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  • 10


    To celebrate the recent 30th birthday of Wing Commander 2, Guybrush_SF posted several wonderfully colorful vintage reviews from French magazines. I've said before that I love the bright '90s aesthetic of this era, and the WC2 color scheme just adds to this. Tilt gave the game 19 out of 20, Joystick awarded a perfect 100% and Gen 4 was close behind at 98%. I couldn't agree with these epic scores more wholeheartedly! You can find some of our past coverage from Generation 4 magazine on both WC1 and WC3.


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  • 06


    THRILLING ART NEWS! It turns out that the amazing cover to Wing Commander: End Run was NOT painted by Paul Alexander (as credited)... but David Mattingly! And... HE SELLS PRINTS AT HIS WEBSITE! Cool kids will know David Mattingly for his Animorphs covers while extremely hip gentlemen will know him for his Honor Harrington ones.

    endrun_mattingly1t.jpgEnd Run credits its cover art to Paul Anderson - the same as Freedom Flight, Fleet Action and Action Stations (which was commissioned for the WC3 novel). Those other three look like Paul Anderson paintings, though, and End Run kind of sticks out in its style. The painting was certainly sold years ago as a Paul Anderson original, but now that we have this super high res photography:

    endrun_mattingly2t.jpgHis wizard art is also worthy of song:

    endrun_mattingly3t.jpgendrun_mattingly4t.jpgI don't know if there's a story behind the incorrect credit... but it's worth remembering that this is the same series that also credited a whole book to the

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  • 02


    AI chatbots, AI generated art and AI everything else are super hot this year, and the CIC is always working hard to keep up with the latest trends. So we've put our best engineers and computer scientists (Kris) on developing our own Wing Commander generative art engine (beta). Type a Wing Commander topic in the box, hit the button, and see what you get! Keep in mind, there may be a few quirks...

  • 17


    The Combat Information Center team is proud to announce that we will be launching the Wing Commander community's first-ever weekly streaming show. The first episode of ALL WINGS CONSIDERED will air on YouTube this coming Thursday, February 21st at 7 PM Eastern. All Wings Considered is a live, weekly and informal look at the Wing Commander universe and fandom which includes gameplay, behind the scenes stories, community news and an ever-growing collection of regular segments and features! We've been developing the show for several months now as an outlet for our love of the series and are excited to start sharing with the rest of the world.


    The first episode of All Wings Considered will also include the first iteration of a Wing Commander book club! This week we will be discussing the first four chapters of Wing Commander: End Run and everyone is welcome to join the live conversation via the WCCIC

  • 14


    A Twitter account dedicated to Turkish Movie Posters has found a copy of the glorious design for Wing Commander - or Cesaret Kanatlari! It's a nice high quality image here, so we're happy to share it in this format. We've seen this art in more squished forms a number of times over the years for items like the VHS or VCDs, but I don't think I've personally seen the full poster quite like this before. Tchéky Karyo, who played Paladin, was born in Istanbul.



  • 13


    The Turkish VHS has been added to our international cavalcade of Wing Commander home video releases!

    turkish_wcm_vhst.jpgTurkey also got the film on VCD!

    It's always great to come across odd localizations of the Wing Commander film that we missed in the past. On display today we present 'Cesaret Kanatları', as the film is known in Turkey. Roughly this title translates to "Wings of Courage," which I think has a nice ring to it! The Turkish distributor of the Wing Commander movie was Ozen Film, which also distributed the Chris Roberts produced Outlander in that country.
  • 07


  • 04


    Big Box Collection is a really nifty website that has digitized hundreds of classic game boxes. Rather than just simply scan each side, they've created virtual 3D representations that you can spin around and examine from all angles. It's really cool! Some have appropriate backdrops like the Thunderbolt cockpit behind WC3. A lot of these, including the Wing Commander games that are featured, are the German versions so you might spot you've never seen before! Perusing your old games on a stroll down memory lane is a lot of fun too! Thanks to Space Game Junkie for the tip! Check out the gallery here.


    You guys, this bloke put together an amazing virtual collection of classic PC big box games where you can look at a full 3D representation of each box. It's astounding.
  • 30


    The clock continues to tick down towards the formal delisting of Wing Commander Arena from the Xbox 360 Marketplace. As of July 29, 2024, all Xbox 360 games that aren't forward compatible to the modern Xbox One/Series consoles will no longer be sold. This is a bittersweet (more bitter than sweet) milestone for those of us who thoroughly enjoyed the game when it launched in the summer of 2007, but it's also pretty incredible that it's had an uninterrupted 17 year run of official support. The good news is that you can still buy the game now and continue to play it online for the foreseeable future. Even if you don't own a 360 console, it's just $10 on the web. Pick it up now, or else you may find yourself chasing down that November 2007 OXM cover disc for the physical copy! It does seems likely that Microsoft will eventually also sunset 360 online support as well, but we're cautiously optimistic

  • 23


    We’re adding two brand new items to the Gamma Vanguard Pack, which launches with Victory is Life in June on PC! Preorder the pack now, or purchase it when it goes live, and you will also receive the Jem’Hadar EV Suit, and three Jem’Hadar Vanguard Bridge Officers! And the best news is, the price of the pack hasn’t changed at all, and anyone who has already preordered will also receive these items. Check out the details: Jem’Hadar EV Suit Every Jem’Hadar warrior must be prepared for all types of battle including the ones in the cold darkness of space itself. This is available for all factions. This can be claimed once per character. Three Jem’Hadar Vanguard Bridge Officers Jem’Hadar Vanguard Bridge Officers are some of the most powerful Officers to have at your disposal. They have improved offensive capabilities in ranged and melee weapons as well as critical hit chance and

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    I just want to announce that dented_ship and Ajay volunteered to help keeping this Portal save and clean. Thank you guys.

    Both have joined our Moderator team.

    Thank you also to all the other Moderators, Super-Moderators, news writers and contributers.

  • 07


    We’re adding two brand new items to the Gamma Vanguard Pack, which launches with Victory is Life in June on PC! Preorder the pack now, and you will also receive the T5 Cardassian Galor Cruiser, and the T6 Jem’Hadar Vanguard Carrier! And the best news is, the price of the pack hasn’t changed at all, and anyone who already preordered will also receive these items. Check out the details: T5 Cardassian Galor Cruiser During The Dominion War, a small surplus of Galor-class starships were given to the Federation and Klingon Empire to aid in the defeat of the Jem’Hadar. This ship was once only available in the Cardassian Lock Box but is now included in this pack for every character on an account. This ship comes with a free upgrade to T5-U when owned by a Level 50+ character. T6 Jem'Hadar Vanguard Carrier This enormous vessel supports the Vanguard Fleet by acting as a mobile assault base for

  • 15


    We’re pleased to announce that, with the launch of our 10th Anniversary Update, two Task Force Operations will be entering the regular rotation, with their own advanced and elite versions! Both Battle at the Binary Stars and The Mycelial Realm are coming to test your mettle in space and on the ground. In Battle at the Binary Stars, experience one of the darkest moments in Federation history, as a bloody war was kicked off with the Klingons. You’ll enter a holodeck simulation of this historical event, and your ship will take on the holo-image of an era appropriate Federation craft. You may not be able to prevent the war, but perhaps with your ingenuity and cunning, you can save more lives than the Captains of history. In The Mycelial Realm, Ju’la and her forces are attempting to harvest the power of the Mycelial Network. You can only put a stop to it by venturing inside the network yourself.

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    We recently came across a remastered take on Prince Thrakhath's Theme by TiMidity and posted by davvigtu. This is one of the most epic tracks in the whole franchise, so we're excited to share each new take on it. There are certain tones in this remaster that come across a bit more clearly and it has a nice solid timbre throughout. If you'd like to compare how this sounds versus the original, you can find a nice rip of the Origin Audio Volume I version here (second from the bottom).

    And not at all meaning to detract from the version above, but this is also gives me an opportunity to once again share Jason Walton-Young's masterful version: