Posts by Nazgren

    It looks like i may be a bit late, but you do indeed need to change your screen resolution to the one you want for freelancer and pick adjust to screen resolution. Using this button should force it. I was able to force 4X DSR using this, which isn't normally supported by freelancer. The improvement is considerable to say the least. The issue your suffering i believe is the difference in aspect ratios between 1920 x 1080 and 1440 x 900. 1920 x 1080 is a 16:9 ratio whereas 1440 x 900 is a 16:10 ratio. Many games don't like changing the aspect ratio, even today, and freelancer is by no means a modern game.

    Well i think its safe to say there is no general consensus on the "best" ship in the game, which speaks wonders for balancing, except maybe boost ships with one or no torpedoes a bit :). It seems like i will have to go off and give all your suggestions a try and see what works for me, theres about, 19 ships to pick from that have 2+Ts so it may take a while :P I think ideally it will have a hull of 10k+ and a decent sized cargo. I can fill up the hold of my titan in a matter of minutes. Although i probably wouldn't consider taking one due to the difficulty of logistics, are Battleships / Dreadnoughts an option for the Crossfire campaign or are there places that need to be docked with that cant be by a battleship?

    Some very good advice, all is verry much apreciated

    Too high energy usage is something i am trying to avoid, my curent Titan setup takes about, 15 seconds to empty, but thats off the top of my head.

    Those videos will no doubt be very helpful, ty, will check them out after college.

    Damn, i suppose i will need to go and double check the ships that i look at if the wiki is still out of date :(

    One of the first things i did was buy a defender and rush flight code access, then pod farm and buy a titan from Custodian, but im a far bit past this point,I have just met Lord Hakkera, which took about, 6 hours, from creating the save i think and i must be more then half way through seeing as i am now working with the Order. I wasn't aware of the low turret levels, there not listed on the wiki :( Not needing turrets should open up the list a bit more.

    I made a quick list of the most important stats (from what i've gathered) that are included on the wiki, of all the T2/+Ships. Bot count, Hull points, and Cargo space(less important, but still good). There seems to be a pretty good spread, 2 stand out for having a unique bonus, namely the Hydra MK 3 as the only one with 6x10 guns and the eliminator as the only VHF with 3T's and by a country mile the biggest cargo, at 170, with the next being 130. The Hydra 3 looks like it could be a good choice, it has the 6x10 guns and the second highest hull at 12,900, however it is tied for lowest cargo at 70 and has a low bot count, also 70, but with the top shield (Adv. Champion H.F. Shield?) with mkx upg and Armor class 10, would only 70 bots make a difference? If i had all that then the low cargo wouldent matter either due to money not being an issue. Assuming all the information is correct, which doesnt seem likely, then i will be able to make an educated decision later, likely by narrowing the list down by imposing minimum requirements, such as a hull above 10k. After that, when im down to about 5, look at things like ship shape, etc and see what i get. For example, the Hydra mk3 shape isnt very good, unless i decided to bind the barrel roll controls.

    Chimera has one of the lowest hull points and one of the lowest bot counts, what is the appeal of it if i may ask? Genuine question.

    I certainly like to have them, but is it worth taking 2? If i limit myself to ships with at least 2 ( i see theres at least one with 3!) then i'm still spoilt for choice, but at first glance, which is all i can do atm due to being at college, i cant see any which are as good as the Komodo, there looks like there are some which come pretty close, but still. I get the feeling i am greatly underestimating the difficulty of Crossfire. What i have usually found in freelancer is that by optimizing my guns i can output plenty of damage without the need for torpedoes, but if what you say is true and 2 torpedos are a must then i suppose i havent got a choice. I suppose if i was to go for a two torpedo ship, again, only at a quick first glance, i would probably look at the King Tiger, only one with 2 turrets and 2 torpedoes, however its cargo, bots and armor are lacking somewhat :( Its quite sleek though, so should dodge attacks fairly easily. I think when i get home i'll load up the ships into excel so i can sort them by stats and see which ones look to be the best. Maybe a 2T will be at the top anyway

    Is two Torpedo launchers really neccesary? I have one, but i've never needed to use it, but then i am using Crossfire level gear in vanilla. What sort of shield cap / hull do enemies have in Crossfire? For now i was looking at the Komodo dragon, seems like an improvement to the titan, with an additional turret, 30 extra cargo space and 9 more bots, but a very slightly lower armor. I noticed an inconsitency btw, the wiki page for the Komodo Dragon (Komodo Dragon) lists it as having mines but the Ships page ( lists it as not having mines. I just found out about Power Generators. Do these prevent VHF energy levels being an issue or are they actually a downgrade for them?

    Heh, yeah, I am more of a big guns kind of guy. Would I not be better off with a ship that can take 6 rank 10 guns or does the titan have something that makes up for it, like its impressive hull? Is there a ship with the energy to accommodate that level of firepower? With a number of class 8's the titan is struggling. I did notice Frankfurt having some goodies, like the "shield upgrades", will need to amass a large sum of money and go take a look. The best way I've found for that is to sit on a spot where a lot of pirate patrols meet such as a jump hole and get a hold full of escape pods, is there a better way then that? If the Titan is, as you say, one of the best anyway then I may just stick with it, depending on what I find. A ship that can obliterate battleships with its guns almost as easily as it does a fighter and is still agile enough to ace the Hovis run with a similarly small level of effort is pretty damn good IMHO!

    I am currently soaring through the original campaign in a titan i acquired very early on and am bugging out missions by destroying battleships that aren't meant to be destroyable, killing the 60k health ones in 2 seconds tops. However, as a result, I am very quickly approaching the end of the game and if what i have heard is true, the difficulty is in a whole different league. So, to prepare myself, being someone who's first ever time playing crossfire in any form was a few hours prior to this post and thus having now knowledge of the new toys, what ship, weapons, shield, etc, would you recommend for the Crossfire campaign? if not the titan i am currently using.

    Visuals are absolutely breathtaking, even as a die hard fan of high quality space art, i am being blown away with every new system i enter. GJ! Love the music in the Bretonnia prison BTW, of all the songs i was expecting, that was not one of them :P Somewhat ironic song to be playing in a prison i must say!