Posts by [BC]afGun


    Genre is not dead and wont be dead if Chris fails with his approach.

    Actually, I tried to said it several posts ago. New or not is what he creating - no matter.


    Every fucking year thousands of PC games are released... more than for any other platform.

    Strange... and too large quantity of potential good games are currently releasing for X-BOX and something else.

    Ok. I'm giving it up. My vocabulary was not enough to explain exactly what I mean and only caused feling of blaming. Not what I wanted to convey to your mind...

    But anyways... be careful.
    Too desperate attempts to save something dearest can sometimes result in unforeseen consequences.

    Consider this a hint.


    I warned the Freelancer community that microsoft would shut down their support for FL in 2007 and people said "you are just pessimistic".... microsoft shut down the GLS and TLR server in the same year. FL lost 50% of its players because people did not listen. I said that 2008 and 2009 that FL is loosing players... and was called "pessimistic". Today the same people say that FL is dying while in the meantime they did nothing.

    God helps those who help themselves. If you think, that I just don't belive that this could happen - you wrong. But there are some opposites: Freelancer is really old, thw whole genre is almost stagnating. All types of the plot are so beaten already that in fits of deja vu I also feel heartburn. It's time would have to start to break and change10 years of well-established rules. of course, I know that we will have many negative consequences, but also positive. And if he can't do it - someone will. He may fail, but that will not detonate the nuclear warheads around the world. So, the genre will be rehabilitated some day.


    Well, if you want to look through pink glasses... fine
    but dont blame us for not sharing your illusions... we intend to look for alternatives

    And why you don't see the chance to bring YOUR vision in to the game by your joining in to development team as SWAT team then, for example?
    I can shout as much as necessary to the driver that he would hit a pole, but I'm still powerless, until I'm not sit behind the wheel myself.

    And stop criticize my glasses. They have only the pink toning, And yet have done nothing to you.

    Its just tooooooo much enthusiasm to claim this.

    And since when is all are worried about the level of enthusiasm of developers? :huh:
    Doh, let they even just promise mountains of gold - we have something that, for the first time or what?

    When this new game is being released and if it will be a success all other games which are on the market today can be considered dead.

    No offence. Starcraft I is also dead. Quake I dead. Old Doom series dead. Diablo I dead....
    Disaster? May be. But nothing lasts forever. Only way is to go further


    Nobody would want to play a game that is less good than the new one Chris Roberts game... therefore everything around star citizen will die.

    How? Run a virus and destroy all of the games around the world of the genre? Even WoW could not cause the death of the rest online rpg, although he was a great teammate known as LA2.


    He runs into problems... cant get the project finished... sells is company to the next best bidder (like last time) or maybe closes it.
    Whats with the hopes? If the project fails major damage has been done to the entire genre.

    And I thought that I was a pessimist realist pessimist... :S


    but if i am right you better look for a new game genre because there wont be much left that you can return to.

    That's why I always recommend to do free available servers. In my local network game can even live forever. I mean, my lovely game.


    so did many other people... that still does not mean that they are a guarantee for success or good games

    Well, in my planet almost everyone is guarantee almost everything. Especially, the success. And what? Fails, fails and fails again. Welcome to the world of consumers. If you hate it - kill the advertisers and PR-men first and only after it the others. I will even cover you, I promise. :vinsent:


    FL was announced to have a point and click type gameplay where the player can only do automatic maneuvers.
    I am glad that the original concepts where thrown over board so we are able to fly the ships today.

    Again, it's the dispute about taste. Try to play "IL-2 Sturmovik" - only real physics, only hardcore! :zocken:
    But I'm still prefer "liquid vacuum" and so on. That kind of of things are important only for military simulators. But here, the whole game as the sum of the rest - that is important for me. I will forgive even the complete lack of plot, if I would delay by the game.


    sure but that 95% does not claim to be better than all others and save the genre

    Claims and with knobs on...


    the movie got an overall rating of 3.8 points out of 10
    it was poorly done, illogical and even broke with the original concepts of wing commander

    for the masses of consumers.
    Homeworld, I of a Dragon (dragon flight sim), Defcon (nuclear war sim), Divine Divinity 2, BattleZone, Battle Realms... well... they were also not so popular and some of them still. And of course, for someone they were poorly done.
    And what? I must delete them, trhow the disk in to the window, send the mail with curse and anger to developers and try to forget it?
    Not in this life. :beaengstigend:


    he is not doing anything FL related... his new game is not even an FL style game.

    *smashing the translator*
    I thought said "I hope", not "i'm shure".


    So far he has only presented a test environment with unreasonable detail grades for 3d models... which is a performance killer.
    Boyster is pretty much right about the way how the multiplayer will work for this game... IF it will work in MP. I doubt that a server can hold more than a few systems.
    Why do x3 or x4 not have a multiplayer? -> because such high detail games are performance killers for any available server hardware.
    And egosoft has much more experience with such games than Chris Roberts.

    " how will work", "doubt about". Man, the game is not yet released, but you've already stocked up with tomato shells...
    Just let them work. Or there is something else that I don't know, but thee openly interferes with life?

    Something i did missed here... :S


    His claims about the genre belittles the work of all other Scifi game creators which kept the genre alive during the past 10 years while Mr. Roberts did nothing for it.

    Anyone claims something. He have at least created something long-live. That is enough.


    His original concepts for Freelancer failed putting him into the position to sell his company to get the game at least finished

    What's the difference? Still the company closed before FL2 release and without him.


    Starlancer was a commercial dissaster...

    Wait a minute... I just can't understand something...
    The success of the games counted with money and only money, correct?
    Well... I'm not surprised that today the game industry produces 95% of trash just to sell then...


    wing commander game was crap... so was the wing commander movie

    o_O?!.. X(
    I do not agree. I liked it. As my brother too. And there is no accounting for tastes, becouse for someone, these projects were successful. About money - read previous.


    That are 7 years doing something wrong...

    Right-wrong.... I'm glad he is returned alredy... And really hope that he will remake (exactly) his first version of FL and continue it after release. On first viewing, his version of the story and trailer intrigued me much more than the final version. You just have to wait and already there make any conclusions.

    Не страшнее хаоса Смешения ;)

    Энциклопедическая статья вышла, потому что это документ. Причем, документ - часть разработки Хроник Хранителя. Лично мне так проще ориентироваться, когда я делаю сам сюжет. Помнишь, я говорил, что CF так же войдет, как одно из мест, где будут происходить события? Вот именно с этой целью и есть данная статья. По мере развития (надеюсь) событий здесь, будут проясняться детали. А информация тут будет в качестве связного элемента.

    Фактически, данынй документ и есть мост между CF и Хрониками Хранителя. Тем более будет полезно в случае, если я, все-таки, закажу перевод книг. А опублекован будет, там же где и остальные истории кроссфаера и фан-фикции.


    Coalition Special Forces - это теперь и есть BC?

    Если посмотреть по документу, то альтернативное (реальное) название флота "Fleet of Rebirth", а BC это отдельное формирование для выполнения узких задач.
    Ну не камильфо как-то делать мегафлотом клан, чье присутствие пока ограничиваетсяз тремя с половиной человек.


    В связи с недостатком времени, перевод пока не обещаю...

    Слушай, я этот текст тоже не за дин день состряпал. Ясно-понятно, я не стану требовать перевода всего текста залпом. Вполне сойдет и выкладка постепенно, по частям. тема-то для этого и была создана :)

    Отдельно для русскоговорящих даю ссылку на электронынй чистовой вариант моей первой книги, о которой я вел речь недавно.

    Перевод не знаю, когда именно будет, потому что придется кого-то нанимать в издательстве и процесс этот не быстрый.

    Готово. Дана уже сильно детальная информация (хотя в свете выхода моей первой книги и ежу понятно, насколько сильно я все это щастье завязал друг на друге).

    Для справки: кто забыл, вселенная CF так же учавствует Хрониках под названием "под перекрещивающимся огнем", которая является предпоследней. Но отсылки пошли уже в первой книге цикла.
    Если кому из русскоговорящих надо скинуть книженцию - не вопрос :)

    Собственно подробное описание Coalition Special Forces:
    (Настоятельно рекомендую, если переводить, то по частям, а не нахрапом, и выкладывать постепенно. Потом уже скомпонуем и выложим отдельно)

    No problem. Just give me your contacs to send a text file. i will not translate it by myself (I believe no one needs to explain why), but will constantly observe the process for shure. The more such readers, the better probability of a good translation.

    But in the beginning it is better to dot the i in respect of international copyright law. Whatever the outcome - in Russia is nothing prevents the spread of the book. Especially because I rely mostly on the free electronic distribution than on efforts of the publishers.