Posts by Gibbon

    The Shev was good have to say, two great headers from a 35 yr old we all thought was past it. Was a cracking game overall as well. How the hell Sweden didn't equalise is still a mystery.

    Further to my comment about Holland qualifying even though they have lost their first two games. As i mentioned it's still possible. A quick delve into the UEFA 2012 rulebook actually explains what could happen.

    In summary, teams level on points are separated first by head-to-head records. If Germany beat Denmark and Holland beat Portugal, then three teams will finish Group B on three points. Those three teams - Holland, Denmark and Portugal - would all have taken three points against each other and so it would be decided on the best goal difference in head-to-head matches. In that case, Holland would go through with a two-goal win, assuming they win 2-0 of course. Confused? As am i, because i can't see it happening. Holland have been the masters of their own downfall in this competition and serves them right for playing like individuals and not as a team. Robben's attitude after being substituted last night was that of a child. Disgraceful!!

    This needs to be put in perspective tbh. A little history lesson about yesterday. Firstly, let's not forget Poland has a recent history of being occupied. Germany did it from 1939-45, after that the Russians up until 1989. Now it just happens that Russia Day is celebrated on June 12th. This is their national holiday. This was also the date of the football game against Poland. Now some idiot decided it was ok for the Russians to march through Warsaw celebrating Russia Day. A recipe for disaster and one the Polish Nationalists dealt with the only way they can, by attacking any Russian they could find. This was nothing to do with football i can assure you.

    I can see the Polish point of view, i really can as i think it was the dumbest thing possible to allow the Russia Day celebrations in the heart of Warsaw. Whoever thought that was a good idea needs shooting tbh. So before we all go off and say what nasty football hooligans the Polish are, they were provoked beyond reason yesterday. I'm not saying it was right, but i can understand how it developed. The fact that some of these guys are possibly football fans as well doesn't help.

    Either way the authorities brought this upon themselves, dreadful decision to allow the march in the first place.

    Back to more important things. Congratulations to Germany, looks like they are through to the quarter-finals, Holland need to win their last game and they could still qualify bizarrely. Was doing the math earlier. Great game earlier as well with Portugal v Denmark, probably the best game so far.

    Not a total disaster in the great scheme of things i suppose. I'll take a 1-1 considering i thought we were rubbish. Glen Johnson should be put on the first plane home, utter shite that boy. Anyway, next up, Sweden v Ukraine, hope that's a better game

    If we just talk about what happened on the field of play yesterday, the Spain v Italy game and the result, it seemed fair for both teams. What upsets me with any of these two teams, is the amount of rolling around on the ground and play acting, for even the slightest tackle or shoulder barge. They are not actors, they are footballers and it's time they started acting like them. It's a fashion that crept into the game some time ago and i can assure you none of the players were hurt yesterday. It's all tactics and in reality all it does is spoil the game. The Latin countries are famous for it sadly, something the teams in northern Europe seem to try and equal these days. It's utter bollocks.

    A case in point is the Croatia v Ireland game. Very physical, much more so than the Spain v Italy game, and oh look, everyone was fine at the final whistle. Enough moaning about who tackled who, football is a contact sport, i should know, i broke my leg playing it so while injuries do happen, they are rare.

    Onto tonight's games, we have the last of the first round of games, France v England firstly. Since i'm English i have to say i don't think we have a chance with this team. Also as an English fan i have to say hope springs eternal, meaning if we keep our fingers crossed and play well, who knows? It won't be easy as France are quality atm. Lastly we have Ukraine v Sweden. I expect Sweden to win this. Having said that, Ukraine are co-hosts, will try that little bit harder and will certainly have the crowd behind them. Just have to see.

    Good luck to all the teams today, a bit more luck falling England's way would be nice :P

    Looking at the Euro news this morning, i see UEFA have charged the Russian Football Federation with regards to the riots after the Czech game. Nice to see the Russians behaving themselves... NOT! They may find themselves playing without a crowd if they are not careful. Idiots :cursing:

    5ms is ok, i guess i'm just used to 2ms refresh rate. Not even a contest for sofa gaming, LED all the way. The price of them now is very competitive. I stick by my plasma comment, make sure you have your own power station if you use one those lol. My Samsung is a P2270, had it for a while and is a great monitor.

    ARRRGGGHHH, typical. One of the most boring games i think i've ever seen. Then Germany score, and Portugal realise they are actually in a game. Even so, expected a lot more from both teams as i thought all the big name players on both sides were average at best. Even Gomez who scored, was utter rubbish until then. Anyway well done to Germany. Tournament can only improve after that dismal match.

    LED is just as cheap as LCD these days and you get a far better picture. To me refresh rate is everything, i use a Samsung SyncMaster with 2ms refresh rate, otherwise i notice screen lag with everything on slower monitors. In that list of yours ignore anything over 5ms as it will be like watching everything in slow motion. A quick note on plasmas, nice but they drink more electricity than any other type of monitor or tv, and get very hot as well.

    Holland had 73% possession when the Danes scored, totally against the run of play. Much more even towards the end of the first half. Can't see it staying like this mind you. Time for my half time cup of tea methinks

    Well that was fun and well played Denmark, entertaining game.

    Which is less than can be said about the Germany v Portugal game so far. Worst one yet. Clearly not a Portugese goal as well just before half time, although it did land plum on the line. Remember the rules people, the WHOLE of the ball has to cross the line for it to be regarded as a goal. Hope the second half is an improvement.

    Bit of a slaughter in the end, but well played Russia. The Czechs were in it early on but were useless in front of goal. Great start to the tournament and can we have some more of this please? These two matches had more excitement than the last world cup put together.

    On the menu for tomorrow we have,

    Holland v Denmark

    Spain v Italy

    Should be fun!

    Ha, yes, what a great game to start off the tournament. Poland deserved their lead, the better team in the first half by far. The red card wasn't, in any way a red card. Funny how we call football a game of two halves as the second half was nearly all Greece, great equaliser, and a missed penalty as well. Good entertainment for the neutral fan. Well done both teams.

    Now what's next? Russia v Czech Republic. No history between those two sides then lol

    I was reading this morning that the first case of racism has happened to the Dutch team during a practice session. This problem sadly, will overshadow the tournament, that's a fact. It's a shame that some of the Polish and probably Ukraine fans will act this way, just shows how narrow minded some people are.

    I used to tour the world both as a technician for bands and as a musician as well, who with is unimportant. I have to say i ran across similar problems in Poland (not actually race related in our case, even so we still had to have individual bodyguards due to death threats) when we were there. It's also a minority that cause this but even so, sad to see. When will those countries wake up? My personal opinion is that the tournament should never have been given to Poland and Ukraine.

    Anyway, enough of that. Good luck to all the teams and let's see some football!!!


    Only a few years have passed since the Nomad Wars, but the pirate situation in the border worlds has now reached epidemic proportions. Many of the larger factions now have larger craft to attack the unsuspecting trader or company transport. The war of words between the Corsairs and Red Hessians has now escalated to all out war, with Omega 5 declared a designated warzone. Enter at your peril.

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    The smaller pirate factions seem to have been upgrading as well, with many now using small and maneuverable freighters to ferry various goods to their bases. These small convoys are not the easy pickings they once were, and caution is advised should you decide to attack.

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    While the Nomads were resolutely beaten during the war, "it's only a matter of time before they return" claimed Edison Trent, Liberty representative of the Order and hero of the Nomad Wars who has been monitoring the situation. There have been many reported sightings already in numerous systems, with the house naval forces on a heightened state of alert.

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    The discovery of an asteroid eating spacefaring lifeform, the 'Razid', has caused a major stir in academic circles. This creature apparently consumes the minerals it finds in the asteroids for nourishment. It's eggs have become somewhat of a collectors item due to the high concentration of a diamond like substance which is much sought after for research purposes. The four main houses have declared the 'Razid' creature a protected species, with heavy penalties aimed at anyone caught in possession of the valuable eggs.

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    The emergence of the Simian Trade Federation was another major coup for the Zoners after one of their pilots came to the aid of a stricken convoy populated by an intelligent Simian species, capable of spaceflight.

    The Simians major export, banana beer, is now a favourite tipple of the masses. Its numbers are controlled by the Zoners who are undermanned to say the least regarding the distribution of this most popular beverage. Much favoured by the pirate clans as well, some in the press claim that the 'Beer Wars' have started, with many convoys coming under attack from pirates.

    Many independent traders have sought to locate the source of this magnificent brew, but the Zoners are staying very tight-lipped about the location of the Simian homeworld, preferring to sell you the item themselves. Search at your own risk.

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    A major upgrade across Sirius has been the update of the popular tradelane system by Ageira Technologies. They claim their new tradelanes are easier to dock with, plus they can be seen from much farther away due to their new 'Illumo' lighting system. Dock with one today to experience it!

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    A more bizarre rumour currently doing the rounds in many space bars, is the alleged sighting of a sleeper ship motoring at speed through the outer reaches of some systems. Some would say the pilots who claim to have seen the ship, have had a bottle or two too many. The major houses have sent out a few ships in an attempt to try and track the vessel, assuming it exists of course!

    If it does exist, the obvious question is who built it? Is there anyone aboard? More importantly, where have they been? More on this when we have something to report.

    Stay tuned for the latest news...

    @ Huor

    The European championships are held in a European country which Ukraine is obviously part of. It's actually part of central and eastern Europe.


    Please don't call it Soccer, it's called Football and is actually the biggest world sport out there, played by practically every nation on the planet. Football in its various forms has been played since the middle ages, before the US even existed apart from the native population.

    The Americans would have us believe that they do world sports, baseball (played in England during the mid 18th century and taken by immigrants to the US), american football (a derivative of rugby and Canadian football) etc, but the fact is they are only played by a handful of nations and don't even come close to being a world sport. Nice try though. Cricket actually has a larger audience than American football and Baseball combined lol

    A small progress report. Took a few days off as the mod was stressing me out, or more to the point the f****** sur files were. They still are actually but not as much. Made a new batch with complete HPID sections plus adoxas fix for fuses and so far seems ok. See how it goes

    Thinking about it, there will be even more stress once the football starts on friday lol

    Not long to go now until the first game. Nice to see the Italians are up their old tricks. Can't see them doing well at all now, as the players are probably wondering if the police are going to knock on their door anytime soon. I can't believe all that nonsense goes on, and it's not the first time it has happened.

    The more i see Holland play the more i think they will win this, they look very strong atm.