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    Not only does Bioforge reuse the shuttle model from Super Wing Commander but the opening shot of their respective intro cutscenes is very similar! Bioforge's art director, Bruce Lemons, had worked on SWC.

    bioforge_shuttle1t.jpgbioforge_shuttle2t.jpgBioForge's Mondite dropship (left) vs. Super Wing Commander's shuttle to the Tiger's Claw (right)! BioForge uses it several times (and you see the interior at one point!) so I really need to go back and get some more reference shots.

    bioforge_shuttle3t.jpgbioforge_shuttle4t.jpgAD noticed that the '05' on the front of the ship appears in a SINGLE FRAME of the Super Wing Commander intro. Neat!


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    Following our Wing Commander references in StarLancer we thought it would be a good idea to archive the other major Wing Commander reference in a Digital Anvil game: this loading screen from Conquest: Frontier Wars which claims the game is "Loading Pegasus NavCom AI". This references the Confederation space station that appears at the start of the movie (and it's related MacGuffin, the NavCom AI device that will allow the Kilrathi to reach Earth). Conquest, a real time strategy game set in space, was the second Digital Anvil game released, published by Ubisoft in 2001. The NavCom message is one of several that flip by while any of the game's maps are loading. It's currently available on GOG for anyone interested in trying it themselves (though we'll warn you the 'Pegasus' loading message now passes too quickly to be seen with the naked eye!).


    We've also learned that a higher quality version of the

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    January continues to afterburner along - as does our annual Fan Project of the Year contest voting period! If you missed it last week, there's still time to get your vote in. Check out the nominees below and cast your ballot towards the project you were most impressed by in 2023!


    • First up, in alphabetical order, are the series of Ambiance videos by Scribbler. This isn't the flashiest project, and that's by design! He's taken it upon himself to craft a variety of scenes inspired by the first three Wing Commander games, set them to calming music and add the hum of daily life aboard a Terran Confederation carrier. I really appreciate when fans do something different like this!
    • The Confederation project is an all new mod that hit the scene in 2023. AllTinker is working to reverse engineer aspects of the original Wing Commander and build in numerous enhancements, such as making them support modern
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    And now Klavs can ponder the routes of Pilgrim expansion throughout the galaxy every time he steps into the shower. I love that it's easier than ever to have things custom printed and manufactured with your own art on them. People have gotten really creative with this, and today's topic is no exception! Klavs has taken the awesome relit universe map that he made a couple years back and had it printed extra large across a shower curtain. Amazing!


    I daresay this is the most epic shower curtain I have ever owned! :)

    I wonder what other shower curtains were in contention...

    Anyhow, here's the digital source for comparison:


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    Have you ever wanted to study the gloriously 1993 3DS closeup background plates in Privateer but can't stand those damn characters getting in the way? Have I ever made the visual reference for you!

    visual_reference_backgrounds1t.jpgvisual_reference_backgrounds2t.jpgA couple of these are appearing for the first time; they're stored in the game's files but they're for places where a third angle is never used... like these fixer backgrounds for Oxford and the pleasure planets, respectively:

    visual_reference_backgrounds3t.jpgvisual_reference_backgrounds4t.jpgYou'll also notice some are higher resolution and have more of 4:3 aspect ratio versus Privateer's usual 16:9 for the conversations. Some are designed to 'open' when you have to make a choice. Since many choices were cut, you're seeing some tops and bottoms for the first time!

    visual_reference_backgrounds5t.jpgvisual_reference_backgrounds6t.jpgAlso: so, so much space booze.

    visual_reference_backgrounds7t.jpgvisual_reference_backgrounds8t.jpgvisual_reference_backgrounds9t.jpgvisual_reference_backgrounds10t.jpgYou can also find all the Privateer 2 background plates here!

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    There's a new version of Originator ready for your modding and extraction pleasure! In the latest builds, AllTinker has added enhanced support for Prophecy formats, streaming for Red Book audio and an enhanced hex viewer. There's also an aspect ratio compensator in the image viewer - an example is below. AllTinker still has lots of ideas for future improvements, so let him know what you think! Grab the latest version here.

    This update adds supports for a few more Wing Commander Prophecy formats; MGI streaming audio for music, bitmap images (should cover everything including textures), and I also added a handler for some of the text content. No models yet, but soon!


    It also adds support for streaming/extracting Red Book audio from plain ISO images, i.e. music from Wing Commander 1/2 and Space Rogue for FM Towns and Wing Commander for SEGA CD. I've also improved the hex viewer with some extra tools
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    AD found this nifty review way back in the February 1993 issue of N-Force magazine. It's more than thirty years old, and everything from color choices to the hair style of the reviewer confirms its age. You can tell they had a lot of fun putting this spread together, which is why I'm surprised it only got an 84. They also ran a contest that gave away free copies of the game and other associated merch, which is pretty cool!


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    elend_models6t.jpgJanuary is quickly getting away from us, so it's time to pull together the nominees for our 2023 Fan Project of the Year awards! As always, we've got some fabulous options, so let's jump to it!

    • First up, in alphabetical order, are the series of Ambiance videos by Scribbler. This isn't the flashiest project, and that's by design! He's taken it upon himself to craft a variety of scenes inspired by the first three Wing Commander games, set them to calming music and add the hum of daily life aboard a Terran Confederation carrier. I really appreciate when fans do something different like this!
    • The Confederation project is an all new mod that hit the scene in 2023. AllTinker is working to reverse engineer aspects of the original Wing Commander and build in numerous enhancements, such as making them support modern widescreen displays. He isn't just smashing or upscaling though, he's also hand-drawing new
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    Has anyone ever noticed how many versions there are of the Strike Commander art? They seem to derive from two separate renderings. The one with painted flames on the F-16 is the older of the two.

    strikecommander_art1t.jpgstrikecommander_art2t.jpgstrikecommander_art3t.jpgstrikecommander_art4t.jpgThere's also this version from the GOG release which... I think they made out of stock photos for some reason? Note that Strike Commander currently happens to be on sale for $1.49 for the rest of this weekend.

    strikecommander_art5t.jpgTactical Operations variants go hard, too!

    strikecommander_art6t.jpgstrikecommander_art7t.jpgI need there to be a Strike Commander version of me that I can hand this responsibility off to...

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    LeHah reports that GalaxyCon has a new Wing Commander autograph opportunity with Matthew Lillard. Fans can order either an 8x12 inch photo or 11x17 poster with his signature. If you happen to have a particular piece of Wing Commander memorabilia that you'd like him to sign, you can also send that in! These items have to be confirmed by February 11 and the regular orders get a bit more time. Hit the links below for more info!


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    LOAF has been doing some intense research of peculiar quirks and rare occurrences built into Wing Commander 4. He's discovering that there are a number of exotic things you can trigger by taking very specific actions. For example, if you fly the mission in the Speradon System to capture the carrier, you get Mace Missiles. Then, if you let Catscratch die, Pliers will offer you an upgraded Avenger. Upon acceptance, you'll get the bomber with a fifth torpedo slot, which you can equip with five Maces! What an amazing thing to be so buried in the game!


    My newfound Wing Commander IV gameflow knowledge has allowed me to make a very big boom.

    If you play your cards right (capture the carrier, kill Catscratch, accept the upgrade) then you can make a really, really big explosion in Speradon L4B.

    The first time I tried this the blast damage hit the Intrepid's escorts and I was immediately flagged as a traitor.

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