Mission 36: Crash after launching for next mission (go to Altair)

There are 62 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by GunnyMike.

  • Thanks SWAT_OP-R8R.

    I understand and will look further.

    I was not complaining about the game, just hoping I made some fool mistake and the symptoms be recognized.

    I have to look into why, and why on 2 machines that do not use the same virus stuff.

    Thanks for the replies and the tolerance!

    Now if I can only get back to the Coalition....


    Never Outgunned

  • maybe its not the AV but the windows UAC setting, dunno



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • You keep using old saves that are clearly corupted. My advice is to start fresh i mean rly fresh like clean dokuments folder and all traces of game from hard disk. Then step by step install game and start all from begining. If you afraid that some third party program AV or windows security like UAC will again corupt your game then install game in windows safe mode simple as that. Best solution is to install game at secondary partition to avoid denial of permisions and write protections(ive thone that). If you suspect that your copy of freelancer is not good i can provide you with mine copy, just contact me and i will upload game to my Google drive no need for crack ill provide you with any advice you need that is all from me.

  • Thanks bokipk!

    I have retraced what all I can think of. I'm going to clean out everything and restart, and again, on a separate drive. I am re-downloading CF2.0.1 and using a new drive.

    I did not save the saved games when I last installed. I made sure it was all clean as an initial install. I knew something else was wrong when I started CF at mission #1 (a brand new game) and the Manhattan Equipment dealer had shields that were labelled as "IDS?"!!! I do appreciate your offer! I'm going to retry....then might just take you up on your offer. Thank you.


    I'm not sure I understand about the UAC settings? Would you, please, explain further, and thank you.


    Never Outgunned

  • SWAT_OP-R8R,

    I took another look and found that namesresources.dll is 301Kb, not 471+Kb!!! That is the same size as the FL file.

    I am trying to figure out what is causing the file not to be updated. In the meantime, is there a way that file can be obtained (by me!) to see if that is, in fact, the real problem?? I would simply replace the file and see (if that would work).

    Additionally, does that file also have the item descriptions and stats? If not, could you clue me in as you have with the namesresources file?



    Never Outgunned

  • If the file is on 301kb then yes... thousands of ids are missing in your installation.

    It does not make sense to send you the correct dll since that would not solve the problem. It might very well be that this is not the only file that was not updated/installed correctly. In the end you still might have issues with the mod.

    UAC = User Account Control

    It basically restricts what a windows user can or can not do on the PC.

    Usually it is set to ask the User for permission when access restricted stuff is done by a program. It protects the PC from unwanted access.

    I would never disable it but I would at least set it to level that wont block local programs and users.

    If you type UAC into the window search you should be able to set the security level.

    You also can run progams like the setup or the launcher as administrator by right-clicking the file and then selecting run as admin.

    Also worth checking if the FL folder and the CF folder are in any way write protected.

    right-click the folder, select properties and then it should show you the info if there is a write protection anywhere in there.

    Since you mentioned having a AV tool and there is nothing in quarantine ill skip the explanation about window firewall. As soon a 3rd party AV program is installed the windows firewall is deactivated by default.



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • I could really use some further advice on this issue.

    I have no AV in use, UAC is set correctly, and the FL and CF folders are not write protected.

    I have bribed the Coalition Diplomat on Earth.

    The Anomaly still cannot be recognized, therefore not "dockable".

    I have uninstalled, cleaned up, re-downloaded CF, re-started FL (from original CD) and CF and played through with no side tracks (to avoid missing a trigger).

    I have made certain that no "hidden" program is running in the background, no setting to block any updates or file/folder actions.

    If all else fails, is there any other way into Coalition space???

    Thanks for the tolerance and your time!


    Never Outgunned

  • did you use an antosave somewhere?



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • No. As a rule, I never use Autosave. I always save when docked.

    I am really confused because of the cleaning and turning off of all background programs and the like. I checked many files like the names resources file and found none are write protected. i got a fresh CF download, used my original FL CD, did not install any patches.

    Game play is great, "eye candy" is super, I just cannot get certain items because there is no description, such as some ships with no name and no stats or a weapon with the same missing name and stats!!! So, I do not know if there is a better ship or a weapon to be interested in. That takes a bit away from the game, obviously. That's why I keep trying and asking! I note that this "problem" I am having relates only to the ships and equipment of CF and not the FL ones.

    I am on a path of grid searching all the systems I can to find a way back into Coalition space (since the GMG Gate is a one way trip!!!).

    Is there a "back door" to the Coalition?

    And thanks again for replying and taking the time. I do appreciate it.


    Never Outgunned

  • I just replayed the mission and it was working perfectly fine.

    The amount of issues you seem to have can only mean the mod is not installed correctly. Why that is, is beyond my knowledge and every speculation is just that, a speculation.

    We can try to use teamviewer and I take a look at the file. Maybe I see the problems when I can take a look at how the mod is installed.



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • GunnyMike Somewhere on the way that "namesresources.dll" file gets corupted where, god knows if you are so desperate then do final step of desperation :D WINDOWS REINSTALLATION god knows i do that several times when some program didn't act as i want. It sounds that this file simple dont like to be overwriten maybe somwhere in scheduled tasks firewall blocks that overwrite its a freackin twilight zone. So last try before you actualy do the reinstallation. Try to install FreeLancer and crossfire at the same folder there will be actualy 2 folders inside one. Try to use diferent FL instalation just to cross that as problem. After vanilla game installation before CF fire up freelancer just to make a save games folder at user documents folder (if you done that earlyer then do the oposite dont touch FL icon). Then install CF after that you dont have to test all missions just do the mission one and compare size of that file between FL installation and CF if its the same problem persist then you can actualy do the desperation step :D. I dont have to tell you that updates are crucial you need them so do the all updates from louncher cheers

  • Thanks for the advice bokipk, I'll give it a try, before a Windows re-install!!!

    Also thank you SWAT_OP-R8R, I'll see after I try the above.

    By the by, I have made progress in that I go here and look at and make notes on the items I seek. Example, finding the stats on a weapon here, then looking at the stats (if presented) in the game, I can get the weapon of choice without worrying about it being named! Also, I replaced my Flathead with a Redemption. No problem that it is not "named"...it works great! Just wanted you to know...I'm in it!!!

    Thanks again,


    Never Outgunned

  • Freibeuter,

    I have 2 SSD's. I have also used an external drive to load CF per previous advice.

    And yes, all drives are OK and running fine and are at full capacities, no errors.

    Per my last, it was hard to get what I wanted since most of the items were either not named and/or did not have stats.

    I overcame this by looking on site, making notes and comparing with selected items, such as the Redemption ship. It did not have a name or stats however, I was able

    to compare the ship photo with that presented in game!

    As far as I am concerned now, I am able to function and the "missing names/stats" have no effect on the game play, so I am moving on.

    Consequently, if so desired, this thread can be closed out......although, if applicable, I would be highly interested in how to get the Sol Anomaly to work again!!!

    Yeah...I did bribe the Coalition Diplomat on Earth...but that did not work.

    Thanks to all for your help and your time.


    Never Outgunned

  • OK all you guys...this has twisted my brain!

    i went to play tonight and I updated...about 43 files I believe.

    After the update finished I started the game and ALL the IDS? crud was gone!

    Names and Stats are ALL present.

    I do not know what the updated files were, but whatever they were...they fixed the whole thing.

    I did nothing prior to this (other than continue playing).

    I only have 2 comments:

    1. I still cannot get through the Sol Dimensional Anomaly.

    2. The added (or increased) "Motion Blur" is very blurry. (Changing/lowering Performance Details did not make any changes...so I left them where they were.)

    I am not terribly concerned...just commenting!

    I have very much appreciated all the help and suggestions and the time you all have spent trying to help me out.


    Never Outgunned

  • you can press the home button and change the shader settings there including the blur



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • Thanks again!!!

    I hope that the "effect" the latest update had for me might give a clue for someone's future situation.

    And again, all the advice and time you all spent on my "problems" is greatly appreciated.

    So, close the thread if you like...I'm now on my way to Tau Ceti (because not even a bribe opens the Sol Anomaly!!!)


    Never Outgunned

  • Ok so updates "fix" the problem but main problem still persists. I was trying to help by advise you to start fresh i dont know if you listen but if you do how do you get to that mission this fast?!? One think is on my mind that you deleted all saves but that prior to problematic mision or you using "crouches" so my suspicions obout corupted saves still stand. So that problematic dll file now alows to be overwriten magically? Cos that is updates surposed to do overwrites old files.Rly without solving that mission you cant finish the game and im sorry that i was not helping. Obout that blur you can just uncheck that box at the shader options by pressing home.

  • The only "problem" I have now is that the Sol Anomaly does not open!

    I'm not sure what you mean by finishing the game. I have finished the game and am continuing to play. I use planet Crossfire as home!

    When I first played, I stopped at some Outposts while traveling through Coalition space (instead of strictly following the Mission Waypoints). That's where I bought Vulcan Batteries. With your prior suggestion, I restarted from the beginning and when I got to the Coalition mission, I did not stop at other Outposts, did not buy anything and followed the Waypoints exactly. I followed the mission requirements exactly so as not to miss any triggers. After finishing the game, I still could not use the Sol Anomaly, and still cannot. It's no big deal now because I am playing, exploring and having a great time at it!!!

    By the way, I did try the "Home" process but could not see a "blur" related box. Would you be a bit more specific please?!?!

    And again, than ks for the reply and your time!


    Never Outgunned

  • I think it depence of which shader you r using i cant see that box also but it was there before.Now im using default shader in SP but i have to use vanilla in MP cos i get freezes and stutters acasionally and i cant risk that if im in combat or runing.