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    Here's a scene cut from Privateer 2! It's from the main plot (between your visit to the hospital and Taffin Reclamation) and has Lev flying a mission for the police to find the Canera's registration number.

    p2_cut_scene1t.jpgp2_cut_scene2t.jpgp2_cut_scene3t.jpgp2_cut_scene4t.jpgInterestingly, there's a space for this in the game's internal file structure. I wonder if they shot it! I also initially read the 'menace to navigation' line as a Babylon 5 nod... but this predated the B5 finale by several years!

    p2_cut_scene5t.jpgp2_cut_scene6t.jpgThe scene was boarded, too!


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    The widescreen Confederation images that we posted last week were a big hit, and now AllTinker is back with a whole set of expanded background plates for Secret Missions 2: Crusade! These include some great Firekkan scenes as well as some well-outfitted Kilrathi. He's got a great eye for continuing out the scene in the style of the original art.

    Secret Missions 2 more or less done for now. Not everything is visible here because of animation/parallax in the real deal.


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    We noticed something very special in an unexpected eBay listing about two week ago: an account listing deleted materials from Pinewood Studios which had posted a used copy of the script to "Darkside". Darkside is the little-remembered original name of Privateer 2: The Darkening, the one it had when the live action film shoot began in 1995. Material from behind the screens of Privateer 2 is rare and special so we were anxious to win the auction and scan the script for the community. Luckily, it worked out!

    We have previously preserved a nearly-complete Draft 7 script donated by Erin Roberts. This is a slightly earlier Draft 5 script and it is complete, including the introduction missing from the last version. We've noticed a number of other smaller changes (like missions being set at different bars) but have not had time for a thorough comparison yet. Watch this space!

    You can download a PDF of the

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    A recent behavioural change in the Thargoids has prompted urgent discussion among Aegis researchers and strategists.
    Since the fall of the fourth Titan, Hadad, there are increasing reports that the Thargoid expansion efforts have been growing weaker. While Thargoids are continuing to expand outwards from the Titans, they are no longer reinforcing their spire sites. Further, independent squadrons dedicated to defeating the Thargoid threat like SNPX, AXI, and MUDD, have noted increasing ease in thwarting attempts to probe and invade systems.
    Dr. Ivano Colombera, Imperial Science Academy's director of xenological studies and Empire liaison to Aegis, gave their view:
    "I have heard the strategy reports touting words like 'weakening Thargoid presence', and I must urge caution. I hypothesise that this change signals a strategic defensive response, not an enemy on their last legs."
    "I believe that

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    It's been a good month for fans of Wing Leader! Howard Day has another new ship and a handful of new prototype features to share. First up is the Strakha stealth fighter. It's inspired by Arne's Android Arts sketch of the ship with some additional WC3 elements brought in. Howie's also recorded several videos that show off new features such a cloaking effect to complement the new Strakha. There's also a preliminary communications systems that allow the pilots to talk with each other. On the graphical side, separate visual effects for project impacts against the hull rather than shields have been added, among other similar tweaks that make the gunplay pop.


    So now that the Strakha is done, I needed to work on the Cloaking effect. Solution? Cloaking Devices for everyone! Wheee! Eventually, the drive flares will be hidden as well. I also re-figured out how to capture Wingleader properly in 60fps, so I
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    The News Collections section is where we package up sets of news updates that follow a specific theme for easier consumption. Here are a few we've just added:

    Previous collections include our memorials for developers and artists that have passed away, an overview of our anniversary updates and the April Fools slates.

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    General: Lifetime Subscription updates: The following unlocks have been added to the Lifetime Subscription perks for Jem’Hadar characters: Veteran uniform options. A Veteran ship material option for Jem’Hadar Starships. The Jem’Hadar Vanguard Heavy Destroyer [T6] and Fleet Jem’Hadar Vanguard Heavy Destroyer [T6]. Note that your character will have to complete the tutorial mission before these perks will become available to your character. For more details, visit the, “Jem'Hadar Veteran Rewards!” blog at: Jem'Hadar Veteran Rewards! | Star Trek Online The ability to buyout the previous Coupon Progress Token Event, which is now called Event Campaign, has been added. Players can access the buyout in the Reputation UI where the old campaign progress is located. Any previous progress while playing Operation Riposte, Crystalline Cataclysm, and The Arena of Sompek

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    wc2characters-page1t.jpgI've been staying busy with a little CIC housekeeping. Enjoy a newly-transcribed Wing Commander II development document featuring very early (December 1990) character descriptions! You can find the whole document here.

    Wing Commander II Characters is a development document created during the making of Wing Commander II: Vengeance of the Kilrathi. It is dated December 3, 1990 and is an early description of Wing Commander II's characters and their planned story arcs. The document is part of the Warren Spector Papers at the University of Texas at Austin's Briscoe Center for American History (box 2008-091/6).

    Much of the material planned in the document is significantly different from the finished game including plans for significantly more missions to take place before the arrival of the Concordia. Some of the characters were ultimately cut or referred to only in dialogue; others, like Bear and Minx,

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    Last month we reported on the MK Podquest team's exploration of the Warrior King Saga. They spent the summer checking out the various chapters of the bizarre and epic four-part crossover that culminated in Michael Dorn portraying a space viking aboard the Tiger's Claw. Not everyone is into the podcast scene though and some people prefer these types of shows on YouTube. Your requests have been answered, and this episode is now online below. You can also find their commentary on the Warrior King's Street Fighter, Savage Dragon and Mortal Kombat episodes here.

    We've reached the end of the Warrior King's journey this week with Wing Commander Academy Episode 8: Recreation, easily the best episode of the crossover hands down. Neal is now fully a Wing Commander guy. Also we messed around with a soundboard on this one so expect a ton of airhorns.
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    The procession of physical Wing Commander models continues! Today we've got a magnificent Border Worlds Avenger torpedo bomber made in Lego by John Nelson. While the ships featured over the last few days have been amazing, the creativity and talent on display here shines through in a unique way. It's quite a constraint to be forced to build within the limits of the physical Lego bricks at your disposal, which makes color-matching to a fighter's particular paint scheme like this super impressive. He's got the silhouette there - and if anything, this version is slightly sleeker than what we saw in Wing Commander 4. The turret is also an especially nice touch! We'd love to see him build more!


    Hello. I finally got around to a project I’ve wanted to tackle and that’s making Wing Commander fighters from Legos.

    My first go was the Border Worlds Avenger. The colors aren’t perfect and the proportions

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    NakaKen has an incredible creation to share! He's been building the TCS Tiger's Claw in Space Engineers, the game that gives you the building blocks to put together your own intricate spaceships! The new video below is a fly through that shows off all of the amazing little aspects of the design. From afar, the ship almost gives off some WC Arena Battlecruiser vibes. This is super cool as is, but it gets even more amazing when you go inside. There's a fully fleshed out flight deck stocked with Hornets on elevators. They can launch through the main bay or out the side ports. Digging in a little further, there's a bar with a TrainSim, a red light briefing room and more! What fabulous attention to detail. You can download the blueprint/mod for the ship at the Steam Workshop here.

    There are also multiple videos that show off the construction process necessary to get this far:

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    WCLPCampaign-Edition2t.jpgThe crowdfunding campaign for the Deluxe vinyl pressing of the WING COMMANDER score is in full swing, and the project has now passed 25% of its goal with more than $3800 pledged so far. To get even more fans to join in on the excitement, if a few more people add to the total this weekend and get us over $5000, LOAF will do a live Wing Commander Movie commentary.

    The Wing Commander vinyl record campaign is at 25%! To sweeten the pot in absolutely no way, I’ll do a Twitter Space watch-along of the movie if we get to $5k this weekend.

    The $75 Deluxe Edition seems to be the most popular so far, but a standard LP is just $35! Learn more about the project here.

    Supercade's exclusive new LP editions of the Wing Commander Orchestral Recording Project will mark the first time George Oldziey's orchestral score is available on vinyl. Working with a celebrated independent record press, we'll be sure these records
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    There have been some new developments with the Peacock service this month, and this could affect your access to stream Wing Commander Academy. As you know, Peacock added WCA to its slate of shows back in 2020. Although the series is readily available on DVD for cheap, there are a handful of improvements that make the streaming edition arguably superior, including better music/voice sound balance. A few items fixed on disc were not incorporated, however, and you can read all about these differences here. In 2021 a countdown appeared that implied the show would be moving to a higher paid tier, but this was soon dialed back. The ticker has now reappeared, which suggests it may only remain in its current form until the end of the month. Presumably, the show would remain in either the Premium or possibly Premium Plus category.

    On a very much related note, there have also been some big changes in who

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