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    I don't really watch a lot of YouTube Shorts, Instagram Reels or Tik Toks, but I doubt there's a lot of Wing Commander content out there in those formats. There is at least one clip, however, in the form of BigJim's take on Wing Commander Prophecy for the Game Boy Advance. It seems really hard to do any topic justice in 60 seconds, but given that time constraint, this isn't a bad rundown of the game's features. I do cringe at the horizontal content positioned in the middle of a vertical video, but it's still worth a watch!

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    The generation ship Golconda has departed from the Upaniklis system with much of its former population on board.
    Three years ago, the Golcondans abandoned their ship and resettled at the Forester's Choice outpost in Upaniklis. Approximately 60% of these 70,000 people have now elected to resume their itinerant lifestyle aboard the vessel, which was recently upgraded with modern megaship technology by the Artificers Clan.
    The Federation has made assurances that the Golconda is under its protection, and is equipped with comms systems to summon aid if needed. The Forester's Choice outpost remains operational and will continue to export Apa Vietti, a unique alcoholic spirit.
    Shortly before the Golconda made its first jump into hyperspace, Vox Galactica published a statement from Commander Javi Alvarado:
    "The last few weeks have been a bittersweet experience for me, watching these people prepare to

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    We're kicking off the week with glorious Soundcloud track from Chris Kabigting. It's a rousing take on the music that accompanied the opening credits/final mission of Wing Commander 3. It really makes you want to lock and load your Excalibur! You can give it a listen yourself below or find it here.

    The Admiral · Wing Commander III - Last Mission (Opening Theme)
    I rendered one of the game's music file (was MIDI format) in FLStudio using custom orchestral VST. This music can also be heard on Wing Commander III's opening credits.
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    Upon hearing the sad news today that Colin Powell had passed away, LOAF reminded us that there was a Wing Commander ship actually named after him. It's an obvious reference in retrospect, but it stood out as odd to my ten year old brain at the time. I distinctly recall how unusual it was that the ship was named TCS General Powell instead of just something like "TCS Powell." If you played Secret Missions 2, you probably remember it too! The mission had an exciting backstory: a marine troopship on its way to save Firekka was captured by the Kilrathi. Then, Major Kristi Marks and a troop of Confed Marines managed to retake the ship and send a distress call. You had to go escort it back - in a captured Dralthi! It's one of the more memorable setups.

    Did you know Colin Powell had a Wing Commander ship named after him? In Secret Missions 2 there’s a series in which you rescue the TCS General Powell,
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    DefianceIndustries shared this fun new model with us today. Everyone loves a good Midway megacarrier, but the Flight IIA are much less represented in fan projects. As the story goes, the TCS Port Broughton that we see in Arena was scuttled, abandoned and them brought back to life as a floating outpost by militia forces, so it's very much past its prime. For this particular take on the ship, Defiance sought to imagine what it looked like in its heyday before enduring a decade of hard fighting the Nephilim. It looks super tough!


    Got a bit of time today (for a change) and did some more detailing on the Arena Midway. I wanted to do a version of the "flight 2" Midways as they would've appeared in service. As you can see, it has less structure between the hulls, the engine pods are smaller etc. The original is a peace time design where as the arena version was designed to counter Nephilim swarms.
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    It's been a couple months since the Wing Commander-inspired space sim Absolute Territory was released. We had fun with it, and developer centaurianmudpig has been steadily making improvements to make it even better. One of the first tweaks was to expand the hit boxes a little to give space combat a bit more punch. The game has also gotten achievements in Steam as well as leaderboards. A handful of other upgrades are listed below, with more to come! You can pick a copy up for yourself for $18.99. I've also included a video of SpaceGameJunkie running the game through its paces to give you an idea of what it's like.

    I'm waiting for someone to knock me off 1st place for Squadron and Gauntlet game modes. Some other notable updates since release include:
    • Additional 3rd person views
    • New HUD art
    • Added controller Shift binding for gamepads (bind all the controls to your controller using combined button
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    If you're looking for something to help pass the long weekend, the WC-inspired shooter Absolute Territory has gotten a big graphical upgrade and support for VR headsets. On top of the improved visuals, there are also practical improvements to help with travel between waypoints, the user interface and with the simulator. There's a new trailer, and more info can be found at the game's Steam page. centaurianmudpig has the details below!

    Allow me to introduce you to this huge title update bringing all-new VR mode! For those without VR headsets, there is a host of visual improvements and upgrades to pleasure your eyes.

    VR provides a first-person experience piloting every starfighter available to fly. Each fighter has a 3D modeled cockpit to look around for improved situational awareness.

    Warp to new horizons

    • To keep you firmly seated in your cockpit, warp speed has been invented for transitioning to new