e96d0d973f76157ae31ec5b1466398539.png) no-repeat 0 0; opacity: .5; display: inline-block; height: 60px; width: 60px; padding: 0; border: 1px solid transparent; -webkit-transition: opacity .3s; transition: opacity .3s; } .share-footer .TI {