mod optoions: cursor selection

There are 6 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Prt-Cht.

  • In the (again very helpfull) stickied thread of Huor about the mod options upon installing Crossfire at the General discussion section

    the different, selectable cursors are displaced. ...... But I still can't really make a decision, which set to select.

    Esp. the sets 4 and 5 are looking very interesting, but they look quite shiny already here.
    So, can anybody tell me, if he/she has tried them ?
    And share their experiance with them ?

    I'm a bit afraid, that they might be TOO shiny ingame to be very helpfull.

    Thanks in advance

  • you can easily try all cursors (Im afraid that depends about graphics settings and each player personal preferences to tell that this one is the best) ... try check FAQ, there should be posted how to change them.

  • @ Martind Forlon

    Hhmmmm, "easily try all cursors", ...........
    As far as I understood, these options can only be choosen, when the mod has to be activated in FLMM.
    After that there is no chance to change any of these settings without de-/reinstall.

    Or did I understand something wrong and there IS a possibility to change the mod options After activation ??????

  • Hello Prt-Cht!

    I think Forlon wanted you to see these instructions (click to see, it may take time to load). In theory, you can always change your cursors by renaming/replacing some files in FL folder.

    When I tried that myself, after the cursor set I selected during CF activation seemed too small, I got my favourite cursor back (set #5, they are large), but it was compressed to the same small size. :( So I had to re-install everything again...

    So if you want to avoid any problems, better to choose the right cursor form the first attempt. :) Sets 4 and 5 are not any "shiny", just the opposite - they are pale and transparent. When you first try them you may even loose your cursor from time to time, when it's barely visible on a dark space background.

    P.S. I play with set #5, if you are interested. ;)

  • Thanks for your answer Cresthen,
    esp. for the description of your own feeling about a special set, gives me a precious hint.

    ME BAD, I choose the wrong word, transparent 'n pale, that's what I meant, like "shine through" (damend DENGLISH).

    The FAQs you and Martind linked to, I read already carefully, but I can't find anything there about the mod options in detail.

    ERhmm, if it is allowed (I mean, I've read already terms of the "license" to play the mod during installation I had to agree), may I ask you for some more details about this renaming/replacing of files ?

  • [expander=An extract from FAQ]Open Freelancer "DATA/SCREENS" Folder. There are
    cfcursor(1-6).txm.flmmbak ... While you activated CF, you've selected the set with number in ().

    If you rename "cfcursor(x).txm" into "cursor.txm" you get the (x)st set crosshair.[/expander]
    For example, if you have selected cursor set #2 and want to change it to #4, simply rename "cfcursor4.txm" into "cursor.txm" (don't forget to make a backup copy of cursor.txm before any actions!).

    Looks like this :S I'm not very sure because the only time I changed the cursor was long ago.