Posts by Trinity_

    Back at the HQ in Omega-3, Alpha Wing is scrambling for launch in order to find out what happened to the two ships they lost contact with. Fleet Admiral Forlon, the current CL of the Silver Arrows, on top of his Iguana, commands the crew

    "Make ready for launch, we're leaving in 5! Stop slacking, get to work people, we got work to do!"

    The voice is heard echoing through the whole station, and everyone is picking up pace. A young pilot approaches the Admiral, greets him and hands him his PDA. The Admirals face changed from optimistic to worried in a second. He climbs down from his ship and starts walking to the Command post. Looking further at his PDA, he starts picking up the pace, until finally he starts running towards his post.

    "Stop the launch! I repeat, everyone, stop the launch."

    Everyone turns around to see whats happening, not knowing whats going to be presented to them.

    "Call of the launch. I'll signal New York and tell them to scramble the Guard. They got work to do."

    The Guard, also known as the Praetorians, or the Praetorian Guard, is a newly assembled task force of the Silver Arrows. In cooperation with the LSF, Order and the Kusari Kaigun, a task force was produced in order to combat the most fierce problems that appear in both Sirius and Altair.

    Equipped with newly issued LSF MK3s, built by The Order and the Kaigun, they are unbeatable in the hands of a capable pilot. Equipped with the standard loadout of Coalition Gattlings or W'ar-Sy Propulsors, they pack a hard punch to any ship, capital or snub.

    Currently leading the Praetorian Guard, Joshua "Vas" Vasquez, appointed by the LSF, is a capable fighter, leader and tutor. Under his command, 12 people from all over.

    The word has reached New York, the Guard assembled and ready to go. Vas on the top, leading his crew to find the missing pilots, both crucial to the development of a base in Inner Core. What he didn't know is that he's going to deal with an enemy he thought he would never have to face.

    The Admiral turned around and mumbled to the operator: "Turn on Screen 12, 13, 14, 17, 21, and 23. I'll transfer the feed from my PDA. This is him..."

    "Beta One, come in", a vague voice is heard in the cockpit of the Valkyrie, "Beta One, I repeat, come in!". The sound of the radio chatter is slowly dying, as the ship's power core is slowly loosing power. "Beta One, please, respond". Little did they know, that Beta One is being taken away. "I think we lost them. How did this happen? Call in Alpha squad, send them to the following coordinates: Eta-Seven-Foxtrot-Alpha-Three-Io.."; the radio was slowly shutting down, until the last bit of the power the power core was making went out. Complete silence now overtook the atmosphere, as the ships are now abandoned. Beta Wing is now declared KIA.

    "I will not be stopped, no matter what burden I carry on my back, no matter who opposes me, I will always stand my ground, and defend the things I believe in" - Freelancer Emily "Trinity" D'Agostino, Beta Two

    "A great fight expects us all, an even greater sacrifice, it may cost us our life, but me, the last of my kin, the last voice of a dead civilization, I will make sure that our voice is heard through the galaxy and beyond!" - Captain Hanzo "Scorpion" Hasashi, Beta One

    Welcome to the vast universe that is Crossfire! I hope you'll have an awesome time enjoying the mod

    Hit us up if you need any help with setting up the game or getting yourself ready for exploring the universe

    Welcome to SWAT and the vast universe that is Crossfire. I hope you enjoy 2.0 as much as the guys did making it!

    Ooh, are we expressing our thanks here? Thanks for this awesome portal OP, you've done a great job with keeping up with everything around, so it seems :D

    You're not the only one. I've lost ~90 weapons (40 of which were W'ar-Sy's) while jumping to Sovetskaya. It's definitely a huge issue and I do hope it is or is being resolved.

    As for the compensation, you're left on your own (Or unless you get someone from the game to help you regain it)

    To cut the story short, Freelancer was heavily influenced by the original Elite games and it is what it is now.