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    Meddling in the timeline is prohibited by almost all galactic powers in one way or another, but when values are in conflict a hierarchy must emerge. The Iconian War set that prohibition against life itself, and while records are tightly sealed, temporal disturbances were recorded by independent observers across the quadrant. We have recently learned that this, at least for Starfleet, was not a unique instance. An entity called the Red Angel meddled repeatedly in what has been termed the ‘prime timeline’, giving credence to the notion its primacy refers to its favorable outcome. The Angel’s actions were seen as a moral duty: values held by life mean nothing to cold, dead rock. In this way have morals and ethics always conflicted with practicality in Star Trek. A culture’s principles must eventually weigh against each other. Brutal decisions creep ever closer, we cannot always find clean

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    From June 14th at 8am PT to June 18th at 10am PT, we are having a 20% ship sale, and introducing the Archon Intel Assault Cruiser to Xbox One and Playstation 4 for the very first time! See below for details on this brand new ship! Enjoy not just a discount on our ships, but fleet modules, dry dock slots and ship upgrade tokens as well! Have you been eyeing a new ship or ship bundle in the C-store? Now is the time to grab the ship you've always dreamt of commanding! All ships and dry dock slots in the C-Store are 20% off. This includes bundles which are comprised only of ships. This does not include bundles that have items other than ships in them. The ship upgrade token, ship upgrade token bundle, and the fleet module are all 20% off as well. Each time a player buys a Tier 5 ship, they will receive a free ship upgrade token. This only occurs when the Tier 5 ship is bought for the

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    Beginning on August 8th, 2019, the combat trials of the Arena of Sompek will be returning as our next Featured Task Force Operation, with many changes to make the Arena easier to face on a daily basis. While this TFO is available, Captains may participate daily to earn progress towards a brand new Featured-TFO reward, as well as earning Coupon Progress toward a Tier-6 Starship Coupon. This is the third and final FTFO in our Free T6 Ship Event. Don't miss this chance to finish your progress and get a free ship! Continue reading for full details! Reborn For a New Era In anticipation of the Arena’s return as a long-running Event, and in response to player feedback received during previous runs of this challenge, we have made a number of alterations to the structure of this Task Force Operation. The minimum level for participation has been reduced from 50 to 10. Romulan and Jem’Hadar

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    For four days, from November 1st at 8:00 AM PT to November 5th at 10:00AM PT, all Captains level 50 and above can queue up for either the timed or untimed version of our 5-captain “Arena of Sompek” event to prove their honor and prowess in combat. Participation in the arena will earn Weekend Event Vouchers. After collecting at least 3 vouchers, players can purchase a new personal shield, the Sompek Personal Shield! This shield protects you from electrical attacks, including the lightning you'll encounter in the arena, and if combined with previous Sompek weapons, gives you a bonus power to repel enemies while reviving your friends! To participate and earn Weekend Event Vouchers, queue up for an Arena of Sompek queue – participation will grant you a Weekend Event Voucher, in addition to the normal rewards based on how many rounds you progress. Marks 0-3

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    For four days, from May 3rd at 8:00 AM PT to May 7th at 10:00AM PT, all Captains level 50 and above can queue up for either the timed or untimed version of our 5-captain “Arena of Sompek” event to prove their honor and prowess in combat. Participation in the arena will earn Weekend Event Vouchers. After collecting at least 3 vouchers, players can purchase a new ground weapon, a pair of Tsunkatse Gloves! The new Tsunkatse Gloves allow the user to perform Martial Arts strikes while dealing increased damage. Acquiring the Tsunkatse Gloves unlocks an option with the Tailor, and will allow you to customize their appearance. We understand how important the cosmetic aspects of Captain’s gloves are, so equipping the Tsunkatse Gloves will not alter the appearance of the gloves you have selected from the Tailor. If you wish for your gloves to look like the Tsunkatse Gloves, you can select them as your

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    For four days, from October 25th at 8:00 AM PT to October 29th at 10:00AM PT, all Captains level 50 and above can queue up for either the timed or untimed version of our 5-captain “Arena of Sompek” event to prove their honor and prowess in combat. Participation in the arena will earn Weekend Event Vouchers. After collecting at least 3 vouchers, players can purchase a new personal shield, the Sompek Personal Shield! This shield protects you from electrical attacks, including the lightning you'll encounter in the arena, and if combined with previous Sompek weapons, gives you a bonus power to repel enemies while reviving your friends! To participate and earn Weekend Event Vouchers, queue up for an Arena of Sompek queue – participation will grant you a Weekend Event Voucher, in addition to the normal rewards based on how many rounds you progress. Marks 0-3

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    Titan Taranis is under siege, taking major damage, and close to presenting a major turning point in the war against the Thargoids. This is an urgent call to all independent pilots to aid in the complete defeat of a Titan.
    A recent surge of financial support has allowed Aegis to remove the material requirements for the following key modules:
    - The Thargoid Pulse Neutraliser – the key to punching through the maelstrom's defensive field and reach the centre.
    - The Caustic Sink Launcher – a valuable tool to protect ships from the aggressive caustic fog permeating the cloud around the Titan.
    This funding originated from numerous groups and individuals following the news about Ram Tah's Guardian Nanite Torpedo technology being deployed to great effect against Taranis. Aegis wish to express that humanity will be forever grateful to those who risked their lives to make this happen.
    Good luck,

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    There's tons of great Wing Commander fan projects out there, but it's not every day that we get a teaser for a new one.


    has had a hand in quite a few different endeavors over the years, and his latest will be a new short fan film. Projects like these have been proposed a number of times over the years, but we haven't seen very many come to fruition. They have a lot of potential to be pretty cool, and FekLeyr even made a graphic to announce his reveal this Monday, so we're pretty excited to see what's to come!


    On June 18 2018, 8 PM Zulu, a new short Fan Film is going to be released.
  • 08


    *Pilots Federation ALERT*
    The Adamastor, a 200 year old 'ghost ship' in orbit around Chukchan 5 b, has received a mysterious encrypted signal. The derelict vessel has been undergoing investigation by Alliance Salvage Guild teams since its discovery last October. They released this report:
    "Months ago, we cut open one of the Adamastor's damaged cargo holds to find an undeployed communications beacon. We managed to power it up, but it contained no data and had never been used."
    "This beacon has now automatically activated, and is receiving and rebroadcasting a long-range signal. The transmission's source cannot be identified, but is definitely of interstellar origin. Its encoded content has yet to be deciphered."
    The Adamastor vanished in 3111 after an incident that may have involved the first historical encounter with the Thargoids. It reappeared in 3306 when it entered the Chukchan system at

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    Recent reports from the Betel system indicate that an ongoing feud between the Silver Creative Network and the Betel Free has escalated into violence.

    General Hollis of Betel security issued the following statement:

    "After a lengthy period of peace, these factions are now determined to wipe one another out. As much as we want to subdue this conflict ourselves, we simply do not have the ships to stage an effective intervention."

    With system security forces stretched thin, both organisations are seizing the opportunity to settle old grudges, and have issued calls for support. Pilots who participate in the conflict will be generously rewarded by their chosen faction.

    The two factions have set out week-long operations to take control of the system, which will begin on the 23rd August 3304.

  • 06


    Here's a better look at the really cool Japanese brochure that accompanied the launch of the Wing Commander Movie in theaters there. Wingnuts got a preview in this week's episode of

    All Wings Considered

    now that LOAF has added one to his collection. Even if you can't read the text, it's easy to appreciate what a gorgeous collectible this is. It'd be great if these types of things were more common!


    In Japan, theatrical movie releases have printed programs (sort of like a non-interactive @themoviebill.) After some hunting, I’ve found the one for Wing Commander!
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