Indulge Yourself in New CIC Poll

A new poll is up, and this time it asks what your guilty pleasures are in Wing Commander. Everyone knows what the fun things are to do in the most popular games, but there are plenty of fringe activities that fans also enjoy. A sampling has been provided for you to vote on, but if we missed anything good, let us know!

provinggrounds01t.gifwc1_eject1t.gifGamerScore17t.jpggog_privateer9t.jpgvancouver1t.jpgThe previous poll asked about the best years in franchise history. There was pretty solid support throughout the '90s, but both 1994 and 1996 came out ahead. Wing Commanders 3 and 4 were major heavy hitters in these years, but it helped that they were bolstered by a wide variety of new products.