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    We're entering the home stretch here in the lead up to the CIC's 24th Birthday Party. Next Saturday we'll all be gathering in Discord #Wingnut to celebrate with everyone. I'm excited for the cool things that we've got teed up to share, and it'll be wonderful to catch up with so many people again. Stop by on August 13 at 7:00 pm EDT (4:00 pm PDT and 11:00 pm GMT) - or join in any time beforehand to hang out! See you there!


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    From February 13th at 8am PT to February 17th at 10am PT, we are having a 20% ship sale. Enjoy not just a discount on our ships, but fleet modules, dry dock slots and ship upgrade tokens as well! Have you been eyeing a new ship or ship bundle in the C-store? Now is the time to grab the ship you've always dreamt of commanding, including the new ships of the Temporal Warship Bundle! All ships and dry dock slots in the C-Store are 20% off. This includes bundles which are comprised only of ships. This does not include bundles that have items other than ships in them. The ship upgrade token, ship upgrade token bundle, and the fleet module are all 20% off as well. .share-footer a { margin: 20px 10px 10px 0; background: url(d7afaaa14e96d0d973f76157ae31ec5b1466398539.png) no-repeat 0 0; opacity: .5; display: inline-block; height: 60px; width: 60px; padding:

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    The Prophecy & Secret Ops Model Upgrade Pack is kicking 2020 off with a bang. There's a brand new Cerberus model churning the waters that's even more accurate to the original model while being more efficient at the same time. It's already humming along in the game's engine ready to headline the project's next release. The new update should be forthcoming soon after DefianceIndustries makes some upgrades to the Midway and other capships. You can try the latest version here.

    Happy New Year Wingnuts! We we keep plugging away here at the MUP. Grim is finalizing a few additional engine tweaks for correcting issues with corvette impacts and a new mesh for the capship explosion shockwave. The old one was a bit angular so we're seeing if we can use a smoother mesh with some more triangles to make it look more better. We're also looking at possibly doing dynamically sized shield impacts on capships based on
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    Earlier this year, Starfleet Engineers, in conjunction with the finest minds in singularity technology of the Romulan Republic, finally made a breakthrough in investigating the incursions from the Galaxy of Great Sales, which occasionally merges with our own to set off the anomaly known as the “Flash Sale.” This allowed Star Trek Online to put together three great sales during the Earth event known as Black Friday, but during the Intra-galactic Winter Holiday Celebrations, we’re putting together five sales! The rarest ships in the galaxy are coming back, and you get another shot at commanding them! From December 22nd at 10am PT to December 25th at 10am PT, the Infinity R&D Packs return, and what’s more, they’re 30% off! This is your chance to get your hands on the original Enterprise, the Discovery D7, and more! .share-footer a { margin: 20px 10px 10px 0; background: url(

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    General: Updated text in Q’s winter dialogue to give correct instructions for the new event system. Content: Removed minimum level requirement on “Fastest Game on Ice”. Requires Tutorial completion and primary allegiance. Systems: Resolved an issue that was preventing the Fek'Ihri Fe'rang Dreadnought Carrier [T6] from being reclaimable. The "Festive Enterprise" and "Festive Odyssey" sweater unlocks, now unlock the correct associated costumes. The "Slippery Target" Starship Trait now has a 15 second lockout before it can placate the same target again.

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    The latest episode of ALL WINGS CONSIDERED is live now! All Wings Considered is the CIC's first ever streaming variety show which features news, conversation and gameplay relating to our favorite series. This week's Nav Points include:

    • Wing Commander 3 - Blackmane System - let's save and/or take apart a starbase!
    • Book Club Mini - Heart of the Tiger Chapter 16 - Kevin Tolwyn comes to town
    • Learn how the Wing Commander Academy Gauntlet works!
    • McHale's Navy - cruise missiles throughout history

    Missed the stream? The replay will be available below once it has been processed by YouTube. You can subscribe to the AWC channel for future notifications here.

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    Five new patrols are coming to Star Trek Online, bringing new challenges and story to the universe. J’Ula, sister of T’Kuvma, is on the march once again. She is seeking the spores of prototaxites stellaviatori to fuel her devastating new superweapon. With the aid of Lt. Commander Paul Stamets and Captain Kuumaarke, captains can stand tall in the fight against the dangerous matriarch of House Mo’Kai. We’ll be revealing the new patrols one at a time in the lead up to Awakening – check back with for more! The Ninth Rule The player deals with mercenaries working for the Ferengi Daimon Madran as he steals mycelial spores from the Kinjer System to sell on the open market to the highest bidder. You will first be able to access these new Patrols from your mission journal after completing the episode “Beneath the Skin.” If you are on a Patrol mission from the journal,

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    Last week we posted about an

    Amiga promotion

    that highlighted the CD32 port of Wing Commander. While this is a relatively unknown version of WC1 for most fans, we heard from Wingnuts who fondly recalled waiting for this game. So to help whet the appetite of those folks as well as educate people who might not be as familiar with this iteration, here's a new playthrough by


    . It's about twenty minutes of footage from the first mission. I love these because everyone knows Enyo 1 like the back of their hand, so all of the little micro differences really stand out!

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    The latest episode of ALL WINGS CONSIDERED is live now! All Wings Considered is the CIC's first ever streaming variety show which features news, conversation and gameplay relating to our favorite series. This week's Nav Points include:

    • Privateer Replay: breaking blockades and dodging rocks!
    • What if Wing Commander III didn't take place in 2669?
    • We learn all about stars, nebulas and planets
    • Privateer 2 ships of the week: the Freij and Freij Mk II!

    Missed the stream? The replay will be available below once it has been processed by YouTube. You can subscribe to the AWC channel for future notifications here.

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    All of us at the CIC are in shock at the news of Klavs' passing. We all get caught up in the frenzy of our hectic lives, but moments like this really make you realize you don't know how lucky you are to have everyone in your life until it's too late. I had the honor of meeting Adam Burch in person once about ten years ago. He flew into town on behalf of the kit-built aircraft manufacturer that he worked for at the time. I couldn't believe how knowledgeable he was about all aspects of the plane, plus the marketing and business sides, and then he could even fly it! I work in aerospace myself, so I know how complicated this all was, and his expertise was astounding. He was also exceedingly generous and kept mentioning how he'd like to return some day so he could take me up on a flight. If you didn't know, he didn't just design Wing Commander ships - he was also a spacecraft artist/designer at

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    AllTinker has a couple of fantastic extra wide art pieces to share from his Confederation mod of WC1. I really really like that extended view of the Tiger's Claw with bridge and gun turrets visible.

    Here's another couple of things for the heck of it; the extended 'Claw for the landing animation, and the victory animation (the first frame of it at least; the whole animation is good to go though).

    confederation_engine_art43t.jpgconfederation_engine_art44t.jpgSome scenes are going to be easier to draw than others. The victory sunset is a relatively simple background to flow out. On the other hand, coming up with the visuals for the back half of each fighter are proving to be more of a challenge!


    In terms of stuff I haven't done for the widescreen mod, there's only one thing now: the side views of the ships in the hangar, and they're very difficult. I experimented with some cheat methods, e.g. a big clamp holding the ship, or other stuff in the foreground to hide