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    From July 26th to August 16th, we are running a promotion that will provide an additional bonus when opening a Research and Development Pack. When you purchase a Research and Development Pack from the C-Store and open it, you will receive either 10 Lobi Crystals or a Special Requisition Choice Pack - Tier 6 Promotional Ship Choice Pack in addition to the Research and Development Pack. We are excited to announce a new addition to this Promotional Ship Pack: The Hur’q Vedcrid Hive Dreadnought Carrier [T6]! After the events of the recent conflicts in the Gamma Quadrant, knowledge of – and access to – Hur’q technology has grown immensely. Now is your chance to experience flying a starship designed to support the swarms of the Hur’q! ** Complete stats/abilities of the Hur’q Vedcrid Hive Dreadnought Carrier are included at the end of this Dev Blog – keep reading for more information! In addition to

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    Fans of the Wing Commander Movie's large battles and CGI now have an easier way to cut straight to the highlights.

    hasan 15m

    has distilled the film down to just these sequences, and the result is an eight and a half minute action fest. The order has also been redone to create a new narrative, although some bits could be considered out of place and that's a wacky thumbnail graphic. Sorting out the fight scenes in movies is kind of hasan's thing - somehow he's been doing this for seven years with 130,000 subscribers and 56 million total views!

    Wing Commander - Space Combat
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    has shared a few more images of his cool


    Tallahassee cruiser. His new version is significant bigger than the original, and these new photos provide a good comparison to show off the scale. It might not look like much yet, but the structure that exist has pretty good geometry. Some of his longer term plans to add engine glow and other effects sounds really neat too!


    I think this shot makes a good effort at showing the size difference. The prior version is about 11" long (show on the left) while this large version will be abound 24" long. Seeing the fully assembled smaller verison, alongside the partly assembling engineering section for the large version I think helps show the difference really well. I've been including measurements in the parts as an element of planning so I can go back and develop new details, design new parts etc. As an example, I'm thinking about how I can
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    A new poll is up, and this time it asks what your guilty pleasures are in Wing Commander. Everyone knows what the fun things are to do in the most popular games, but there are plenty of fringe activities that fans also enjoy. A sampling has been provided for you to vote on, but if we missed anything good, let us know!

    provinggrounds01t.gifwc1_eject1t.gifGamerScore17t.jpggog_privateer9t.jpgvancouver1t.jpgThe previous poll asked about the best years in franchise history. There was pretty solid support throughout the '90s, but both 1994 and 1996 came out ahead. Wing Commanders 3 and 4 were major heavy hitters in these years, but it helped that they were bolstered by a wide variety of new products.

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    has released a long-awaited update to his


    patch for Kilrathi Saga. The program makes a number of critical updates to the game's DirectX implementation in order to improve compatibility on modern computers. WC1 has been the primary focus, but the last couple updates provide initial support for Wing Commander 2. This update refines that and improves stability and smoothness of your WC2 game in Windows. Grab the files


    and give it a try!


    General changes:

    • Patcher internals have been completely overhauled. Ideally, you won't notice any difference, but you should now get better error messages when things go wrong.
    • Due to implementation divergence in the underlying platform, wcdx now handles scaling of the game's graphics internally instead of relying on the operating system.
    • Restored mouse cursor positioning for all games.
    • Much better multi-monitor support.
    • Fixed a couple of
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    Today a larger than normal percentage of Wing Commander fans are outside lighting off explosives and various rocketry. If you're among them, please stay safe! Might want to keep a Super Soaker handy... or leave the pyrotechnics to the professionals. It's also Origin founder Richard Garriott's 57th birthday - Happy Birthday!


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    has posted a status update for his scratch-built


    Tallahassee model. He showed off a few images to demonstrate what he's done lately, and this includes a nice resizing up to a significantly larger scale model. The blueprints for his new design are displayed right next to his previous generation cruiser. We can't wait to see the larger results! He's also previously used different color materials to show contrast during the construction phase, which are clearly very different than any scheme we'd ever seen in game, but I kind of like the funky colors. There's some potential for some very creative artistic license there!


    So what am I doing? Well, I'm sort of starting over... kind of. As I mentioned previously I lost the file that had all the notes for scaling so I couldn't finish the last version of the model I was working on. Well, I decided to take the first steps and go big
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    Today we'd like to officially announce our annual Birthday Party for the CIC's 20th Anniversary! This year we'll be observing the event on Saturday, August 18, 2018 at 7:00 pm EDT (4:00 pm PDT and 11:00 pm GMT). We'll be celebrating two decades of Wing Commander community at, and we hope you join us! As usual, the day will be chock full of site updates, news stories, trivia and fun times! There'll also be one significant change this year. For the first time, we'll be transitioning the online party from IRC to Discord. A large group of Wingnuts has been testing out the program for over a year, and we'd like to invite you to join us there. Although the shift away from our trusty IRC server is bittersweet, there are some very cool advantages with Discord. The program makes it very easy to join on both PCs and via mobile devices, there's enhanced support for attachments and even

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    Here's a peek at an interesting prototype of the Wing Commander Universe Map included with Wing Commander Prophecy. We first caught a glimpse of this during our 2012


    to the University of Texas archive. While the

    final map

    detailed many sectors where most of the main events happened in the series, this appears to be a little snippet that just traces through the events of WCP. Due to the number of differences, it appears to predate even the

    preview map

    that was released online during development, which is pretty cool! Extra bonus: Pix, ace and LOAF posing Texas-style with George Oldziey's CD!
