I appear to have trapped myself.

There are 29 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by acegard11122.

  • Okay, this is slightly embarrassing.

    Just for the sake of curiousity I decided to take a peek at the Scouser Train to see just how it handled. so I traded in my nice VHF and bought the Scouser - which of course has no weapons or defensive potential.
    I then launched into space to find myself under attack from a DK gunship and rapidly died.

    No problem, I thought, I'm playing SP, I'll just reload and get on with my VHF.

    Except.... I wasn't playing SP, I'd loaded into MP. Ah.

    Okay, I thought, I'll trade the train for a fighter, any fighter, and high-tail it outta here. Except Sol only sells Trains and the only one of those I can afford is the Scouser. and of course I lost all of my stashed weaponry when I died anyway.

    So now I'm trapped on Sol and I can't get away.

    Is there any way out of this without starting a new character?

    Wyr. (Feeling very foolish).

  • Quote

    Originally posted by Wyrdrune
    Okay, this is slightly embarrassing.

    Wyr. (Feeling very foolish).

    You got those 2 sentences correct. ;)

  • Others have made it out of sol too, in a train, with no weapons, or almost no weapons.
    Maybe you'll find someone to help you. I'd gladly help but i'm not online atm ;)

  • Thanks Lucy. I kept perservering and finally managed to get back to a safe haven in Sirius so all is well.
    I might even consider finding a use for the Train :-)


  • Congrats mate

    I think driving a train out of Sol under heavy DK attack is one of the many things you need to experience - and once you have done it on your own - consider yourself an expert Train pilot -

    Someone got a spare badge/medal for this guy?

  • Rubbish, getting outta Sol is basically a piece of cake. Getting from LA to Earth with a load of highly legal BMG, avoiding all kinds of greedy guys and corrupt cops on the way only to find yourself diving into Neptune coz your friggin' autopilot thinks this is the way to go, now that's a bitch.

  • Quote

    Originally posted by lucy in the sky
    Rubbish, getting outta Sol is basically a piece of cake. Getting from LA to Earth with a load of highly (il)legal BMG, avoiding all kinds of greedy guys and corrupt cops on the way only to find yourself diving into Neptune coz your friggin' autopilot thinks this is the way to go, now that's a bitch.

    Fixed a typo!

    Well you could always pay these guys!

    Give the guy a chance - he is just completing the "Get out of Sol" challenge -

    Super Advanced lessons in piloting a train can be found from all good pirates and all bad cops!

  • Quote

    Originally posted by Azadur
    Fixed a typo!

    Ok, mate, have you ever heard of copyright? If not, my lawyers will tell ya all about it.


    Well you could always pay these guys!

    Ok, calling the lawyers back, i guess there's not much sense in sueing someone as crazy as you. I mean, PAY them?????


    Give the guy a chance - he is just completing the "Get out of Sol" challenge -

    Yeah, he made it. Met him later in cali, where we dealt with SUBlegal goods. He's cool, although his ships looks very much like a common woodlouse.


    Super Advanced lessons in piloting a train can be found from all good pirates and all bad cops!

    hmm, i got the feelin that sumthin's wrong here ...

  • Quote

    Originally posted by lucy in the sky
    Yeah, he made it. Met him later in cali, where we dealt with SUBlegal goods. He's cool, although his ships looks very much like a common woodlouse.

    Me? Oh, no, no, no - it's all a misunderstanding. I'd never do anything illegal. I was more than happy to watch the Police chase you all over the system while I very quietly went about my business like an honest law-abiding citizen.

    Since I lost so many credits in the Sol 'Incident' I decided to set up a little cargo delivery service trading in... scrap metal and..er.. water. Yes, that's it, water, everyone needs to keep hydrated.

    Yup, honest, up-right, trustworthy trader, that's me; no need to scan the hold officer...


  • first time i escaped sol in a train I flew at cruise through sol to get out, didn't bother with the warp gates.

    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
    (" )_(" ) signature to help him gain world domination.
    [85] [731]

  • Ha,, I did that too, but with a fighter... when I first started to play CF in Single Player .. I didn't even seen the gates, just at cruise to Earth... it took a while, LOL