Posts by Wyrdrune

    Last week I uninstalled Crossfire and Freelancer in order to move them to a different drive.
    I reinstalled them both again and everything was working just fine, I've played MP with them a couple of times since. However, when I started it up yesterday I received the E12 error and it's been the same ever since. I haven't changed anything since I last used it.


    Ok, I've examined those and all is well. I have set Full Control permissions for all user groups and propogated those permissions to all files and folders. I have ensured that all files are writeable (non read-only).

    I'm still getting the error though :-/



    Originally posted by DC_Hägar
    [E12] --> trouble while downloading files from update-server (or no right to write into freelancer path)

    have u checked ur i-net? do u run as admin? do u have permission to write into ur CF installation path? do u run vista?

    My Internet access seems fine, I run as an admin, I do have write permissions to the CF install path and I'm running Win XP.

    It was working a couple of days ago which is why I wondered if it was a server issue.

    I Tested my connection to server UDP Ports 2302-2304 via PortQuery and recieved the response "Listening or Filtered" for each (rather than no connection) which suggests that my connection to these UDP ports is okay.

    Any other thoughts? It was working just fine a couple of days ago and I haven't touched the install since then.



    Originally posted by lucy in the sky
    Yeah, he made it. Met him later in cali, where we dealt with SUBlegal goods. He's cool, although his ships looks very much like a common woodlouse.

    Me? Oh, no, no, no - it's all a misunderstanding. I'd never do anything illegal. I was more than happy to watch the Police chase you all over the system while I very quietly went about my business like an honest law-abiding citizen.

    Since I lost so many credits in the Sol 'Incident' I decided to set up a little cargo delivery service trading in... scrap metal water. Yes, that's it, water, everyone needs to keep hydrated.

    Yup, honest, up-right, trustworthy trader, that's me; no need to scan the hold officer...


    Okay, this is slightly embarrassing.

    Just for the sake of curiousity I decided to take a peek at the Scouser Train to see just how it handled. so I traded in my nice VHF and bought the Scouser - which of course has no weapons or defensive potential.
    I then launched into space to find myself under attack from a DK gunship and rapidly died.

    No problem, I thought, I'm playing SP, I'll just reload and get on with my VHF.

    Except.... I wasn't playing SP, I'd loaded into MP. Ah.

    Okay, I thought, I'll trade the train for a fighter, any fighter, and high-tail it outta here. Except Sol only sells Trains and the only one of those I can afford is the Scouser. and of course I lost all of my stashed weaponry when I died anyway.

    So now I'm trapped on Sol and I can't get away.

    Is there any way out of this without starting a new character?

    Wyr. (Feeling very foolish).

    Ok, so I've just had my first bash at CS PvP and it's clear that I have a lot of practising to do :-)

    In the last fight I managed to whittle a player battleship down (over several tries) until it started exploding and then I did a bit of dodging and weaving to avoid the turrets until it exploded. However, rather than being awarded the kill the server stated that the battleship had been killed by an NPC.

    Can anyone tell me if this a bug or was it due to the fact that I didn't keep firing at the battleship while it exploded?
    You know, for all those future battleship hunting expeditions ;-)



    Originally posted by bitzy20
    Problems? I've just made 50 mil last night and i need more, pvp are expensive ( especially when you loose :D )

    Lol, yes 100K per death can mount up I suppose. I was happy enough with the wreck hunting - got me a basic Eagle and some decent weapons.

    I like the new ships but the price differential is a bit odd. Are any of the new VHFs really 10 to 20 times better than the old VHFs?

    Glad to see the server back up, I'm going to attend my first Event :-) Thanks for your hard work OP.


    Hmm, well, I'll think about it. I used to play vanilla Freelancer on-line a lot and enjoyed it but I got fed up with having to start again from scratch every time a server died.

    Funnily enough I decided to give on-line a go today before finding out about the server being down :-)
