Posts by [BC]afGun

    That's why i'm asking. Currently, the book is only on Russian, but can be translated.

    Well, it's FL universe. Of course, there will be a plot of FL. One of the anomalies occurs, through which lot of people jccasionally come here from other worlds, in exactly for weeks before the Freeport explosion. Also, the Solar System destruction (by supernova weapon, as you also know from BC prehistory) is one of the keys to the anomalies nature. Yes, the Vanilla events is still a background. But a strong background to accompaniment of other events which take place.

    P.S. Here the planned books scheme (translated, some of them are consumed by others):

    As you already know, I'm working with the cycle named "the Chronicles of Guardian". Actual plot is original, but there is one bigl thing, that instill some uncertainty - one of the universes, used in the first book is Freelancer.

    So, what I have now:

    1. Freelancer plot is not main and not even background. Its only the part, one of the stops on the further the plot.
    2. FL universe is actually a large decoration to some scenes
    3. The whole plot of the "CG: Final Initiation" depends on it, becouse it's a place, where several key events happens.

    What about copyrights? Are there any "pitfalls" of which I should know about? (Russian copyrights have some differeces)

    Becouse the first book is ready and finally edited. I can send it to the publisher right now.

    Thanks in advance.


    people always tend to think about what they loose instead of what they might gain.... that is something I would call crazy

    well, becouse it's first of obvious what comes to mind. I see some interesting features, but also see the bad. So, for me, with comparison, lack of the current possibility nevertheless appeared as not the best idea.

    Aaand there is another thing. You said "there will not". Without any description of what we might like in this.
    Is like saying, "Tomorrow we'll go together to the voluntary-involuntary construction". And all at once would at least ask: "what for?.."

    ...May be I love Diablo II, but I DON'T play the hardcore characters. Just because it spoils the fun for me. And yes, I tried.


    How many of us still play games that are more the 3 or 4 years old ?

    Just two words:

    Any questions? :D


    as long poeple would use un-tagged chars to avoid RP situations

    there will always the players who will avoid rp anyhow. Sometimes tightening rules stifles development, and is not conducive to it.

    One of my reasons, why I dont went to disco - very strict rules and compulsory roleplay. I can even quote my words in the clan before my appearing here. Bacouse sometimes it's hard to keep it at the same level for me. In my opinion, there is need the balance between roleplay and free play. Right to choose. Right to take a break and just play.


    in my eyes the best thing that could have happened in Freelancer would be to limit the number of chars to 1 per account

    You can't be serious... 8|
    I will run away from such server among the first! This is the way to the complete destruction of ability to start anew without losing the previous progress. Also, different characters can perform different functions in the same role. Just as my second character with BS.

    No offense. It's just crazy...


    I think we need to drop the rule about joining a clan as it puts people off.

    reasonable enough.

    In previous server, where i've been, there was a simple rule:
    In free flight, you can use any character (exept noy your clan tags). But in any public events clan tags should be mandatory. Otherwise, the definition of "friend or foe" is violating.

    Ok. The way to attract other players I have already expressed, as Forlon too. Others can also use it as the course of actions.
    If someone have any other idea about how we can do it - you're welcome.

    We'll see, what we can do from our side.


    The problem is that we will never find out how these new features will work if we dont get the support that we need now.

    Then just say, what exactrly do you need. You need players, developers? Ok, I know, that I'm not developer, but. As admin in some web-resourses, I can start advertising compaign ("we search for developers"), as many of here present also can. And there is another way - some of the players are present not only here, but also in other FL mods. They can start searching there (or even start re-centralize community of freelancer - why not?).
    So, the first thing is - people need to know what they need to do. I mean, people, who want to see the server grow. Becouse saying the problem does not always give instructions to the actions, and some times only makes everyone sad. Experienced on my clan.

    So. What the current active people can do? Anyone have any ideas? Suggestions?

    Oh, good gracious...


    "Singleplayers" simply do not give the necessary support as they either dont care enough or dont feel part of something that can cause improvements

    Well.. may be I understood something wrong, bu I think you want to create something not alone. Yes, singleplayer can't give enoufgh of feedback, but it depends of goals - you want for feedback or to create it to someone played it, you want to create the community, or want to let people play with only organizing them.
    These goals accompany each other. But the whole approach depends from a focus on something of them.


    lets face it
    such mods were created for a community
    people which want to do something together.... singleplayer is generally the exact opposite of that
    the only reason to create a SP campaign in my eyes is to get singleplayers interested in the game and probably curious about the mp features and also to satisfy the mp people which are interested in the reason why their game universe exists in exactly this way

    Okay. God knows I did not want to say it...

    Just let me remind something to you:
    Some years ago (2006-2007) I founded CF 1.6 uploaded on my local server. That was the first time when I played it. I was looking for a local server. And the first reason was - thr local community of a small town. The second - a community of a clan. And the final - most of both of the communitoes had a very bad Internet aswel as a whole town. You can be shure, FL consuming much of the traffic, if ypu paying for every byte you sent. Dial-up Modem or satellite connection just could provide it.
    So, I found CF as very very intersting game - many systems, weapons abilities what I never seen before. That was the first and unconditional expectant to be a local server. But has no server. That was the reason to start my "unofficial" presence and my clan next, but I still wanted to make it available for LAN. Despite the complete own grammatical illiteracy, I came in touch with you in order to determine the cause of the lack of a server in the game client.
    What is the answer I got then?..

    So, the years after, I've finaly arrived. But the rest of my community was forced to play the mods like "Evolved" and "Discovery", just becouse there was provided server. You can hate the "disco" at will, but just face it: 100, and later 400 players of the local network. 6-30 players playing every hour. That was a status of my LAN server from 2005 till 2007. And they did not learned anything about Crossfire, but could. The previous clan community helped the one of the servers to develope and subsequently made the future "AoUCN Discovery".
    Now, that network is finally connected to the global, finally, with good connection. But all of the people now playing Discovery just because they don't know anything exept it. And now it is impossible to lure them here.
    Becouse there was no local server. Becouse your feared of "nobody cares about".

    There is no need to focus too much attention on the feedback, activity and such as this. At least, if creativity is the primary goal. And there will always, who appreciate the true result and play it at least as I do.

    1. Would you work 8 months or more on a project while the only feedback you get is "ignorance"?
    No. That's the reason of starting "GCCE" within my clan where now too quietly and what actually means reset.

    2. What do you think was the reason why I let the bot post news instead of asking the community for that once more?
    If there are no objections, then it means that all agree.

    3. When was the last time you that you did some constructive discussion on the forum?
    Actually not so long ago

    4. When was the last time you actually used the features we offer to you here at the portal?
    Almost every day. But unfortunately the picture is not same on the game server.

    5. Do you actually care about whats going on here or the people which belong to this community?
    Like all the others, where I am present - yes.

    6. When was the last time you actively started a normal "social" action here? -> e.g. opening a birthday thread for another member?
    I must confess that not even once.

    7. When was the last time you tried to introduce a new idea to the community or a game that you play that might be interesting for others?
    Long ago. May be not.
    I can generate the Ideas. But I have big problems with their implementation. And with translating them... (Especially some content related to Chronicles of Guardian and CF current story (workname: "In the Crossing Fire: Millennia before"))

    8. When was the last time that you did say something good about another player?
    Em-m... Rarely, as usual. More rarely something bad.

    9. When was the last time that you did active RP and use the Forum as medium to inspire other players to join such RP?
    SA events in Inner Core. After that, i've returned to work with my book.

    10. When was the last time that you offered help to others (on the server or on the forum.... maybe even helping other clans)?
    In my previous activity period this summer.


    Well. I'm not actual organisator, so I can only see the solution as server advertising and active working with external communities by the players and not only by the administration.
    My personal activity is periodic, so my current absense is normal and I know what I will return some day. But for some reason, with my disappearing, any clan activity is also disappearing. And there is nothing I can do...

    Well, I told that ME as Shepard's story was ended. But I'm did't said that the universe is ended too.


    and you call yourself a fan...

    I never called myself as "fan" of ME. I only said, that I like it. But not so much to replay the game for two hundred times or writing the fictions for it as many do.


    Take a good look at the Ashes DLC

    "From Ashes" in not Extended Cut! It was released much earlier than EC. And I meant, that Bioware released EC fo free contrary to the expectations of players. And I don't care about other in that case.


    the next Mass Effect would have started from there

    Mass Effect is ended. No more story with Shepard will be. Only possible DLC.


    BioWare just made the ending with no freaking sense.

    Bioware written the story. As authors only THEM can say what they done and what they should have done. Only them knew the story, and that wold be a serious mistake if they surrender to the players completely.
    Remember that the authors making the story. Not the others. We are too accustomed to the fact that the authors answer all our questions. The main goal of story is to tell what happend, but not why. And they told that story very well.

    So, I'm still completely can't understand tha matter of complaints.


    choosing to destroy the reapers is the only ending you get that shows shepard

    Yeah.. Shepard's death caused very much complaints. People don't like when their heroes dying nowadays... They want "perfect happy ending".


    i think you misunderstand.

    Probably, yes.
    But I just said that this DLC was damaged the freedom of imagination. As you did in spoiler, actually.
    The fans have created many fictions (Indoctrination theory was only one of them), while tried to find answers for questions like "why the Normandy fly away?" (and only found "42" answer, I guess). After release of Extended cut, the number of new fiction stories and theories was greately decreseased aswel as game popularity (the endings were really hot topic) also start to decresease.
    And that was a true damage made by fans.

    See related video of endings.


    there aren't too many companies that will do that. not so much forced as it was, how you put it "fans wanted answers"

    Becouse they use it now as an element of advertising.
    Russian communities expected that they deliberately made original ending to sell extended cut after it. That was a wrong opinion, becouse DLC can be downloaded with no charge.
    But most of the complaits were like: "What the writers were smoking? There is a huge amout of plot holes!" and so on.

    So, they were forced by own fans. And practically not hide it.