Posts by Gibbon

    Which raises an interesting point, RP. Freelancer was always about do your own thing, do what you want, it's the core thinking behind the games development. So here we are nearly ten years later and the most populated server is the one with the most restrictive RP you can imagine. Is this what players really want?

    I personally can't stand RP, goes against everything FL and myself stand for, but that's just my opinion sadly. It's an element that players nevertheless ask about and in all honesty, it drives me mad. I'm stuck on the fence with RP as if i implement it, means i can't play my own mod how i want to and that will really suck. If i don't implement it, then nobody will play on the server. Madness

    I honestly don't understand all these Disco servers. Everyone knows the main one is the one to go to. It's always got players on, if you don't like RP though, then you're stuffed. So all these other ones opened up, relaxed this, relaxed that, and what happens? Nobody uses them. Yes it's sad a server is closing, but no surprise at all as there are way too many Disco servers basically offering the same thing.

    The other factor is the overall player base which is sadly dwindling. Even on here, the how shall i call it, 'debate' about the Crossfire server continues. I actually thought there would be more players playing the mod as there's certainly an active community, but it seems that's not the case, unless i'm reading it wrong.

    Which leaves my server and my new mod, Genesis. I've put a lot of work into it, added bucketloads of features, i could go on, but i can see the writing on the wall, there won't be anyone playing it. Players go to servers with an active player base, not where there are only 4 or 5 players.

    Give you an example, my last mod was called Phoenix, over 10k downloads, never saw more than 10 players at any one time, WTF were the others doing then? Do people just collect mods and never play them? I honestly couldn't believe the stats. Nothing surprises me in FL anymore, least of all with servers and mods. As a modder you try to give people what they want, you set up a server, forum etc, get loads of support while you make the mod, then nobody bothers to play it. It honestly doesn't seem worth the effort anymore tbh


    Ye gods, not if we keep playing like this Huor. We are very average atm, keep giving the ball away, and we have no penetration on the right side. Time for Walcott to come on i think.
    Getting stressed now... Need more beer...


    And yes, we WIN !!!!! Even better news, the Swedes have stuffed France meaning we get Italy in the next round. Should be a great game!. Well done to England and erm, those guys across the channel.

    Well it's our turn tonight and it won't be easy either. We may have Rooney back, but we will just have to see how things go down, cautiously optimistic is the best way to describe tonight. Ukraine will come at us all guns blazing so we better pay attention.

    With regards to the France v Sweden game, the Swedes could do us a favour and beat the French, means we can avoid Spain for at least one more round, assuming we get through of course. Spain didn't seem interested last night and have to say, i thought they were very boring to watch. Croatia did their best, had a few good chances as well but sadly it wasn't to be, maybe next time.

    Well done to Spain and Italy, let's see what happens tonight and hopefully we can meet one of those two in the next round :)

    The strange thing about today, after reading about what could happen depending on how the matches end up, my favourite has to be Croatia beating Spain and Italy beating Republic of Ireland as that would mean Spain are out would you believe. Oh i can hear the newspaper presses getting ready for that little gem...

    Echoing what's been mentioned already, not after an effect, animation or other custom effect. What i'm talking about is illumination, or how to illuminate a model from within. OP's suggestion is the direction i'm looking at as that could work i think, already looking at the Nomad Lair code as this might provide the alternative solution i'm, looking for. The lightmapped route which is the only other way to do this i think, is clearly a way that works well, as i've already demonstrated. There are a number of way to light things up in FL, the code is full of it, but most of it is on a systemic scale, i'm after something much smaller which is why the Lair suggestion might be the way to go

    Because i'm curious, i'll look into that OP as i just like to know how these things are done. The way i've done it is also perfectly acceptable as it gives a good result, but i'm just curious about options :)

    What drama. i didn't see that coming. Czech Republic and Greece qualify from group A to get to the quarter finals! Russians must be choking on their borscht right now. Couldn't see Poland qualifying as they simply weren't good enough through the whole tournament. Congratulations to the two teams that made it!

    Sweden had their chances, not just in last night's game but the first one as well against Ukraine, so they have only themselves to blame. Meanwhile we march on.

    On the menu for tonight we have CZECH v POLAND, that should be a good game, looking forward to that. Other one is GREECE V RUSSIA. Think that will be a slaughter but will just have to see. Only annoying thing now are the matches are on at the same time on the TV... GRRRRRRR

    Thanks. I've had that model a while now but struggled to sort out the interior lighting. I know it can be done with lights somehow, though uncertain how. Other option which i went for obviously is the lightmapping route, which for me gives the effect i was looking for. Onto the next thing...

    YES YES YES YES YES Finally we beat Sweden in the game of the day. A quick mention about France winning, boring game to watch with a result everyone knew was going to happen. Back to the important game of the evening, WELL DONE ENGLAND!. Finally some passion, oh the mistakes, what a finish. About sums up that game. Very entertaining to watch and really pleased both teams tried to win it, just thankful we did lol

    Well no surprise in the first game tonight with the draw between Italy v Croatia. Good tactical game played by both teams, a draw the fair result methinks.

    Just sat through the Spain v Ireland game. Felt sorry for the Irish in the end, but with no real inventive player in the Irish ranks, it was only a matter of time before somebody gave them a good slap, and Spain were there tonight to do it. Spain played very well against a very average Irish side which made Spain look very good tbh. Can see them getting to the final on that display.

    Having spent time in Russia on 'business' (touring with bands), i can't argue with that statement. Many of the shows were organised by non-state run individuals who had enough security to start their own war. These are guys you simply don't mess with. Don't get me wrong, we had a great time because we were entertaining them and making them money at the same time, so a good time was had by all. I wouldn't want to be on their bad side i'll tell you that much. Their lifestyles and the lifestyles of a normal Russian person are as far apart as you could possibly imagine. Corruption is simply a way of life in those places.