Posts by Prt-Cht

    To second [BC]afGun and to stay at the theme :

    EOC (Edge of Chaos, I-War sequel)
    FRESPACE (and all of ots offsprings thanks to FS Open)
    X2 (and allof its offsprings, mods and variations through scrpting)

    not to forget

    STARLANCER (at least from time to time)

    :bmuhahaha: TÜV Rheinland :bmuhahaha:
    Great idea !

    And obvious you are REALY quite Antique

    :thumbsup: TRAF :thumbsup:

    Next time we will see fjying flatirons ^^

    Sorry for the NON-german folk here. "TRAF" is an hommage on a VEEERY old german TV-serie "Raumpatroullie ORION"
    or translated Spacepatrol ORION

    Freespace / Freespace2 during escort missions to a jumpnote / mission objective - so yes i saw them doing so (virtually - as there are no BS in RL...yet)
    besides i have to admit that these asteroids were destroyable, which i think is not moddable in FL, is it?

    In some respects: sadly, in others: happily ....This is NOT Freespace / Freespace2 or FSO (FreeSpaceOpen).

    Totally different game engine AND game play, esp. CF, that's multiplayer orientated, while the whole Freespace-"family" is mostly singleplayer.

    Unfortunatly nobody ever made a "Freelancer"-mod for the FSO-engine (beside OP, who once started a Starlancer mod for it, but it's on halt for quite a time).

    When they are minable, they should could also be destructable (I think), ..... "just" like the debris you can blow up while flying through a minable asteroid field.
    But I don't know, if it's the effort to create something a like the mission from Freespace you mentioned. Only if something alike would be a important part of the
    for the "last chapter" of the "story of Crossfire".

    @ MartindForlon
    "Here on this portal is all what everyone "newbie" need .. is enough check this portal little."
    Well, it takes some time to find what you're looking for, but essentiallly you're right. Everything is here, ....., sometimes after a longer search.

    I've read a lot in the forums , also in older threads as part of my "preparation" to start with CF and FL again after a LOONG Frelancer-freetime.
    What was the reason for waiting so long ?
    Part of it was the sometimes quite strong sounding insisting on beeing a "online"-mod, on "role-play". Sopmething I am not interested in due to real life.
    I wouldn't be able to live up to a "role" to speak of, with only a random appearance for max up to an hour once or twice a week.
    More wold not be compatible with my work- and even more important (for me) family life.
    To fill a "role" with life I would render it necessary to be online at least every second day to stay in touch with the characters already met and/or "involved"
    into my role. You make friends, you make deals, you have to stay to what you say/offer/arrange, you have to stay to your word. Something not achievable
    with the timeframe I mentioned. The role/person you play follows goals, will/has to plan a "life" on the server.
    Everything else I wouldn't call a role-play but a mere "cowboy and indians"-play (Hour, do you know a suiting englich sentence on that ?). But for that a mod with
    vanilla-systems and/or an arena system would do fine. No need for 30, 40 50 systems (or how many are there on CF ?). What I've seen so far (vanilla-systems reloaded)
    you have done an amazing, fantastic work of Improvement. And what could be seen on the thread for CF 2.0 you're still improving.

    I started playing Freelancer in the Crossfire-version especially due to the offer of playing an extended, improved single-player-campaign, where I can do one or two
    npc-mission for half an hour, return to real life and take on again exactly at the point I left next or second or third day after (depending on real life) without loosing anything.

    And according to the lot of single-player questions about the game, the missions, etc., I think I'm not the only one taking on Crossfire that way. The extended campaign is was
    Crossfire REALLY sets apart from all other Freelancer mods I've found and heared about.

    It would be a shame to loose this.

    But how should a single-player then be able to activate the mod properly without the CF- or SWAT-server, when everything will be closed down ?
    (This is a real question to SWAT_OP-R8R.)

    But as part of the discussion of how to safe SWAT and Crossfire, .....
    Has anybody tried to find out WHY other servers, discovery, Hamburg (yeah I had already a quick look) etc. are much better populated ?
    Perhaps: smaller "universe" and so "easier" to meet other players of whatever role ?
    Perhaps: other "role-play-concepsts" ? I once tried to dive into the deephts of server-rules on the discovery-site,. THAT'S would be a bit too much even for my taste.
    But the server is quite full, DESPITE this almost alexandrinian bibliotheke on server-rules.

    Just a few thoughs of somebody, who just start to get the hack on Crossfire.

    Thanks for your answer Cresthen,
    esp. for the description of your own feeling about a special set, gives me a precious hint.

    ME BAD, I choose the wrong word, transparent 'n pale, that's what I meant, like "shine through" (damend DENGLISH).

    The FAQs you and Martind linked to, I read already carefully, but I can't find anything there about the mod options in detail.

    ERhmm, if it is allowed (I mean, I've read already terms of the "license" to play the mod during installation I had to agree), may I ask you for some more details about this renaming/replacing of files ?

    @ Martind Forlon

    Hhmmmm, "easily try all cursors", ...........
    As far as I understood, these options can only be choosen, when the mod has to be activated in FLMM.
    After that there is no chance to change any of these settings without de-/reinstall.

    Or did I understand something wrong and there IS a possibility to change the mod options After activation ??????

    In the (again very helpfull) stickied thread of Huor about the mod options upon installing Crossfire at the General discussion section

    the different, selectable cursors are displaced. ...... But I still can't really make a decision, which set to select.

    Esp. the sets 4 and 5 are looking very interesting, but they look quite shiny already here.
    So, can anybody tell me, if he/she has tried them ?
    And share their experiance with them ?

    I'm a bit afraid, that they might be TOO shiny ingame to be very helpfull.

    Thanks in advance