Posts by Kalisie

    Yes, and I will also be back soon...once I get everything installed and fix that annoying widescreen issue, lol. And I am ready to seriously kick some pirate ass, XD

    Ok can you send me a PM with the sample info so I can let my friend know, and also work on some myself?

    The Role Players Alliance! (RPA meeting time is Thursdays 6 PM MET.)

    The RPA is a team of clans and freelancers who care about the integrity and enjoyment of the Crossfire Server and its RP.
    It is the sole goal, duty and purpose of the RPA to create and establish a progressive and fun role play storyline, and see to it that the RP is ongoing every day.
    Our hope is that in the future the Role Play can continue on its own without needing to be forced into progression.

    The RPA is not a clan, therefor a tag is not necessary for the members of the RPA.


    RPA CHIEF COMMANDER: (Description Pending)

    (New Description Pending)

    RPA Enforcers: The Enforcers are a branch of the RPA that helps create and enforce RP. They are also instramental in creating the RP story and various other RP related ideas/suggestions.
    (IOC) Horus

    The story so far: WIP

    List of ways to politely and effectively RP: (Please remember that all RPing should be done in a polite and friendly manner so that everyone can have fun.) Everything here is a work in progress and is subject to change at any time.

    Bounties and Interaction
    Bounty hunting can be seen as a criminal act. Police can and should inspect pilots to look for a merc license, and follow those with a bounty to help defend and escort them until their bounty goes away. Police and Pirates can search for and hunt mercs who have just performed a bounty kill, depending on if the pilot was lawful (Police) or unlawful (Pirate)
    ((This is only a suggestion for now. If anyone thinks this is a good or bad idea, send me a PM because these posts are closed and therefor unable to be replied too))

    Police: For a full description of the Police RP, look HERE
    Defend traders and freelancers when they are under attack by pirates.
    Go to the aid of other clans should their systems be invaded by an enemy pirate or clan.
    Help provide assistance to those that are having a hard time figure something out.
    Search out Smugglers and demad that the drop their illegal goods. If they drop their cargo, destroy it and let them go on their way. If they resist, attack and kill them, then fine them for resisting arrest.

    Pirates: For a full description of the PIrate RP, look HERE
    Attempt to tax police, traders and other pirates. Should taxing fail, announce you will be attacking, and fire upon said target.
    Clan systems may only be invaded if the invaders and the clan leaders of said system agree that RP can accur in their system. Asside from that clan systems are exempt from any and all RP unless otherwise stated.
    Hinder the polices job in assisting others.

    For a full description of the Mercenary RP, look HERE
    Offer your services to a pirate, trader, police or freelancer for a price (To be decided upon contract) Make sure to announce to everyone involved that you have a contract with said contractor.
    Others can also hire mercs to assist them. Payment will be discussed upon contract, should a payment be required.

    Smuggler: For a full description of the Smuggler RP, look HERE
    Pick up BGMs and other illegal goods and smuggle them into other clan systems(To be discussed during RP) while fighting off or running from enemy police and pirates.
    Attempt to smuggle weapons and equipment from one clan system and sell them to an enemy clan for equal or greater profit. (Only if agreed upon by the leaders of every clan involved)

    List of ingame characters/Clans and their RP roles: (Work in Progress)








    I have some friends willing to do some voice samples. What exactly are you looking for on that? Do you just want whatever random thing recorded or specific things?

    I can very likely be there. Any time is good for me.

    P.S. Sorry for being away from CF for so long, life has been crazy. But I am working my butt off to become active again. ^^

    Yes yes, please provide a story. Due to some life issues Ive been dealing with, I havent been able to be ingame much, so Id like to hear what went down that warrants thanking a pirate clan for being in Custo. ^^

    Im currently in the process of learning how to code, but I dont feel confident enough to actually be of any help. But once I feel more useful I'll update you.

    Wow that is pretty sad. I have a 7 year old cousin who knows how to install CF with no problems, lol. In fact she has ALL of the presets committed to memory so if I ever need to know what each of the cross hairs looks like, I just ask her.

    Last I checked, (I could be wrong, its been quite awhile since Ive been around) but CF is strictly an RP server, so everyone is subject to RP except for in a select few systems, NY and X-3043 to be specific. Clan systems are allowed to be 100% Rp only, or no RP whatsoever, depending on the clan leaders rules. As the leader of BG, and the founder of the Role Players Alliance, Custodian is 100% open RP. Therefor all RP rules and restrictions apply.

    That being said, my Co leader is currently working on the Custo COC and other related clan and system rules. Once those are completed they will be posted for everyone to see.

    Yeah I hate to break it to you Michael, but the restrictions on Custo are back, as I personally have paid for Custodian myself, brought BG back as a clan system, and I am also now the leader of BG, you can ask OP about that yourself. Therefore all of the BG rules and restrictions apply. One of which is everyone that is not BG must ask for permission before buying any ship in Custo. Im not trying to be a rude douchbag, but its about time that certain rules get upheld and respected.

    Also I must point out that everyone must ask permission from a BG member in order to buy any ships in Custodian. Michael seems to think its ok to offer BloodGuards ships to just anyone. Just thought id point that out. Otherwise just jump on, get to know people, have fun and enjoy your time! ^^

    Yeah dont take it too personally, lately we have been cracking down on cheaters, or anyone suspected of cheating if we catch them doing things that we know are nearly impossible. At least you didnt get banned. A good portion of the people on the server dont actually know how to fight honorably and fair, so the vets have fogotten what its like to fight someone with actual skill, lol.