Wow, O.o she rocks O.O
Posts by Don_Zardeone
I have no idea but IIRC, they are locked in vanilla FL multiplayer too..
they were opened, it would be too easy to make $$.
But I forgot all that stuff~
Originally posted
by Argos
What's your problem whit the mediterranic people.
That does'nt soundgood to me.
It seems that they are poor because the coalityon have sabotated
Hispania, and thay didn'm manage to find a decent place to sit.
weird americans have problems with minorities in america, like hispanics (mexicans, south
americans etc, often called "spics") or negros or whatever, ..
they all nazi
Originally posted by Nitro
And yes, that is RPG.
If you deny othersfrom playing their part, then please jibby, do us all a favor, and leave this
I still don't get it, how is he doing that? How can he possibly
deny other players from playing their part?
I still don't get it
...yeah but WP cheated =/
1 word: gamemasters
Originally posted by Jib
Thank u Don, for injecting some sanity here.As former BG leader who literally wrote the book on clan tactics, ur opinion is very
important and repected all over the FL, ... and gaming world.
Sir, I am
Originally posted by DC_Dragonwarrior
@ don how canyou declare war on a neutral clan for hire doens make any sense to me may be you can explain
that one to me
Germany once declared war on the neutral bufferstate
1. Chaos and DC wereallies (I would like to see the terms of that alliance btw)
2. DC breaks the alliance andruns off.
3. Full DC-Clan attacks Chaos (probably by order of DC-Command nwhich turns itinto a valid war, maybe not full clanwar but still hostile status)
It doesn't matter
who paid DC, DC attacked it's former ally. Logical reaction is that chaos now goes to war
against DC.
I don't understand your reasoning. What's chaos supposed to do now?
Stand around and get shot at?
O.o?! -
Originally posted by DC_Dragonwarrior
@ jib you know you keep saying it will hurt us but i say again how can that be whenwe are having so much fun
I think the only one who still is in-character
is Jib himself. You all just suck at RPGs... =X
Ah, the madness...
Originally posted by Baldwin
he prolly did....but i'm not sure if he really offically declaredit...
I don't get it
Dunno if this is the right
place to ask, but how far (territory wise), or where, is BG supposed to "do their
What I'm really asking is; what is is BG's duty? And over which territory
does BG have to perform this duty?
Why can't he declare war on DC?
Originally posted by Baldwin
DC changed role play because they werebounty hunters and they were tired of being in the middle of all this CSF ASF shite. They
put themselves up for hire and BG bought them till today...which our contract only has about
4 hours left in Germany.
Jib saw this as a backstab and 'declared war' (not sure if
he really did declare a state of war) against DC.
But I do have to say...histroy
repeats itself ust like LBOSS
Where is the part where Jib doesn't let
another clan do their RP?
Originally posted by Nitro
I am not accusing Jib of not role playing, Iam accusing Jib of not letting another clan play their role in the
How is he doing that?
Originally posted by SWAT_OP-R8R
very funny don... maybe later i
will laugh at it... maybe
yarr scurvy landlubber
I have no problem with gay people
Originally posted by nitr0x
HA! now itsMY fault for "risk"ing nitros health!
How wonderful, thats a real boost on the Happy
Meter of Life!
thanks for the hidden insult!
noonoo, it was me
and my voodoo,
my finger slipped =X -
He won't die, i stopped my
voodoo for a while