Posts by Endencentor

    Alright, before y'all start shouting "get outta here", read.

    I went to the GMG Observatory Module in Devron System. I took a mission (difficulty 34, reward 160k). The mission waypoint was just outside the station, so it wasn't a big deal killing the 4 Drones. I had to tract in some Escape Pod, and so I did. Then, I returned to the station. Guess what! Failure! Group lives exhausted! Now that's a... WTF!!! Btw, I wasn't in any group, so... WTF!!!

    Here's a screenshot attached, just in case you can't understand.

    Alright, before y'all start shouting "get outta here", read.

    I went to the GMG Observatory Module in Devron System. I took a mission (difficulty 34, reward 160k). The mission waypoint was just outside the station, so it wasn't a big deal killing the 4 Drones. I had to tract in some Escape Pod, and so I did. Then, I returned to the station. Guess what! Failure! Group lives exhausted! Now that's a... WTF!!! Btw, I wasn't in any group, so... WTF!!!

    Here's a screenshot attached, just in case you can't understand. I'm not going to waste any time resizing it in order to be able to attach it, so I'll upload it somewhere. HERE 's the link.

    It's XP :) . Btw, I tried that Advanced whatever program you told me (it found a helluvalot registry errors); CCleaner ftw. FL still not working... I guess I'll have to reinstal, darnit.

    Epic (fail), Michael? You're wrong (I wanted to say something like "g.. you *beep*" lol but nevermind).


    Crysis, you said "Get into the Task Manager/Processes and see if it's there(The Freelancer running) , if it is .. End it."

    Well, I run Crossfire. File 11 and 30 are being downloaded, then, after I press LAUNCH SP/MP, nothing happens. The mouse flashes into that sandglass (as in "loading"), Freelancer shows up in Tasks List (in Task Manager), and there's nothing else I can do. I either end it (as you said), and then end of story, I either wait 15 more seconds until I get that send/don't send error report.

    Right... joke... It'll be : downloading FL (1-150 mins), installing FL (5 mins), downloading CF (15-45 mins) and activating CF (10 mins). Won't be in an instant :) . Anyways... thank you guys.

    Yes, Freelancer is in Task List. Man, after pressing Start SP/MP, the cursor turns into that loading sandglass (Windows, of course), but 5 seconds later it's gone (a.k.a nothing happened) and I get Send/Don't Send error.
    After that, it's gone from Task List, of course, and I can do it again and again and again... so there's no point in ending the app lol.

    I tried with CCleaner... rebooted... nothing! Will try your method, and if that fails (most likely?), the last resort is reinstallation?

    Wednesday (24th of February), I played Freelancer for about 1 hour. So, it worked.

    Today (27th of February), I launch FL Launcher. File 11 and 30 are being downloaded, and I press START MULTIPLAYER BUTTON. After a few seconds of nothing-happening, I get a Send/Don't Send error (I think/hope you all know what that is). Same thing happens when I try to START SINGLEPLAYER.

    What the hell?! What could it be? I did not modify anything in the Freelancer folder until now, and my AVG is kinda inactive, so I can't explain it. Unless... some powerful force such as Luke Skywalker's ghost energetically attacked me... or OP banned me somehow? ^^

    Hellraiser, I saw you in Devron a few times. Tried to talk to you, but now I see what was holding you from answering :) .

    You cannot select the stations. You can't dock at them neither. The Ancient Drones come from these stations (don't ask me how). After you spawn at the GMG observatory, try heading back to Utopia. Does that work?


    That base is bugged? You're talking about the GMG observatory? I've been there many times! Been to explore those 3 stations attached to the planet too! Never experienced a single bug in Devron system.

    [677] stop failing, please.

    I wasn't talking about the necesity to restart Freelancer... I know that is necesary, and I do it everytime after a srv restart/crash/fail :) . I was talking about :

    Sometimes, the server comes online after 10 seconds. Sometimes, it comes online after 5 minutes. We don't always know if the server will come online in 10 or 5 minutes. So, we start the game again, right away, and we see it's not online. And we keep doing so for the next 5 minutes ^^ . That's why that server status on the website was so important ^^ . That is a luxury, actually...


    Wait a second. Isn't what you just did above [689] or [729] or whatever you wanna call it? That wasn't on-topic :P .

    [981] this thing looks like crap :) .


    Alright, alright, I'm a fool, you're the master, you win, I loose. [SCHILD=18]yea right[/SCHILD]

    I'll never warn you about possible faults of the server or the game. It seems that you know them all. Sorry for the inconvenience.

    Alright. When I launch the FL Launcher, there is :
    DOWNLOADING file 11...
    DOWNLOADING file 30...

    Although it stays like 3 seconds after each file...

    And those 2 files are being downloaded everytime I launch the launcher... like they haven't been downloaded before?!

    Alright, I launch the game. After 5 minutes, it crashes.

    It already crashed 20 times :) . Could the problem be... well, those 2 files?!