Posts by DONOMAD

    OK, after sooo may attempts I manage to kill one of the 4 savages, but only because of the lucky shot of my torpedo. :wacko:
    I think the problem why I can't beat this challenge is because I'm a missile user and my fighting strategy is very dependent on missiles. :thumbdown:
    The big problem is THERE IS NO WAY TO REPLENISH MY MISSILES IN INNER CORE. :cursing: So, I was force to change my KUNG FU and rely on all guns-no-missile style. 8o Is there any way to buy missiles in inner core? ?(

    I entered the Inner Core with anticipated excitement, and you know what I got? I ended with 38 kinds of gruesome death, with my butt scattered in every corners of hostile alien space!!!! But, I never stopped coming back because I wanted to get those "SAVAGE" savage gun (May God damn their souls) - a shield eating rapid fire gun. I may get bald over this because I decided to pluck 3 hairs every time my ship blows. I'm urging every expert gunners to please share your combat techniques ... before I lose all my HAIRS. PLEEEAAASSSEEE...... ;( ;( ;( ;(

    I already did Mr., I already mapped most of Sirius and Altair and took a peek on significant number of ships, but unfortunately the most beautiful for my taste can't be bought - The Awesome Dom'kavash ships.
    The keyword is "Just For Fun" & "Beautifully Designed"(in terms of appearance), You don't have to tell what ships' you're using. :thumbsup:

    You may have a point there sir. However, just to be on the safe side, I shall invite my dad, bro, sis and cousins to play FREELANCER CROSSFIRE so I may have familiar companions. Just so you know, we're a gamer family and I'm the first one to try FREELANCER. My dad,bro and cousins are into shooters right now, while my sis is busy buying houses on SIMS. So, watch us and tremble!!!! "At least as soon as we're a force to be reckoned with." Thanks a lot for a heart-warming welcome.

    Sorry sir, my mistake. I posted a thread without checking first if my previous were answered or not. As for joining MP, thanks for the invitation, but I shall join in due time. I don't want to be a burden and drag you down with me because of piloting skill inefficiency, specially when the killing starts. I am forcing myself for now to be a solitary explorer just to make sure I will not waste anybody's time. Thanks anyway for your help and "timely reprimand".

    Hi guys I just downloaded CF 1.81 and is currently mapping the systems and perfecting my combat skills before I will join online. The mod is "PERFECT" and is powerful enough to capture your imagination, "and stealing your time". I saw some DOM'KAVASH ships traveling in packs and admired their unique design and out of this world shapes, colors and contour. I'm just wondering if there are ways to try flying those ships and using their equipments. I really wanted to try those awesome alien technologies. Just a thought sirs, I hope you veteran guys can help.

    By the way, I understand MR. SWAT OP-R8R is the "BRAINCHILD" of the mod. All I can say is you have a rare gift sir, and you deserve more than praises and taps on the shoulder. Hope to meet you in person.

    Hi guys! I'm new in Crossfire and is currently playing SP. I'm just wondering if you guys can help me on my exploration. I am searching for the entrance to the Inner Core. Is it possible to buy and or acquire Dom'Kavash ships and equipments? I really wanted to try their technology. An expert advice from veteran fighters and explorers shall be highly appreciated. By the way, I'm planning to join the server community once I perfected my piloting.